‘Keep Dunleavy’ group forms


A group calling itself “Keep Dunleavy” has registered with the Alaska Public Offices Commission.

Chaired by Cynthia Henry, national committeewoman for the Alaska Republican Party, the stated mission of the new group is to oppose the recall of Gov. Mike Dunleavy.

A recall effort is underway and signatures are being gathered to put the question on a statewide ballot, either in a special election or an existing statewide election, such as the primary or general election. Dunleavy was elected in November of 2018, and the recall efforts began in February of 2019.

The matter still awaits a court hearing on March 25, but many observers say the Alaska Supreme Court will approve the question for the ballot, based on the justices’ political leanings.


    • Would never sign the recall petition. Dunleavy is doing a great job and the liberal/democrats of this state are the problem! Furthermore, tell the petition gatherers to stop lying about what they are offering people to sign. I have heard some pretty ridiculous crap coming out of their mouths in the past when they were trying to get people to sign their petitions. Of course they are all about lies and deception when it comes to their cause and think nothing of it. Thank God that getting a signature doesn’t mean that the people will vote that way, and it certainly doesn’t mean that half of the people who signed the darn thing will even vote . . . period.

    • He is doing as much as he can regarding the promises he made and I helped elect him for. Every time I see these petition peddlers I will loudly and happily cry out “Hell no! Go Dunleavy!’.

    • Nayhem – Do you even know why the attempt to recall the governor is even occurring? Or are you just following along with another relativistic, left leaning strategy? I found it funny that those gathering the signatures early on really could not explain any real basis for the recall.

      • I very well understand why many Alaskans are working to recall Dunleavy.

        Recall Dunleavy remains a broad, bipartisan, Alaskan-driven movement of people who care too much about our state to watch this governor cause irreversible economic harm and social distress to our home.

        Dunleavy lacks a basic understanding of his own constituents and what we care about: respect for separation of powers, responsible planning for economic stability, and competent decision making that makes Alaska a great place to live.

        We are counting on Alaskans to stand tall to recall Governor Mike Dunleavy, whose extreme actions have unequivocally demonstrated that he is the wrong man for the job.

        • None of the things you cited as reasons for recall are true and supportable. The movement is not bipartisan, t is driven by the left which lost the election and wants another way to put in their person (which wouldn’t happen anyway). This is how the left deals with losing elections nowadays. This won’t work.

  1. I do not understand on what grounds they are wanting to recall Dunleavy ? I moved here 4 years ago from Texas. Where could not have a legal election any longer. Where there would be men in orange jumpsuits holding politial signs in and around the voting area streets for the elections of judges, city, mayor and so on. After my move to Alaska I studied every canadate for election. Dunleavy like any human is not perfert but for this job he had strong values and maybe able to fight for justice for the people.

    • Half the folks who want to recall Dunleavy are nothing more than a bunch of sore losers who are mad because the governor cut budget to their pet projects. The other half are trying to overturn the election and nullify the will of the people because their man didn’t win.

    • There are no grounds. Smoke and mirrors. They began the recall effort right after he was elected. There wasn’t even time for him to commit or not commit anything. No law against attempting recall. It is though a bit astounding it has gone this far with really no foundation.

      • The grounds for the recall have been clearly and properly presented before the courts.

        I think you’ll find the courts are the proper place to adjudicate the matter.

        It’s gone this far because the courts have so far agreed there are grounds to proceed.

  2. The statement that the justices will allow the recall petition gathering based on their political view is without substantiation.

    If you actually read the Alaska Constitution and the statutory provisions pertaining to how recall of elected officials operate in our state it is apparent that the citizens have a constitutional right to recall their elected officials. There are, of course, constraints on how recalls can take place.

    No recall of any elected official can take place before 180 days has elapsed from the time an official is elected or within 180 days of when the officials term expires.

    And the statutory provisions related to recall of officials basically require two significant petition drives. The specific grounds the petitioners must adhere to do not allow the court system to conduct a trial on the merits of the recall. Basically if the folks seeking to recall one of their elected officials get a large number of initial signatures, they then required to get a second round of signatures in an even larger amount. Then and only then, can a recall be election be scheduled. Before the recall election is held, there will be a campaign where the official can make their views on the recall known and the citizens can speak out on why the official should be recalled.

    The procedural grounds put into play by the folks seeking to recall Mike Dunleavy discussed four factors. 1. Failure to fund certain government functions deemed essential. That ground was tossed out and rightfully so. 2. Cutting the court systems budget. I predict the Alaska Supreme Court will say the Governor acted within his constitutional duties when vetoing the court system budget. 3. The charge that the Governor used public funds to attack other politicians is probably enough to sustain the petition gathering. The Governor has Tuckerman Babcock to thank for this move. 4. The Governor didn’t timely appoint a judge as required by the constitution and statute. This will allow the petition to go forward.

    Time will tell.

    • Since the person being recalled can challenge the Grounds for recall, yes, a hearing is conducted to determine if the Grounds are sufficient. No recalls have actually occurred in our state, because the Court has not upheld the Grounds presented, in any instance ! So, the Court does rule on the merits of the recall and always has. Your statement is fallacious.

      • The Alaska courts certainly have upheld grounds for recalling a previous governor.

        The grounds presented to the courts in the 1991 effort to recall Lt. Gov. Jack Coghill were approved by the courts.

        …and I believe the courts are poised once again to approve the grounds for removing Dunleavy.

    • There is no petition. Should the recall proceed to the special election, you will get to vote, and if you want, there will be opportunities to support the Governor’s campaign…

        • I think the liberals and Democrats are the ones who want the State to just hand over checks to them. The Governor is doing exactly what we voted him in to do – to cut back on over the top spending, over the top government, and programs that are unsustainable and where the amount of funding is not warranted (i.e. for one, the University of Alaska).

          • We need to vote out all those who voted to take our permanent away from us !! And voted against Dunleavy!! Plus the ones in office who started this Recall !!

  3. If you want to keep Big Mike you better get off your duff and work to retain him. This action by the leftist is well timed and heavily supported by lots of special interests which see State $ as their life blood.

  4. The courts can and have decided whether any petition seeking to recall an elected official meets the procedural grounds set out in the Alaska Constitution and statute but the judiciary is not required and will not pass judgment on the merits of a petition seeking to recall an elected official, If the petition conforms with the procedural requirements, there will be an election to determine whether the “merits” of the petition are sufficient. In the end, after the procedural requirements established in the constitution and statute are followed, the citizens get to pass judgment on the merits of whatever the petition claims, a process that is fair given that the governmental powers in Alaska ultimately are grounded in the people

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