Juneau hospital offers counseling for post-election



Half of the country was able to envision a world where Hillary Clinton was president, and they were not about to protest or beat their chests if that result occurred on Nov. 8.

The other half evidently cannot envision a world where Donald Trump is president.

Juneau, a strong Democratic Party territory, may be struggling with the election results more than most. Bartlett Memorial Hospital is offering free counseling to all City and Borough of Juneau employees if they are depressed after the election. The memo from the city’s wellness coordinator reads:

From: Jess Brown 

Sent: Wednesday, November 9, 2016 2:13 PM

Subject: Employee Assistance Program reminder

Now that the 2016 Presidential Election has ended, many of you may have deep feelings about the results.

I wanted to take this time to remind you that CBJ has a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL Employee Assistance Program for all employees.

Please consider calling if you feel this would be beneficial for you. Your personal information is not shared with anyone, you can speak with a counselor on the phone 24/7 or arrange to meet with a local counselor for up to 6 free sessions with this service.

 ComPsych Guidance Resources

800.295.9059 toll free

Our employee code is CITYJEAP2

 Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information.

This is not a joke. Can you imagine the hospital offering counseling for conservatives if Hillary had prevailed?

Precious snowflakes are melting by the thousands. Hundreds of high school students in Seattle staged protest walk-outs Wednesday in protest of Trump’s victory. They chanted,  “Let’s Dump Donald Trump” and “F— Donald Trump.”

Across the nation, students petitioned to have classes canceled. Loyola University in New Orleans, Bryn Mawr College in Pennsylvania, and Johns Hopkins University in Maryland saw hundreds of signatures gathered on such petitions, and at Yale University, professors made exams optional after receiving notes from depressed students. Who knew that there is yet another good reason to cancel classes!

The University of Maryland also postponed exams and in Boston, the school district sent letters to parents and students saying counselors were available. Cornell University students held a “cry-in,” and at the University of Washington professors cancelled classes so students could process what had just happened.

At Claremont College in California the dean of students sent a note out telling professors to be sensitive to students who were traumatized by the election results.

Meanwhile, in Anchorage, the Alaska Republican Party is preparing for an inaugural gala in early January. The official inauguration is Jan. 20 in Washington, D.C.

By then, psychologists and college administrators can only hope that classes will have resumed and the precious snowflakes have pulled themselves together. Otherwise, it will be a long winter of their discontent.