Ketchikan police chief indicted for assault


A Ketchikan grand jury returned an indictment Thursday for Ketchikan Police Chief Jeffrey Harrison Walls, for one count of assault in the third degree and misdemeanor charges. The charges stem from an incident at the Salmon Falls Resort restaurant on Sept. 10, while the chief was off-duty having a drink with his wife at the bar. A drunken patron allegedly assaulted the chief and his wife, which led to the altercation.

The Alaska State Troopers responded and investigated the matter.

Five misdemeanor counts were added to the charges: three counts of assault in the fourth degree, and two counts of reckless endangerment. If convicted, Walls faces up to five years in prison.

Walls’ arraignment is scheduled for Friday at 11 am in Ketchikan before Superior Court Judge Katherine Lybrand.

The case is being handled by the Office of Special Prosecutions.


  1. Did I miss something? The chief and his wife were assaulted by a drunk, the chief defended himself and his wife, and the chief was arrested for assault. Me thinks there be more to this than reported, or, self defense is illegal in Alaska, at least against a drunk.

  2. Seems like a great opportunity for prospective jurors to invoke jury nullification.
    Running the perpetrator out of town seems like a productive option too.

  3. The Chief is probably a Republican…….heaven forbid, and a Conservative. If the Chief needs financial contributions for his defense, he’s come to the right place.

  4. KTUU says first the antagonist intentionally slammed into the cop’s chair and both got up and shook hands. An hour later the same dirtbag intentionally slammed into the cop’s wife’s chair.

    Whomever the antagonist was you can bet he knew the cop and is likely societal trash of the type that we need cops for. Slamming into a woman’s chair because you have a problem w/ her husband though? Whatever Walls did was acceptable and whomever the Trooper was that trumped up these charges is likely to be a wanna be reader at the Loussac transvestite children’s hour show.

    Remember the black cop that rubbed a couple knots on the mean spirited bum that liked to provoke cops? That black guy was in the right. This Walls cop? He’s definitely in the right.

    Alaska is becoming infested with delicate little enablers that feign outrage when society makes a natural move to sanitize itself and those types are all over. Here’s a perfect example of one, here:


    Nicely done, Mr. Walls.

  5. Always treat off duty officers and especially their families with respect. Reason- First of all because the Bible commands it and secondly because they are really never ‘ off duty’!! And neither are their families but especially in public!!

  6. Always treat off duty officers and especially their families with respect. Reason- First of all because the Bible commands it and secondly because they are really never ‘ off duty’!! And neither are their families but especially in public!!

  7. Push buttons push buttons then when dude wants to kick your a–, call the authorities.. life Alaskan style

  8. Great-grandpa’s generation didn’t report their brawls to police. If an officer questioned, a response came like ‘sir! We just having a friendly meeting,’ the polite way telling whoever to butt out. As well as respecting the bar mantra ‘what happens in the bar, stays in the bar.’ Great-grandpa’s generation was so cool, they didn’t tattle

  9. Doesn’t this law enforcement guy’s experience just make you want to get back to alcohol again? NO! I don’t think so! Avoid alcohol. It is not a vacation from Alaska.

    • Ever been in a grand jury? Depending on the DA or ADA they can be guided any which way the lawyers choose and often are.

      Frankly, if these were two common citizens I absolutely promise you this would have gone nowhere. Nada, not even to the starting gate.

      Yes, I do have the “been there.”

      What almost certainly happened was that the instigator made a stink and now the SOA has to make an example with OSPA.

      The instigator is a local problem child, and yes, not enough of a man to accept what he was asking for.

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