KINY cuts ‘Problem Corner’ show and Wade Bryson hangs up the microphone


The long-running call-in show at Juneau’s KINY radio station is coming to an end. It’s been a staple in Juneau for about 70 years, with Juneauites calling in and guests pontificating on topics of local interest.

For some of those years, the late Sen. (and former Mayor) Dennis Egan hosted the show. He also owned the radio station.

Wade Bryson, the host for the past 16 years, who also serves on the Juneau Assembly, told the audience Friday that he had been thinking about retiring from the show and at the same time was told by KINY that the show would be ending. Bryson’s critics say he used the show to promote his own political interests.

Although it was clear that Bryson thinks the show should continue, with a new host at least, he said it is a victim of modern technology. Next week will be its final week.

In 2022, an out-of-state company bought KINY, KJNO, KTKU, KSUP, KXXJ, and Hawk 107.9 in Juneau, two stations in Sitka, KSBZ and KIFW, and two in Ketchikan, KTKN and KGTW.


  1. Nothing dies. Just material and delivery of it determines somethings future. Which I am currently praying for KATB 89.3 FM that it doesn’t die but grow stronger whether God improves its current management or God retires and replaces rather than close down His Station cause I have doubts in its organization and communication methods and priorities. Cause I think it’s needed while Alaska churches are doing internal housekeeping, and the people need an external church family to get the Word. Things that fold o struggle it’s never the original mission it’s the people behind the mission. Sometimes they need to improve their delivery and even content and sometimes workers have to go somewhere else.

  2. Never listen to the Ketchikan stations, including the “free one”, lousy music, tainted news.
    Thank Gosh for online entertainment.
    Cheers, AmJ

  3. This is stupid. Really stupid. Dump Wade if you must, but to can a 70 year community staple for….reasons?
    At one point or another, everybody listens to Problem Corner.

    How is it a victim of modern technology?

  4. I don’t understand why there’s so much news about Juneau in MRA. Nobody outside of Juneau itself gives a damn about what’s going on there. There is a lot of Alaska that doesn’t even think Juneau is part of Alaska and actually is a part of Washington.

    • If it makes you happy, most of us here don’t give a damn about the mainland, either.
      Stop sending us your worthless politicians.

      • MA ,unless you live in Douglas or on Shelter Island, you most assuredly live on the ” Mainland” commonly referred to as North America. I hope this clears up your geographic misconceptions.

    • John, I note that the majority of reporting on this site centers on a place called Anchorage and its Seattle like form of Municipal government. However being a student of geography I can attest that Juneau like Anchorage is firmly inside the boundaries of the State of Alaska.

  5. Juneau’s media is worthless. The radio stations have all gone woke and just replay CBS news (if you can call it that) over and over every hour. I can get all the radio shows I like on Iheart without the annoying commercials.

  6. Have listened to KINY since mid-1940s. Lately Problem corner & news was all that was worth listening to. Had the music “loops” memorized so even turned them off. Guess I’ll give it all up now.

  7. so what happened to the railroad stories scathed from the line up of stories here. is ARRC claiming their extra special whiners status again as they do Every time their over the top bad business practices receive comments? 800 hundred pound gorillas.

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