Vice President Kamala Harris in 2021 slammed Italian explorer Christopher Columbus and other Europeans for acts against the people living in the Americas when Christopher Columbus first arrived.
European explorers like Columbus, who was an Italian-Jew, “ushered in a wave of devastation, violence, stealing land, and widespread disease” she said.
Harris expanded on her Italophobic and anti-Semitic theories to the National Congress of American Indians, one day after Columbus Day, which the Biden Administration has renamed Indigenous Peoples Day.
She said that Italians spread diseases and implied that they did so intentionally.
“Since 1934, every October the United States has recognized the voyage of the European explorers who first landed on the shores of the Americas,” she said. “But that is not the whole story. That has never been the whole story.”
Then she went in for the kill shot against Jewish and European immigrants: “Those explorers ushered in a wave of devastation for tribal nations — perpetrating violence, stealing land, and spreading disease,” she said. She went on to talk about how the Covid virus was unfair to indigenous people, whose lives she labeled a “plight.”
Harris ignored the fact that pre-contact indigenous people in the Americas had short lifespans, conducted wars, took slaves, and went through many eras of hardship before Europeans ever arrived and took over the land.
Although the data is not definitive, the average lifespan of a Native American in the year 1500 was between 25 and 35 years. Rarely did American hunter-gatherers live past the age of 50. In 1500 the lifespan of Italians was 69.
According to the National Indian Council on Aging, American Indian and Alaska Native individuals have the lowest life expectancy, at about 72 years, when compared with other races and ethnicities. In 2022, life expectancy was 78.8 years, on average, for white people, 74.8 years for black people, and 81.9 years for Hispanics.
That means that Native Americans now have twice the lifespan they had before contact with Europeans.
“Native Americans are more likely to live in poverty, to be unemployed, and often struggle to get quality health care and to find affordable housing,” Harris said in 2021.
What are Native Americans dying from? According to the Indian Health Service, “American Indians and Alaska Natives continue to die at higher rates than other Americans in many categories, including chronic liver disease and cirrhosis, diabetes mellitus, unintentional injuries, assault/homicide, intentional self-harm/suicide, and chronic lower respiratory diseases.” The leading cause of chronic lower respiratory disease is smoking.
On Monday, the U.S. Department of Defense continued the insult against Italian heritage and history in the Americas by highlighting the day only as Indigenous People’s Day, and ignoring Columbus Day altogether, as it seeks to distance itself from the official holiday that has been celebrated in America since 1792.
“Today, we honor and celebrate the rich cultures, histories and contributions of the Indigenous communities around the world. Together, we can learn, support and uplift Indigenous voices as we work towards a more inclusive future,” The Department of Defense wrote on Twitter/X.
Columbus Day was first celebrated in the United States on Oct. 12, 1792, on the 300th anniversary of Christopher Columbus’s landing in America. The first official Columbus Day holiday was established in 1892 by President Benjamin Harrison to mark the 400th anniversary. Then, in response to the lynching of 11 Italian Americans in New Orleans in 1891, President Franklin D. Roosevelt made Columbus Day an annual holiday. The Biden-Harris Administration is working hard to undo the work of President Harrison and FDR.
Really – and what
Of all the “things” to draw from History, a fifth grader had a better answer, if asked. Perfect examples for Kamala being a go-pher. Not a leader.
The hundreds of thousands of illegals let in the United States are leaving communist Countries and Countries surrounded by communism. They need to be educated, to know that if they vote for the democrats, they’re voting into the United States the socialism marxism and communism they left behind.
Educate them, talk to them – instead of kicking them to the curb. Education is the key over failure.
Elissa Sangi, so “education is the key over failure?” Your logic is brilliant. All those highly-educated Marxist professors in US universities indoctrinating our young people with communist/socialist ideology is the key over failure? Got it.
The indoctrination process is more forceful than ever. With Kamala Harris as president, the History of our country will turn itself completely around and the next generation of youth will be FORCED to learn the lies of the Left. Stop this POS on November 5 by voting for Trump.
You are correct. However, they are blinded by the money being handed to them, so they aren’t likely to listen They have no idea that after the election, all the money will disappear and everyone will be screwed.
So what about the millions you’re currently letting in this country ?
She is blaming everybody else for the problems this country has.
A place to blame is the politicians with her the worst one yet.
Our political elite don’t care about Americans. They care about their pocket and power.
If the church Clergy had its way, the Columbus Voyage would never have departed Palos Spain and stood with their backs to the vessels during departure and thought the voyage too distant, the world was flat and sailors would meet their doom.
Summarize; Once again the Bible was wrong as it has consistently before Columbus and since.
None of that is true. At what point have you slandered your neighbors enough?
The only thing wrong is the way some interpret the Bible. A careful reading will show the Bible itself is not wrong.
The Bible does not say the world is flat, anywhere. Some ignorant church leaders said that. The Bible actually speaks of “the circle of the earth” (Isaiah 40:22), which is either a reference to its shape, or to its orbit.
Columbus knew the earth wasn’t flat
It was pretty well established in 600-500 BC or so by a couple fellas named Pythagoras and Aristotle that the world was spherical and wasn’t flat. Kinda like how the proposed Pebble Mine doesn’t cover 365 square miles or whatever made up number you are still clinging to…but facts have never been your strong suit.
Religious folks hang on to beliefs far too log. Aristotle was pointed out as a heretic.
Bible has been re-written many times because of inaccuracy’s such as , stars are 10 feet in diameter, earth the center of the universe, parting of the Red Sea, a man walked on water, man has a everlasting spirit, all of course fiction and yes pebble exec’s were caught on tape lying about the size of the (proposed) mine and were convicted of security’s fraud in June of 2023.
So keep on with your post’s, I know them as curse.
You’ve refuted nothing I’ve said, as per usual.
Do you know that you just committed blasphemy? Which is the only sin that is unforgivable. I pity you.
That’s rich! She really needs to take a reality check. She’s not playing with a full deck! She’s definitely got a very dark history ?
GO Columbus!
No, Go Vikings, and Chinese. Both got here before Columbus.
Pure fiction. Go have a few more beers, Forkner.
I don’t know about the Chinese; I have heard that the Vikings did a lot of sailing and may have landed on many continents because their boats were superior in craftsmanship (according to artifacts found). I wish I could remember where I read/heard this.
They had settlements in Canada. They may have gotten as far as Minnesota.
Wait! What? I thought Kamala never met an “immigrant” she didn’t like?!!!
Columbus is the only illegal immigrant the democrats do not adore.
In 1492 the medical knowledge was very limited. Columbus had no idea he was going to give the natives he met a disease. In fact Columbus was thinking he was going to India, where Europeans had been for ages. The thought that he was introducing a disease to a population that had no immunity to it never crossed his mind.
But, that will not stop the uneducated from claiming Columbus is evil in some way.
The “F.. your feelings crowd” typically gets bunched up every Columbus day! And apparently their leader soiled himself during an over-emotional speech. There is only 3 weeks to go, try to keep it together!
I did not realize you though the wokester leftists were the F your feelings crowd in your mind.
Native Americans, like everyone in the United States, has benefited from modern medicine and evolution to a smaller extent.
But back in the day, the Europeans sure brought on there fair share of destruction to the Americas, all for a little bit of gold and after that land. Actually, it was more than a little bit of gold, because the amount of gold and silver on those treasure ships was financing wars back in Europe. Cortez himself slaughtered a whole civilization in about a day and a 1/2
The aftermath of destruction came from disease because native Americans had no natural immunity, too many illnesses.
So yes, people as a whole.Are they even longer now, put sane that western expansionism didn’t negatively affect native americans is pretty irresponsible.
Greg, a lot of word salad there. In reality, the indigenous Americans gained far more than they lost. Europeans brought them out of the stone age, which was a comparatively miserable existence. They didn’t even have an alphabet. European settlers made the USA the best country in the history of the world. Now the indigenous are Americans with equal standing along side all who are blessed to be so. Imagine if the Chinese, Japanese or Russians settled North America. Its good to be thankful for FREEDOM.
It was bound to happen, but natives settled the continent. Had societies. The conquers were just that with no sugar coating.
One man’s treasure can be harvested from another man’s weakness. Budweiser, Jim Beam, marijuana, Johnny Walker, opioids, vodka, cocaine, Canadian Club, Marlboro, crack……..the tools that the Left knows will buy votes.
There is not a single landmass on the planet that has not experienced at least one, if not many, transitions of populations over the centuries, most not peacefully. Why is the movement of Europeans to North America so different that it alone was “wrong”? Does anyone really believe that the indigenous North American tribes in the centuries before Columbus treated each another any better than they were ultimately treated by the Europeans?
As for Cortez, do your homework. He toppled one of the most brutal regimes ever to exist, a “civilization” that glorified in the bloody slaughter and ritual cannibalism of their surrounding communities. Cortez’ small force was supplemented by tens of thousands of local warriors who had been subjugated and preyed upon by the Aztec cult for decades, and when they overran Tenochtitlan they showed no mercy. The lifespan of the remaining populations immediately increased.
It’s because European immigrants were supposed to be civilized or close to it. In reality, they were just thugs.
The Huns thought they were the civilized ones. The Greeks thought the same. The Romans thought so as well. The Ottomans did too.
The Greeks came close.
Not true.
The Greeks still slaughtered a lot of indigenous people, and took control of a lot of land.
And, as you say about the Europeans, they were supposed to be the civilized ones.
Yes, but mainly at war with other city states. I was speaking mainly about culture.
Supposed to be civilized? No. They were just people, as flawed and imperfect as everyone else. Some were better than others. In reality, they were pretty much the same as the indigenous peoples (who also considered themselves civilized) they encountered when they arrived in the new world. Were the locals equipped with equivalent weapons of war, things probably would have turned out differently.
Can you point to a single period in recorded human history when one group of people were not killing another group of people for their land?
What you just described is the entirety of human history since before the spoken word.
Yes. Just saying Columbus and those that followed were not saints.
The Indians were the most selfish people. They fought each other to their brutal deaths over patches of arrid desert in AZ, for a few buffalo in South Dakota, and over women in the the North East. The only thing they shared was peyote to get their opponents high and unable to fight. Blood thirsty Indians cut off the genitals and tongues of opposing tribes who they beat in battle. Indians were truly sadistic. And cowards on the battlefield. Using tactical surprise raids, rather than face off with the enemy for supremacy. Geronimo and Sitting Bill were known for running away as fast as they could in their battles with other Indians. Their one major victory at the Little Big Horn
was only because they had about 10,000 fighters to Custer’s 180 men. When they were done they ran far, far away. Cowards.
Are you saying that custer lost at the battle of little bighorn…. That’s crazy talked, man.! Lol
AND(!!!) … The Democratic Platform ushers in more of the following:
Democratic Party Platform:
(1) open the borders to millions of immigrants who were not screened for their risk to the country, dumping them into communities where the new immigrants overwhelm existing communities and the infrastructure to support the new entrants, at the expense of the historic residents,
(2) introduce economic policies and massively increase spending without regard to their impact on inflation and the consequences for low-income Americans and the increase in our deficit and national debt,
(3) withdraw from Afghanistan, abandoning our local partners and the civilians who worked alongside us in an unprepared, overnight withdrawal that led to American casualties and destroyed the lives of Afghani women and girls for generations, against the strong advice of our military leadership, and thereafter not showing appropriate respect for their loss at a memorial ceremony in their honor,
(4) introduce thousands of new and unnecessary regulations in light of the existing regulatory regime that interfere with our businesses’ ability to compete, restraining the development of desperately needed housing, infrastructure, and energy production with the associated inflationary effects,
(5) modify the bail system so that violent criminals are released without bail,
(6) destroy our street retailers and communities and promote lawlessness by making shoplifting {except above large thresholds} no longer a criminal offense,
(7) limit and/or attempt to limit or ban fracking and LNG so that U.S. energy costs increase substantially, and the U.S. loses its energy independence,
(8) promote DEI ideologies that award jobs, awards, and university admissions on the basis of race, sexual identity and gender criteria, and teach our students and citizens that the world can only be understood as an unfair battle between oppressors and the oppressed, where the oppressors are only successful due to structural racism or a rigged system and the oppressed are simply victims of an unfair system and world,
(9) educate our elementary children that gender is fluid, something to be chosen by a child, and promote hormone blockers and gender reassignment surgeries to our youth without regard to the longer-term consequences to their mental and physical health, and allow biological boys and men to compete in girls and women’s sports, depriving girls and women of scholarships, awards, and other opportunities that they would have rightly earned otherwise,
(10) encourage and celebrate massive protests and riots that lead to the burning and destruction of local retail and business establishments while at the same time requiring schools to be shuttered because of the risk of Covid-19 spreading during large gatherings,
(11) encourage and celebrate anti-American and anti-Israel protests and flag burning on campuses around the country with no consequences for the protesters who violate laws or university codes and policies,
(12) allow antisemitism to explode with no serious efforts from the administration to quell this hatred,
(13) mandate vaccines that have not been adequately tested nor have their risks been properly considered compared with the potential benefits adjusted for the age and health of the individual, censoring the contrary advice of top scientists around the world,
(14) shut down free speech in media and on social media platforms that is inconsistent with government policies and objectives,
(15) use the U.S., state, and local legal systems to attack and attempt to jail, take off the campaign trail, and/or massively fine candidates for the presidency without regard to the merits or precedential issues of the case,
(16) seek to defund the police and promote anti-police rhetoric causing a loss of confidence in those who are charged with protecting us,
(17) use government funds to subsidize auto companies and internet providers with vastly more expensive, dated and/or lower-quality technology when greatly superior and cheaper alternatives are available from companies that are owned and/or managed by individuals not favored by the current administration,
(18) mandate in legislation and otherwise government solutions to problems when the private sector can do a vastly better, faster, and cheaper job,
(19) seek to ban gas-powered cars and stoves without regard to the economic and practical consequences of doing so,
(20) take no serious actions when 45 American citizens are killed by terrorists and 12 are taken hostage,
(21) hold back armaments and weaponry from our most important ally in the Middle East in the midst of their hostage negotiations, hostages who include American citizens who have now been held for more than one year,
(22) eliminate sanctions on one of our most dangerous enemies enabling them to generate $150 billion+ of cash reserves from oil sales, which they can then use to fund terrorist proxy organizations who attack us and our allies. Exchange five American hostages held by Iran for five Iranians plus $6 billion of cash in the worst hostage negotiation in history setting a disastrous and dangerous precedent,
(23) remove known terrorist organizations from the terrorist list so we can provide aid to their people, and allow them to shoot rockets at U.S. assets and military bases with little if any military response from us,
(24) lie to the American people about the cognitive health of the president and accuse those who provide video evidence of his decline of sharing doctored videos and being right wing conspirators,
(25) do nothing about the deteriorating health of our citizens driven by the food industrial complex, the fraudulent USDA food pyramid, and the inclusion of ingredients in our food that are banned by other countries around the world which are more protective of their citizens,
(26) do nothing about the proliferation of new vaccines that are not properly analyzed for their risk versus the potential benefit for healthy children who are mandated to receive them,
(27) do nothing about the continued exemption from liability for the pharma industry that has led to a proliferation of mandatory vaccines for children without considering the potential cumulative effects of the now mandated 72-shot regime,
(28) convince our minority youth that they are victims of a rigged system and that the American dream is not available to them,
(29) fail to provide adequate Secret Service protection for alternative presidential candidates,
(30) litigate to prevent alternative candidates from getting on the ballot, and take other anti-competitive steps including threatening political consultants who wish to work for alternative candidates for the presidency, and limit the potential media access for other candidates by threatening the networks’ future access to the administration and access to ‘scoops’ if they platform an alternative candidate,
(31) select the Democratic nominee for president in a backroom process by undisclosed party leaders without allowing Americans to choose between candidates in an open primary,
(32) choose an inferior candidate for the presidency when other much more qualified candidates are available and interested to serve,
(33) litigate to make it illegal for states to require proof of citizenship, voter ID, and/or residence in order to vote at a time when many Americans have lost confidence in the accuracy and trustworthiness of our voting system.
Nice list!
As also her hordes of invaders pouring over our borders?
More Democrat voters, securing our country’s future for Communism. That’s the Plan.
Sounds like the border
“ushered in a wave of devastation, violence, stealing land, and widespread disease”
Ironically, that actually describes the effects of her and Creepy Joe’s open border policy….
Am I supposed to be upset because Harris stated a historical fact about Columbus? Lol.
Hey, clueless conservatives, Hint – try lambasting her commitment to Genocide in Gaza. Now that’s upsetting. Of course that’s probably the only thing a bunch of you like about her. Ha Ha!
The irony is rich, considering her “black family” story is falling apart. As a lawyer, she has chosen words carefully. She says she was “raised black.” That way, she does not commit to being black since her father was white, the son of a slaveholder in Jamaica. The media has said she is black; she just says she was raised black and talks about her family “as if” they were family. Subtle. But when more folks realize she is lying even about her own color, THEN we care about her color. Before? Reasonable people do not care. But lie about it? Now we care.
I guess the current Vice President sorta skipped over the part about human sacrifice. I would too.
Been this way since the beginning; more advanced civilization meets stone-age civilization. Advanced wins.
Getting back to the topic, like many people, Ms. Harris either ignores or doesn’t know much about early European contact with North America. About 500 years before Columbus got lost, the children of Erik (the red) Thorvaldsson explored and settled around Newfoundland. They established farms, harvested timber for use in Greenland, and called the “new” land Vinland. This is all recorded in various Icelandic sagas. They also left clear evidence of their settlements later discovered by archeologists.
Unlike the hapless Genoan, they knew exactly where they were, since the Norse were navigators on par with the Polynesians. And they mostly got along with the Dorsets living nearby.
In the USA, we celebrate Leif Erikson Day on October 9th to remember this great explorer.
All true, and a chinaman drew a picture of an armadillo in a 2000 year old China tomb before that
I thought I heard that the Vikings also lived on the continent that now is Scotland? And didn’t they live on the continent of Iceland or Greenland?
Yes. They were explorers, but mainly raiders.
Aren’t both her parents immigrants? Pot—> kettle—>BIPOC?
An article in Scientific American says skeletal evidence shows that the Columbus crew carried syphilis FROM America to the Old World, not the other way around (perhaps it was carried by natives who were taken back to Europe by the crew).
Oy vey, like you with your alien horde, Madam Border Czar?
Such a schlemiel, but only when it speaks.
Ogni gallina schiamazza sul proprio letamaio, no?
Wow, some real cherry picking of historical data to make Europeans look like benevolent missionaries, bent on making the world a better place.
This is some pretty low brow “journalism”, even for MRAK.
No. Just an attempt to rattle some chains. It worked.
Christopher Columbus’s four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas took place between 1492 and 1504:
• 1492–93: Columbus’s first voyage, which led him to land in the Bahamas and mistakenly “discover” the Americas. He claimed to have reached Asia, as previously described by Marco Polo.
• 1493–96: Columbus’s second voyage.
• 1498–1500: Columbus’s third voyage.
• 1502–04: Columbus’s fourth and final voyage, during which he traveled to the coasts of Central America and northern South America.
Indeed, Columbus have never landed on the shores of the continental North America.
While there’s no definitive proof that Jews founded Christopher Columbus’s voyage to America, there is evidence that suggests Jews played a significant role in the expedition:
• Funding
Columbus’s voyage was funded by Jewish financiers, including two Jewish conversos, Luis de Santangel and Gabriel Sanchez, and Don Isaac Abrabanel, a Jewish statesman and rabbi.
• Navigation
Jewish scholars designed the navigation for the voyage, including Abraham Zacuto, who created astronomical tables, almanacs, and maps, and Levi ben Gerson, who invented the sea-quadrant.
• Crew
Columbus’s first crew included several conversos, or Spanish-Jewish converts to Christianity, including his interpreter, Luis Torres.
• Launch date
Columbus’s voyage set sail on August 3, 1492, the day after Tisha B’Av, a Jewish fast day of mourning. Some scholars believe that the shared launch date is more than a coincidence.
• Document
A document suggests that Columbus belonged to a Marrano family from Majorca, though its authenticity is unproven. Columbus was a devout Catholic who sailed for a Catholic kingdom, and his writings show a Christian fervor. However, some theories suggest that Columbus may have been a Sephardic Jew who concealed his Judaism.
In short, Columbus’ voyage was not, as is commonly believed, funded by the deep pockets of Queen Isabella, but rather by two Jewish Conversos and another prominent Jew.
Recent DNA analysis based upon a decades long study show that Columbus was likely a Sephardic Jew.
Always maintained that coincidently the Jews were kicked out of Spain in 1492 . Spanish language is rooted in Yiddish . Maybe first stop was actually New Jersey
Kamala Harris could offer free gas and bacon for a year and MAGA cultists would still vote for Trump bc it was never about prices. It was always about the racism.
Considering all of the other “freebies” (that aren’t free) that she is offering, I’m surprised she hasn’t started offering free gas and bacon for a vote or two. And you are correct, Democrats are always about the racism…they see race in everything, they are obsessed with race and their entire world view revolves around race. It’s easy to understand why the term racist is so fitting for a group of people who believe that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce people who are incapable of performing the same as any other, who have fewer capabilities, and who need government assistance to succeed in life.
Free, from the government means taxpayer funded.
So… why vote for something that would result in increased spending, higher taxes, and less funding for the vital government services that should be prioritized.
As to the racism comment, seriously? Plenty of MAGA folks voted for Nikki Haley, an Indian American, just like Harris. There are plenty of MAGA folks that think Ben Carson is a fantastic human being. The Republican Party is full of blacks, hispanics, and women all of whom are supported by MAGA people.
It takes someone of very low intellect and knowledge to assume racism (or any other -ism) is the reason why people are not agreeing with you.
Pick-and-Choose racism is still racism. Of course, Jamaican and East Indian immigrants – her specific lineage – are conveniently excluded from her ignorant verbal vomit. This is the kind of division that Obama, who rarely mentioned his white mother, nurtured and fed since the first day he got into office: Divide and Conquer. They both yearn to be “unhindered by what has been.” As the son of a filthy European immigrant that she disdains, Kamala and everyone else who thinks like her can kiss mine. She IS the disease.
Amen! I second everything you stated.
No true. Read up on history. You know that The Vikings got to Newfoundland a few 100 years before Columbus and Columbus himself knew that there was a landmass West of Europe, because the Portuguese had been talking about fishing at the grand banks for quite some time before Columbus’s journey. But they kept it on the down low, because they didn’t want anybody else, knowing where there honey hole fishing spot was now the Chinese got to Central America at some point, because in a 2000-year-old tomb there’s a picture drawn of an armadillo and armadillos Only exist over here not in china. Now, beers are a good thing in moderation, but whatever you’re smoking, I would recommend you put it down.
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