Kenai Republicans endorse Mayor Charlie Pierce for gov


On the Kenai Peninsula, District 29 (now District 8), District 30 (now District 7) and the Republican Women of the Kenai have all voted unanimously to endorse Charlie Pierce for governor. These are party activists who typically raise money and volunteer to support candidates.

Pierce announced in January that he would be a candidate for governor, running as a Republican against the sitting Republican Gov. Mike Dunleavy. The Alaska Republican Party, at its January meeting, endorsed Dunleavy, but since then Republican Chris Kurka, who announced his campaign in November, is working to get his district’s Republican endorsement.

Both Kurka and Pierce are expected to be nominated for endorsements at the Alaska Republican Party’s convention in Fairbanks, April 21-23. The party may vote to endorse them, along with Dunleavy, which would allow the party to spend money to support their candidacies; without a party endorsement, the party cannot financially support their campaigns. The effect might be slight, since the party doesn’t have a lot of cash anyway.

With ranked-choice voting, the top four vote getters in the primary proceed to the general election ballot, where voters rank them in the order they prefer. That means there may be two or more Republicans on the November ballot. Also running are fake-independent Bill Walker and Democrat Les Gara, both of which are aggressively raising hundreds of thousands of dollars and behaving as a friendly pair who understand how to work the ranked-choice ballot to their advantage.


  1. I was going to vote for Charlie.. I have a weird feeling he works with the seattle fishing overlords. I’m not voting for Thief Walker or Comrade les either. So It looks like Kurka has my vote. He seems to be the only one with nads.

    • I have known Charlie for many years. He is a honest hard working man. Plain spoken but is truly a man of his word and absolutely has my support.

  2. We heard Charlie Pierce talk about Alaska fishing last week. He said Alaska needs to support both Sport and Commercial fishing. He would work toward a balanced approach for both. You may change your mind when you have a chance to hear him.

  3. A lawsuit was filed in Washington state suing the SE Alaska salmon fisheries and I believe NOAA. I don’t know what the status is because as usual the media is hush hush about this. Too many Republican govs running, ranked choice voting was designed for this. This will propel a Democrat to the top. If we get a Democrat governor it’s all over.

  4. I just recieved my copy of the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner from the future.

    Thursday, November 10.


    I’m beginning to like none of the above.

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