Kamala Harris is trying to shore up the black male vote, which has proved elusive to her.
Her new plan to bring in the black male vote is a promise that she will, as president, forgive taxpayer-funded business loans up to $20,000 for black male entrepreneurs, and to legalize marijuana. She also has plans for crypto, to “make sure owners of and investors in digital assets benefit from a regulatory framework so that Black men and others who participate in this market are protected.”
Her new opportunity plan for black men includes easier pathways for them to engage in a legalized marijuana trade. In addition, she has plans to forgive student loan debt for black male teachers.

According to the National Institutes of Health, In 2019, approximately 48 million people (17.5%) ages 12 and over in the United States reported using cannabis in the past year. Among past-year cannabis users, 3.5 million reported initiating cannabis use for the first time that year.
“The heavy and prolonged use of cannabis has been linked to several adverse health effects such as memory impairment, issues with executive functioning, and increased risk for developing a mental illness. Furthermore, the literature posits that 30% of weekly cannabis users will be diagnosed with Cannabis Use Disorder (CUD) in their lifetime. Despite the associated health risks, the perceived risk associated with weekly cannabis use has declined among all age groups (i.e., 12 and over) within the past-year, indicating increased likelihood for problematic use,” the NIH said in this paper.
The race for president is described by the media and pollsters as close, but the betting markets have broken for Donald Trump. Polymarket, one of the leading online betting sites, shows dramatic shift to Trump in recent days, which may have prompted Harris to use the marijuana-for-votes tactic in her campaign.

Who do you think will win in November? Leave your prediction in the comment section below.
HaHa! Vote for me and I will buy you ice cream, said the student running for school president! She’s getting desperate!
Yes vote for me and I will outlaw all politicians from lying.
It’s both illegal and racist.
What’s wrong with these people.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
So if you vote for her, she will work harder to destroy the country.
Isn’t that a function of Congress to pass such a law? Who does she think she is? The Queen?
Or the Wicked Witch of the East?
It’s a stunt, offered by a losing candidate. Black men don’t, and won’t, fall for her lies and false temptations. Black men will vote for Trump in massive numbers.
Yea, black men will get motivated by watching Trump stand on a stage for 39 minutes straight, silently swaying to Ave Maria & YMCA. That energy will drive them to the voting booth in unprecedented numbers! I’ve also seen quite a few wearing heavy orange makeup lately, it’s unbelievable the effect Trump is having!
Try actually reading the article and actually having facts sometime.
Informed is good.
Seriously, even the mainstream news media (ABC, etc…) know what went down was not Trump going off the rails. But, why let reality get in the way. Uninformed and opinionated, what could go wrong?
I think most call this racism but if you are democrat/liberal/progressive it’s just another day at the office. This is how you know Kommie Harris campaign are in its death spiral.
If he can avoid politically blowing himself up between now and election day, the Donald should prevail. It is a big “IF” however, as he likes to spontaneously do strange stuff. It has much to do with impulse control.
He’s trying awfully hard to self destruct it seems. That attempt to upstate gold star families was prime.
Thinking now about taking a DNA test to see how much African DNA is in me. If not enough I join a tanning shop, get stoned repeatedly and think of a business I can start that if fails I’m protected and Vote.for Harris.
You probably have more that you realize. Lol
Ironic since she made her reputation jailing black men for weed.
She also hinted at reparations.
Weed is being legalized everywhere. She better hurry.
Stoned voters are sure to praise her as their leader.
Free ice cream worked for keeping Dementia Joe out of the important meetings.
Her mouth is moving so she lying again.
I will make everybody rich so vote for me.
People that vote for stupidity need to get plenty of it.
It’s interesting to see the choice of MRAK to use polling from Polymarket.com, which is very right leaning and is well known to favor Rebpublican overall. Maybe the author should have use other resources available at ‘https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national/, showing who is ahead and the margin. The race is way closer than +10 for trump!
Just finished a two week road trip in America, with lots of extra screen time for pundits, etc. The array of issues facing the country heavily favors the conservative candidate. The border and the “woke” stuff are receiving a lot of play in America. The Left’s candidate has never done a comprehensive or difficult national campaign. She exposes the great difficulty of campaigning on “values”. “Values”, at bottom, are meaningless. And she ain’t very smart. The Donald has obvious flaws. If he can avoid self-destruction, he should prevail.
538 no longer has Nate Silver, and when he sold, he took his algorithm with him. It is now nothing more than another poll from another leftist news media outlet. The Democrats are always the home team, favored by +3 pts.
WOW- Racist and sexist at the same time. And Illegal, can’t discriminate based on these. Such a legal example she is.
Y’all are just confused because when you read “targeting black men”, you think of something completely different.
It’s long overdue to legalize marijuana is the USA. Alcohol does far more damage, but no one is interested in taking away that lucrative business model.
Reminder, they tried it back in the 1920’s(alcohol)..It never worked..
The Alaska experience in legal cannibus debunks virtually everything in this hit piece. Trump has also come out for legalizing.
You can’t go by that though. Trump has flipped on a lot of things, including abortion, taxes, and his stroke you under the table relationship with Putin. He even sent the man covid tests.
Wow, Greg. Seriously?
Only a simpleton thinks shocking is the equivalent of clever.
That is a new low, even for you.
I mistakingly thought you had turned over a new leaf and was being thoughtfully civil, holding your tounge and insults. Again, my mistake.
Sorry, Greg. But if you insist on writing grade school level tripe “…nd his stroke you under the table relationship with Putin.” you lost the right to have your comment ignored.
And, what was not civil, or insulting about my comment? Did I call you names?
Yes, I did write “Only a simpleton thinks shocking is the equivalent of clever.” And, you assumed I was speaking directly about you?
It is not all about you Greg.
No, you mean to everyone.
Thanks for noticing. I try so hard, and just never seem to get the appreciation I think I deserve.
Cannabis has been wholly destructive in Alaska, with commercialization now creating an even more lucrative black market culture and trafficking that avoids the taxes. And have you noticed how the homelessness and degeneracy in Alaska has exploded since weed was legalized. Pot smoking makes people mentally ill. Proven fact. Open your eyes, unless you’re in a marijuana haze. If that’s your thing, keep your eyes closed. That sh*t is bad for your eyes, your lungs, and your brain.
Lots of people don’t like to hear this view. For them, the fashionable and especially the media, marijuana is nothing less than a wonder drug.
I think Obama already ticked off too many black men for them to be fooled by this.
Why don’t the democrats just go to the polling places and had out money before you vote!
I prefer free beer. Money isn’t as valuable as it once was.
All white men should see this and run the other way. No white guy should vote for this racist after this statement.
That in an of itself would be a racist act. Best to vote your heart instead of with your eyes.
I would rather vote with my mind.
And, when a candidate makes it abundantly clear that I will be treated differently by their administration because of my skin color, I am going to say “nope.”
That is what is called thinking. Did I say white people should not vote for her because of her skin color? Nope. I said they should not vote for her because she is a racist.
Saw a video not long ago by Jamal Trulove, a black man who had been wrongly convicted, and had spent 6 years in prison before the truth came out. He distinctly remembered Kamala being at his sentencing; she laughed hydterically after the sentence was handed down. at the very end of the video, he looks into the camera and says “sh!t ain’t funny.” I’d imagine that sentiment sums up the feelings of most young black men toward Harris.
Where can we watch this video?
Kamala is promising lots of very generous gifts using other people’s money. The total cost of her promises are so much that the only way the promises can be fulfilled is if there is hyper-inflation and the dollar becomes essentially worthless.
Which will also make these gifts worthless.
Vote accordingly.
The dollars value is limited to 4 years give or take. The world’s money supply will be once again based on gold. A barter system locally.
Ummm….does anybody else see this as a straight-out bribe?
A ‘Forgivable’ $20,000 loan?
You could call it that but groups have been doing that to unions and organizations for decades if not centuries.
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