LaFrance budget focus is diversity, equity, inclusion that will cost Anchorage property owners even more


Mayor Suzanne LaFrance’s 2025 budget for Anchorage is proposed to be nearly $36.5 million more than the proposed budget by former mayor Dave Bronson for the 2024 budget cycle. The Anchorage Assembly boosted his budget to $611 million and overrode his budget vetoes.

This makes the LaFrance proposed budget the highest in Anchorage history and that is 6% higher than the proposed budget by Bronson, who was attempting to trim about $2.4 million from the prior year’s budget.

LaFrance’s budget is just barely below the tax cap, which is the amount that the city can tax property owners, which is $344 million. Property taxes cover about 60% of the city’s budget, with state and federal monies, as well as some fees covering the balance. The median homeowner in Anchorage pays $4,508 in property taxes to the municipality, the highest in the state.

Last year, the leftist Assembly blew through the tax cap for the first time in Anchorage history, when it revised Mayor Bronson’s budget higher, in violation of the law. The Assembly was forced to pull back some of its illegal spending plans, but still passed a budget higher far higher than Bronson had requested and overrode his vetoes. This year, the Assembly has been given only $173,300 to spend if it wants to go right up to the tax cap.

With capital budget items added in, the LaFrance 2025 budget will actually reach a record $645 million, about 4% more than this year’s overall budget of $620 million.

According to budget documents, the priorities of LaFrance’s ministration are diversity, equity, inclusion with plenty of workforce dedicated to social engineering goals, which include hiring people for ethnicity rather than skill or experience. There are many pages dedicated to the public libraries, and few pages dedicated to the criminal prosecution division of the Municipal Attorney.

In the capital budget, the mayor plans to spend $4.5 million on pedestrian safety. This means following the Assembly leadership’s lead in lowering speed limits around Anchorage, reinstalling lights that were removed when “light pollution” was the government fad, and even dedicating some of the asphalt roads to pedestrians. Most of the 13 pedestrian deaths this year were due to drug- or alcohol-infused vagrants wandering into the middle of the roads — outside of crosswalks — during broad daylight and without signaling to drivers their intention to take over the lane the drivers use. The deaths increased after last October, when the Anchorage Assembly passed an ordinance that makes jaywalking permissible in most circumstances.

The mayor also has several million budgeted for homeless, camp abatement, and other issues involving Anchorage’s growing criminal class that has taken over sidewalks and greenbelts.

In LaFrance’s budget letter to the Assembly, the 2025 budget includes key changes to:

  • Invest in housing, shelter, and camp abatement to address homelessness
    Expand the Mobile Crisis Team to 24-hour service – Fully fund the Anchorage Safety Patrol; shift service from the Anchorage Health Department to the Anchorage Fire Department to streamline crisis response
    Improve recruitment and retention in the Prosecutor’s Office – Raise snowplow operator pay to improve snow removal capacity, reliability, and expertise — Invest the Anchorage Child Care and Early Education Fund in stimulus payments to stabilize the childcare sector, and innovative pilot projects that improve access to quality, affordable childcare and early education
    Kickstart a new grants team focused on securing federal and state investments for Anchorage’s needs
    Make Municipal jobs more competitive to improve consistency and function of services

According to the mayor’s budget document, Anchorage has lost 12,000 residents during the past decade, and yet the homeless population has surged and the constant theme of government is that there is not enough housing, an indication that the working Alaskans are leaving the city and that nonworking members of society are filling in to a degree.

View the proposed budget here.

Check back for more analysis of the mayor’s proposed budget.


  1. The plague of mental illness seen on the streets of Anchorage is not organic. It has been cultivated by the Anchorage Assembly. There’s a direct connection.

  2. Great job Lafrance and Assembly.
    Lets blow every last dime on the homeless just like your mentors Biden/Harris did for their new illegal guests/voters they imported.
    Of course there wont be any natural disasters like major earthquakes creating deadly tsunamis or severe volcanic eruptions with catastrophic effects on the working class folks who will be left in the cold because there wont be a dime left locally or federally because of idiots who broke the pig to get the last dime.

    Cant thank the iignorant voters who embraced these idiots or cuss the lazy nonvoters enough.

    It must be time to move to greener pastures on account of the Bluesky voters because the horizon is getting darker every election.

  3. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are code words for human sacrifice. Trading success for failure, believing Nirvana is just another sacrifice away. And there is nothing like democracy to empower failure through human sacrifice.

  4. Imagine trimming the budget…
    Or having a little extra money in surplus…
    Oh, here is a great idea. Let’s just sprinkle in a sales tax
    You can officially add me to the 12000….
    The house is sold
    Popping smoke, im otta here
    Thank you Alaska ?
    Good luck good folks of the municipality of Anchorage ???

  5. Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will.

  6. It’s called over appraised and over valued housing. Because the voters turn down tax increases so they simply overestimate the value of your home to the point that the average working person can’t afford to live here resulting in many leaving Alaska…..

  7. No surprises here. She’s just making Anchorage more of a sh_thole and we knew that all along. You can thank dumb Anchorage voters.

  8. These lemmings have always been rudderless for the most part. In the 70’s it was “ global cooling “
    Then it was “global warming “ now the narrative is “ climate change “ yep….. change is pretty much daily.
    Save the trees, NO paper grocery bags.
    BUT paper straws good.
    Plastic bag now bad.
    Unity and inclusive bandwagon is now “celebrate diversity”
    Rudderless I tell ya.
    Any guesses on the combined total of the assembly and mayors credit score totaled then averaged?
    Leads me to wonder, if Soros has already done to the baby formula factories that he’s planning to do with the AM radio stations he’s in the process of acquiring.
    Poison it.

  9. With so few conservatives on the Assembly, Constant and the Poverty Express Team will be able shove this right down the throats of the taxpayer. Remember boys and girls: this Assembly loves the homeless and criminals more than they do the taxpayers.

  10. I have said and will keep saying:

    If you want a more conservative assembly, you must move the election to November to correspond to national/state elections. The April election allows the union phone banks to work as other people have lives.

    Matsu did this. It can be done with either a referendum or a change in state law. All these other ideas are mute about changing the makeup of the Assembly cannot work. It was ludicrous to think that Bronson could win again. Unions would not let that happen twice. Not enough normal people vote in April.

  11. Leftist will spend no end of other people’s money so they can look kind, caring, and benevolent.
    Putting the wants of the homeless before the needs of the taxpayers should be a criminal offense.

  12. Voters of Anchorage. You will now pay for your ideologue.

    All her grand plans will fail of course (“it just was never implemented properly”), but in the end all will be poorer in every way.

  13. 60 yrs and I would never have imagined the sh*t hole transformation of a once beautiful place to call home. Thank you to all the stupid voters that have infiltrated this town and state.

  14. The infiltrators have taken over the city. None of these people are actually FROM here and they have been working on impoverishing the property owner since they got here.

  15. So. Here is the deal. The final truth, as it were, regarding the ‘Leadership’ of supposed Mayor LaFrance, her administration, and the assembly.

    Unto THEM, the necessity of the public tax largesse is to support those that contribute no tax funding within their own support, and instead, take completely, at 100%, said support from the public tax largesse.

    Unto US, the actual taxpayers, whether it be actual homeowners or rent payers, so as to somehow support THEM, without any sort of recompense of result, of which there is none.

    THIS is what they have said unto the taxpayer and renter. The support of the homeless is a necessity, and therefore must be funded by the taxpayer and renter of Anchorage as such.

    Within a winter city such as Anchorage, snow management is a PRIVILEGE and must be paid through additional specific taxation.

    Within addition, speed limits must be lowered so as to allow more time for operators of vehicles to react unto individuals walking out into the middle of the street in front of them wearing dark clothing with no prewarning.

    Guess what? A pedestrian wandering within the middle of the road dressed in dark clothing between any semblance of a crossing shall just as likely be killed by a vehicle travelling at 30 mph as 45 mph.

    The onus is upon the pedestrian, not the operator of the vehicle, just as it always has been, no matter what speed.

    Just this morning, as I go to work very early, at 05.30 am, I counted no less than 10 ‘Zombies’, as I call them, either walking within the street itself, or just off the sidewalk, all wearing dark clothing, with NO reflective gear whatsoever.

    Hey, Zaletel, you want to protect your beloved homeless population? Provide them with reflective clothing!

    Or would that be something that would be a deterrent unto your ultimate goal of utilizing the nameless and hopeless so as to further your own riches?

    Somehow, I firmly believe that it would, as you do not truly care about the ‘homeless’ themselves, but rather what riches they, as a group, bring unto you, you incorporate and filth fullness individual.

    You disgust me and should all other citizens that give of their own time and money so as to support those as individuals that you simply see as numbers so as to pad your own wealth.

    Go away and let those who actually care for those whom you identify as needing help do so.

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