Kathy Henslee campaign kickoff draws 75


The April, 2022 race for Anchorage Assembly is off to a strong start with Kathy Henslee taking on incumbent Meg Zaletel, the same Zaletel who is also under the shadow of a recall attempt for District 4, a south midtown seat.

About 75 people gathered at the Henslee campaign headquarters in Spenard on Thursday to hear Henslee speak about the city she was born and raised in, and how she wants to be part of bringing it back to life. She said that Anchorage has become almost unrecognizable under the leftist leadership of the past six years, and it’s time to turn the corner.

Henslee has taken over the office space where Mayor Dave Bronson had his transition office. Bronson was at the event to introduce Henslee and throw his support to her candidacy. She also launched a website.

Watch part of her kickoff campaign remarks at this Facebook link:


  1. Was this advertised anywhere? If I had heard about it before now, I would have attended and offered my support.

  2. Kathy will do a great job for Anchorage on the assembly….she ran a great race for the House, in the last election, and beat Chris Tuck on election day but lost by a few votes in the final count weeks later to the dem’s ballot harvest mail in ballot farce that was heavily pushed by Chris Tuck throughout that race.

    • Chris Tuck wins every election without campaigning, your Lt Gov Meyer said it was a fair well run election. Making stuff up does not change the results

  3. We have a person who is the grass root for the people, She runs a small business in which, she hear the people as she works and hears the people’s wants and needs. She has her ears to the ground.

  4. I have decided to actively campaign and support any candidate running against a sitting Assembly member. I do not care if they are in my district or not. If I cannot knock on doors, I will, at a minimum, donate to their campaign.
    2020, and the panicdemic proved to anyone paying attention that the Assembly is negligent in representing the best interests of the taxpayers and residents of Anchorage.
    If you are unhappy about the way this city is going, get active. What the Assembly does will screw up your day to day life a thousand times worse than what the Federal Government does. Pay attention, and get any Assembly member who has ignored the will of the people off the Assembly.

  5. Yes, it begins. It is time to eradicate anti-freedom, anti-Constitution leftist thugs from positions of power. Americans must stand up now and tell the left, this is our country and we have had enough of your radical policies destroying it. Call Dunleavy and tell him that if he wants to be re-elected, he must come out publicly for a full forensic audit of the State and promote tighter election laws with I.D. and no mail in ballots! Measure 2 must be repealed and there must be no Mask or Vaccine Mandates!

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