Kathy Henslee certified for win in GOP primary for District 23


The recount is over and Kathy Henslee, who ran against Connie Dougherty in the Republican Primary, is the winner — by 5 votes — in District 23, Anchorage.

That’s one more vote than Henslee had before the recount was requested by Dougherty. The final count is 633 to 628.

“If you ever needed any more evidence that every vote counts, look no further than this race. Just over 19% of District 23 registered voters participated in the election,” said Kris Warren, district chairman for D-23 Republicans. “Shameful.”

Henslee will go forward to challenge Rep. Chris Tuck in the General Election. Tuck is the Democrat incumbent who serves a district that is majority Republican, with 2,696 registered GOP to 2,100 registered Democrats.

Dougherty’s political career is not over. Several are talking about getting her to run for the Anchorage Assembly, as she has had two races that have built her name recognition in the Campbell Creek-Taku area of Anchorage.


  1. Bravo!

    Kathy’s plan for limited growth and controlling spending will be a welcome change from Chris Tuck’s votes dictated by the unions.

    Connie Dougherty would be a welcome voice of reason on the Assembly representing District 3.

  2. I was OK with either Connie or Kathy but my wife and I voted for Connie because we thought she might have had a bit of an edge in winning over Chris Tuck. We will now be all in for Kathy as Chris Tuck really needs to find something else to do…he is clearly one of the more ‘counter-productive legislators that get sent to Juneau…

  3. If this district works hard from now until Nov. 3 they can have a great voice speaking for them in the incoming House Majority.

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