Kamala Harris pulls trigger on gun control executive order with Biden signing away rights of Americans


President Joe Biden, with just 16 weeks left in his presidency, sat at a desk beneath Vice President Kamala Harris and announced on Thursday a massive new executive order curtailing the Second Amendment rights of Americans. It had been coming for a long time. Biden has taken more than 20 executive actions in his presidency to reduce gun ownership in the country.

In spite of Biden’s anti-gun actions since taking office, willful deaths by firearms and mass shootings have spiked under his administration, which has had soft-on-crime policies.

The joint announcement from the president and now-presidential candidate Harris builds on “red flag” gun confiscation, with universal background checks, new definitions for machine guns manufacturing, laws against 3-D printing of parts, and uniformly designed mass-shooter drills for schools.

The Biden-Harris order calls on federal agencies to develop and publish information for schools and colleges to use in creating active shooter drills. This must be done within 110 days, the order says — one week before Biden leaves office on Jan. 20.

Some 95% of public schools in America already perform mass shooting drills, and some evidence shows them to be ineffective and also traumatic for children. Schools no longer are allowed to have prayer on campus, and many schools now skip the Pledge of Allegiance, but they do have children huddle together in a safe room as they pretend a madman is outside the door ready to shoot them.

The Biden-Harris Administration will also soon start using money as a direct lever with states, to coerce them into enacting more gun control laws on their own.

That will help Harris, if elected president, bypass a Republican Congress’ unwillingness to violate the Constitution. Harris is in charge of the Office of Gun Violence Prevention that Biden set up in the White House, where Thursday’s executive order originated.

Read the entire executive order at this link.

Harris said Thursday the right to live free from gun violence is a civil right and she supports an “assault weapons” ban.

Not everyone supports the president and vice president in this executive order.

“The White House just made a huge mistake by reminding gun owners of Kamala’s radical, gun-grabbing agenda, with the election a mere month or so away. Kamala Harris just claimed responsibility for each infringement—every banned gun and part—by ATF in the last four years, so we are pushing back and calling her out,” said Erich Pratt, Gun Owners of America’s senior vice president.

Nick Begich, running for Congress for Alaska, issued a statement about the executive order: “The Second Amendment is clear: The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Kamala Harris and her allies in Congress continue to work overtime to find ways to infringe on the Constitutionally protected rights of law-abiding Americans. In a race where freedom is center-stage, national Democrats have chosen their side, and it’s not with the people.”

The executive order is especially threatening to rural Alaskans who have an existential need for firearms.

“All Alaskans, particularly those in our rural communities, rely on access to firearms to support our way of life. This Biden order is yet one more way Mary Peltola’s team of Democrats is making it harder to live as Alaskans,” Begich said.

Rep. Mary Peltola on Thursday issued a statement about the Capitol Christmas tree ornament deadline coming up on Monday and ignored the controversy of the executive order made by the heads of her political party.

After signing the executive order, Biden handed Harris the pen and said, “Keep it going, boss,” an indication that this was only a start for Harris’ strict gun control agenda, which is one of her major campaign promises.

Peltola supported Biden for president but has remained silent on Harris.

Biden-Harris’ gun-control executive order has turned the commercial firearm background check at the point of sale into a confiscation procedure involving at least three stages of unconstitutional mandates:

An 18–20-year-old who is purchasing a gun must go through a waiting period. During that period, the government will do an “enhanced background check,” and can use that to “red flag” the purchaser. The purchaser’s name is then added to a database of persons prohibited from buying guns. Finally, after the person is labeled by the government as someone who cannot buy a firearm, and thus any firearms in his or her possession will be confiscated.

“Shockingly, Kamala Harris is weaponizing the ‘enhanced background check’ for young adults into a tool for gun confiscation. If an existing gun owner goes to purchase a new firearm legally, the government may ‘red flag’ them instead and seize their currently owned firearms in the process. The chilling effect this could have on new gun purchases is unimaginable,”  said Aidan Johnston, Gun Owner of America’s director of legal affairs.

Schools like those in Uvalde, Texas regularly practiced active-shooter drills but a gunman still had easy access and the ability to kill 19 children and two teachers at an elementary school while law enforcement mulled around outside the school for 77 minutes.

Yet the one group that has been identified as “potential school shooters” is the cohort of gender-confused students in the very school in which the shooting takes place. Many recent school shootings have been done by transgenders. There is no mention in the order about mental health support for this group of students.

As for the executive order’s references to machine guns and machine-gun conversions, they have been outlawed for civilians for decades. And regarding the order banning 3-D printed plastic parts for cheap, Glock-type guns, machined steel parts are still required to lock the gun mechanism prior to firing and for the chamber to hold and direct the pressure toward accelerating the bullet.

The Biden-Harris executive order will come up against some states like Alaska, Montana and others that have laws that allow its citizens to manufacture firearms. There is no requirement that firearms manufactured under those laws have a serial number nor is there a requirement that any identification mark on a gun so manufactured be recorded.

The order does not address the current trend of mass shootings being done by primarily two classes of people: Psychos and urban gang-bangers. The only reasonable defense regular Americans have against either of these groups is to carry a gun.

Most murders, with and without guns, are perpetrated in cities that are run by Democrats and many of those cities, such as Seattle, already have unconstitutional gun control laws on the books.

The call for safe storage is legitimate, but putting those requirements into law violates the Constitution. Rep. Mary Peltola supports safe storage laws, but would need as many as 10 of the largest safes available for the 176 long guns supposedly in her house.

Red Flag laws, which this executive order also addresses, are routinely used by divorce attorneys in negotiating for their clients. Husbands are often the target of threats by divorcing wives to report them as domestic violence abusers, which would lead to having their guns taken from them. This can lead to unfair divorce settlements, as men can surmise the law is not going to favor them if such an accusation is made.


    • Being distracted by political theater is the tactic of an easily manipulated partisan voter. Meanwhile in the Middle East and Ukraine…

      • WTF does the middle east and Ukraine have to do with the legal ownership of firearms in the United States?
        If the middle east and Ukraine are so all hellfire important, why is this administration issuing executive orders on guns?

      • MRAK doesn’t mention Ms Harris’ consequential speech about the former occupant’s role in border control and immigration in Douglas, AZ which would have had a significant effect on gun runners. Neither does MRAK mention the role that the former POTUS and his son in law had in a Turkish bribery scheme involving tax-payer funds. MRAK doesn’t discuss the proposed impact of 200% tariff on certain goods advocated by the former POTUS. But, instead focuses on an issue of which the majority of all Americans agree is an issue disproportionately affecting young folks, victims of domestic violence, and those with inadequate treated mental conditions. But, it’s an election year and for some of the electorate it doesn’t really matter their candidate is a legally recognized felon whose sentencing terms still awaits judgment.

        • Kamala made a “consequential speech”? When? Where?

          Actually she was projecting again. You see President Obama is still the mover and shaker behind the scenes(since Biden isn’t all there) and so through wishful thinking she simply projects her reality onto her opponent. To blame Trump for the border issues is convenient and idiotic at the same time. Another Obama strategy, pretending to be the DC outsider riding to the rescue, when you have already pulled the levers of power for 4 years.
          I suggest another long walk for you Mrs. N

  1. EOs are not laws, in fact they are nothing but directions to Federal Employees. Let’s stop pretending EOs are something they are not.

    • This is a end-run around congress (those who actually make law) to direct the bureaucracy to ignore certain laws on the books and/or interpret them in a different fashion. This is also clearly making “new law” by decree. The outcome for the average American is unacceptable. They can no longer rely on the LAW AS WRITTEN, when conducting business or decide to purchase a firearm and instead are subject to arbitrary interpretations by federal agencies based on conflicting instructions from the chief executive.
      You can pretend all you want that they mean nothing, but when agencies change protocol and standards, disregarding the laws passed by congress, it will affect you directly.

    • Correct, PM.
      However, the Executive Branch of the Federal Government is tasked with carrying out the laws. And, when the head of that Branch (The pResident) issues an EO it is changing the way the laws are enforced.
      That makes the EO the equivalent of a law, in practical application of that law. A law is only as good as its enforcement.

  2. Well the second amendment history, thorn in the left side. I guess we’ll have to go back to court and sue them back into reality. You should have to give up her handgun and they should give up all of their presidential protection.

  3. Like the Anchorage assembly and mayor… is there really a majority of people voting for this.

    I haven’t met them this really concerns me.
    I have seen one Harris sign. If there’s more they must be in neighborhoods I don’t visit.

  4. So, the administration issued an executive order with a bunch of feel good, do nothing, completely unenforceable rules.
    Seriously, universal background checks? Right… like a criminal will self report the purchase or sale of a stolen gun? (Or were you thinking the criminals pay full price and buy they from law abiding and responsible gun owners?) Totally unenforceable.
    Printing of gun parts on a 3D printer? How, exactly, will they know it was done? Nothing short of monitoring every single person’s computer activity will make a difference. (And, if you do not connect your 3D printer and controlling computer to the internet, the Feds will never know.)
    Redefining machine gun manufacturing? Right… that will definitely stop everyone from creating those Glock switches. Just like the current laws prohibiting the manufacture of machine guns without the correct FFL.
    And, I hope this costs her votes. A lot of them. It certainly will not gain her any measurable number of voters. Moms Demand Everytown Giffords and Brady were already voting Harris.

  5. Does anyone really believe praying is more effective in stopping gun violence than guns safety laws and active shooter drills?

    • Clearly you do not believe in our Lord and Savior. Perhaps if there were more prayer in school, this shooting in schools crap wouldn’t occur!!! Get right with God!

    • Praying is always effective but putting feet to prayers with safety drills should always be done. Along with knowing firearm safety, learning to properly use a firearm – never should be negated – all adding to safety, along with those prayers ?. Gun ‘safety’ laws…..safe for whom? I am much safer with ‘Gertrude’ the 9mm loaded ‘under my pillow’ ready to be called upon if need be. I only put her there when I am home alone. Seems much effort and rhetoric by this administration has more to do with power and control and less with real safety.

    • Frank, gun safety laws only affect the citizens, who actually follow the law. So your question should be, is another piece of paper stopping a criminal from committing more violent crime with a firearm? Let’s examine that question:
      Take the person, who was trying to shoot President Trump on the golf course. He was a felon and not allowed to have a firearm. Period end of sentence. Did that rule stop him? Did he reconsider since the law said, he could not have a weapon? There are many examples of shooting where no law ever would have prevented individuals from committing atrocities.

      As for active shooter drills, they are frightening to kids (especially in elementary school) they also give a mixed message, as generally some teacher or staff plays “the attacker”. In my opinion they create great anxiety for kids and are very counter-productive. I know some schools only practice them on teacher in-service days without students, because it is important that staff know what to do and avoids scaring the kids.

      • Good point.
        In the history of restraining orders, not a single one ever stopped a person from attacking, harming, or killing the person that took the restraining order out. If the criminal wants to break the law, a gun control law will do nothing to stop them.

    • FR asks: “Does anyone really believe praying is more effective in stopping gun violence than guns safety laws and active shooter drills?”

      Answer: Couldn’t hurt, as both of your suggestions are also faith based.

      OTOH, if you really want to stop the mass shooters, maximizing the number of people carrying concealed with decent training and current practice would be a good place to start. Cheers –

    • Can you name these gun safety laws Frank?
      Are they in the room with you now?
      To date, no gun control law promoted safety in any way. They are all restrictive, and bind the law abiding and responsible, while the criminals continue to ignore the law.
      Where, exactly, is the safety?

  6. When I got divorced years ago, one claim made by my ex is that I threatened her with my LE service revolver. Totally manufactured lie re: child custody. But with red flag I’d probably lose the pistol AND my job.

    • Her silence on this grab is deafening! By not speaking against it like our next congressional rep Begich did, is tacit approval.

      “Captain” Mary is an existential threat to our democracy! Sound familiar?

  7. Can an executive order go against the constitution? The numbers are interesting with the biggest being under the Biden (puppet) administration. Going out onto the conspiracy ‘limb’ I might suspect much gun violence is being engineered or perpetrated somehow by the leftist ‘powers that be’, with the ultimate goal to disarm us.

    • An EO can violate the Constitution, but the overwhelming majority of them do not.
      It all depends on the wording of the relevant law. Unfortunately, no law is ever so well written that it cannot be interpreted more than one way. And, most EOs take advantage of that.
      I have dug into the law surrounding firearms a small amount. (I am not a lawyer in any way) And, there are areas where they are very specific, and others where they are vague. I am sure that is true for most, if not all laws. EOs will use the vague part to tell the Departments and Agencies to enforce it in a way that gets the pResident’s agenda accomplished.
      Nothing short of altering the law itself will result in the SCOTUS overturning an EO.

  8. Admiral Yamamoto, Japanese General during WW11, when advised Japan was going to war with America proclaimed to his leaders, “Going to war with America will show that behind every blade of grass, there is a gun.”. Lessons to be learned from history, so as to speak.

        • Hi. Yeah we did. We ran away to Daytona. We lost power at our place for 42 hours. We have a generator but was afraid of the wind. It clocked at 112 mph here. Trees down everywhere, on power lines and houses. Strangly, an awning I have over our boat stayed put. I have it anchored well with screw in the ground anchors. That made the difference. Lady across the road lost hers. We’re back home now cleaning up. On the coast, whole towns are gone. Completely gone.

  9. They lay claim to authority that they do not have. Do not consent to their charade.

    Unable to create, they only seek to destroy.

  10. Chinese battle ship was spotted off the southern part of Umnak island by a local Alaskan and our government trying to take our guns so we are defenseless! Super crazy! Every law they make is a step toward confiscation!

  11. “Schools no longer are allowed to have prayer on campus…but they do have children huddle together in a safe room as they pretend a madman is outside the door ready to shoot them.

    Makes 100% sense to me, as God is pure fantasy, but active shooters with ARs at schools are entirely real.

  12. Give me a break. Gun rights have done nothing but expand in recent years and there are now fewer regulations than ever before. You all start whining the minute you falsely believe your rights are being withdrawn, but don’t give a damn when women’s health rights are stripped away in plain view.

    • Women’s health rights are not part.of the constitution. They are in the hands of the individual states, as should many decisions thay were hijacked by the feds.

    • “there are now fewer regulations than ever before.”
      OK, Whidbey. Pony up.
      What regulations concerning guns have been rescinded. Please cite them. Here, I will start you off:
      CFR Title 27, Part _____ was rescinded on DATE
      Should not be too tough for you to list the firearm related regulations that have been removed.

  13. I really wish some conservatives could do a little critical thinking, or, just pull their heads out of their asses.

    Having active shooter drills, schools collaborating with local law enforcement on response, not gun control. You are ignorant if you think so.

    We want a secure border but don’t want secure schools???

    So much about this executive order is absolutely wrong, I agree. However, when you attack measures in support of school safety, our party loses credibility…

    Feel free to disagree, but pack a lunch.

    • The problem is not the school drills.
      The problem is that one good tidbit of usefulness is attached to an EO that is full of items that either a.) cannot be enforced without a national registry of firearms, or b.) ban pretty much every semiautomatic firearm made, or c.) violate the law abiding and responsible gun owner’s 4th, 6th, and likely 5th and 8th Amendment rights.

  14. I have great control of my guns. Beware people — an un armed society is a dead society. The problem with crime isn’t guns it’s a limp legal system and a limp criminal justice system. Bring back the death penalty. Public hanging inside of a month and if you ae caught on camera and it’s no question you are guilty. Hang them the same day.

  15. “Schools no longer are allowed to have prayer on campus…but they do have children huddle together in a safe room as they pretend a madman is outside the door ready to shoot them.

    Makes 100% sense to me, as God is pure fantasy, but active shooters with ARs at schools are entirely real.

  16. Give me a break. Gun rights have done nothing but expand in recent years and there are now fewer regulations than ever before. You all start whining the minute you falsely believe your rights are being withdrawn, but don’t give a damn when women’s health rights are stripped away in plain sight.

    • What women’s health rights?
      Abortion for convenience is not health care. It is the opposite of health care.
      Removing a healthy baby from a healthy mother is not correcting any medical dysfunction at all. Which makes it the opposite of health.

    • “You all start whining the minute you falsely believe your rights are being withdrawn, but don’t give a damn when women’s health rights are stripped away in plain sight.”

      Last I checked our constitution speaks of the right to LIFE, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Nowhere in that document does it say you have the right to murder your unborn child, who ironically also has the same claim to a LIFE, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness!! Abortions are NOT health care!
      The thing that bothers me most about this is that the Supreme Court did exactly what all these advocates wanted. It withdrew the federal government from the abortion issue all together (as in taking the feds out of the bedroom). They returned it to the states. The reason activists are upset is that now makes it infinitely more difficult for those supporting abortions. Instead of manipulating one federal body, they have to convince 50 legislatures.

  17. “….references to machine guns and machine gun conversions, they have been outlawed for civilians for decades” Completely false. While it requires registration and a tax stamp, ownership of machine guns for civilians is completely legal. The members of the Alaska Machine Gun Association, as well as similar clubs in other states, are mostly civilians. As to conversions, it is entirely possible for civilians to convert guns to full auto with the correct federal licensing.

  18. Those Alaskans who might be salivating over voting for the ‘first woman and woman of color’ as president might want to pay attention to what Harris represents. She WILL take your guns, push to eliminate the Senate filibuster with all its protections against tyranny, get America involved in foreign conflicts, keep the borders wide open, raise your taxes, spend America into oblivion, just to name a few. You don’t have to love Trump. He may rub you the wrong way. But he has been president before. Kept us out of wars. People prospered. The borders were secure. Our CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC is still functioning despite the fear mongering of democrats. Harris has been in office for four years and wants your vote to fix the problems that she and Biden created. Vote Trump!

  19. Peltola has 176 guns?

    She also said she has 7 children. She actually has 4 children and 3 stepchildren.

    I don’t think she has 176 guns.

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