Juneau ballot set for Oct. 3 election


The filing period for Juneau citywide elections on Oct. 3 ended on July 24. While the deadline to withdraw was 4:30 pm Friday, July 28, the city website has not been updated since Thursday, July 27 at 11:10 am. It is usually updated before 5 pm on Friday.

Areawide Assembly member – Two open seats, no incumbents, (one 3-year term, one 2-year term)

  • Paul R. Kelly
  • Ivan Nance
  • Nathaniel (Nano) Brooks
  • JoAnn Wallace
  • Ella Adkison
  • Michele Stuart-Morgan
  • Emily Mesch
  • Dorene Lorenz
  • Laura Martinson McDonnell
  • Jeff Jones

Assembly District 1 – One open seat (3-year term)

  • Alicia Hughes-Skandijs, incumbent
  • Joe Geldhof

Assembly District 2 – One open seat (3-year term)

  • Christine Woll
  • David L. Morris

Two open seats on the Board of Education. (Both seats for a 3-year term)

  • Paige Sipniewski
  • Britteny Cioni-Haywood
  • David H. Noon
  • Brian Holst, incumbent, withdrew on Thursday

In addition to candidates, the Assembly is placing a question on the ballot about taxpayers paying for a new city hall. The Assembly is spending $50,000 of taxpayer money to advocate for the measure that failed at the polls last year.


  1. It should be illegal for a city government to spend taxpayer money on a political campaign for its own self

  2. Juneau doesn’t really have elections anymore, they’re more like appointments. In the photo if you were to continue downward you would eventually end up at the secret ballot counting building.

  3. When did we vote to allow vote by mail to be the only way to vote in Juneau? It is a very bad system to get a true vote. This was put in place by the assembly during the covid crisis to keep us all safe. Now we have a vote counting building where the actual count is determined how much did that cost the taxpayers? There is no reason to make this system mandatory throughout the borough. Lets get back to voting in person and finding out the next day who and what won on election day. Much more transparency is needed in our local systems.

    • We allowed it by not voting out the cretins who put it in place without a vote of the people.

      We had our chance to oppose it and didn’t. We sorta have a chance now, by choosing the least offensive of the crap list of candidates.

      • We’re unable to vote out the cretins because we really don’t vote anymore, we just go through the motions and people are appointed. Add to this dismal turnout from Juneauites and we’ll keep getting the same.

        • There is truth in this, but once upon a not too distant past we elected Cathy Munoz.

          We could (big word there) get control of our home again IF we bothered to vote in numbers too big to overcome.

          But we don’t.

    • “Much more transparency is needed in our local systems?” Our state elections are much worse. With the rank choice system we can’t even get preliminary final results until over 2-weeks after the election deadline. In an email from the Division of Elections, the stated reason for withholding the second rank information is, “voters would find it confusing.”

  4. I look for the day when we get something in the mail telling us our assigned vote.

    Save us the trouble of thinking about it, and the return postage.

    For those old enough to remember, it’ll look like your draft notice.

    “Greetings. The CBJ candidate lottery has selected you to have cast a vote for (fill in blank).

    But instead of telling you when/where to report, it’ll tell you you already have.

  5. This system installed was carefully crafted using the scamdemic as a tool to initiate a new concept of racism called “voter suppression”.
    The lefties will not tolerate in person voting where positive proof of ID showing residency as that is all “voter suppression” which is “highly racist and discriminitory” and are only verbal tools used to cheat at the ballot counting tables if someone begins to question residency or other qualifications such as legal citizen or not.
    Those tools alone are the only way they will be able to include the ballots collected from the millions of illegals crossing the borders.(The democrats need like-minded thinkers)
    Another very useful “tool” is signature verification which was very instrumental in Anchorages past mayoral election when Barb Jones used that as a way to deny conservative ballots that signatures did not match what was “on file”.
    A fellow vocal conservative was targeted by her and even after supplying her with a signed photocopy of his drivers license for verification it wasnt until election counting was stopped that he received a letter from the clerks office staying his ballot wasnt counted because “in their opinion the signature was not the same”. Timing of the notification was instrumental in tossing his ballot as she made sure the “fix” couldnt be done on time even after he had voted early in the election window and responded immediately when notified of the discrepancy. He has been voting for years with the same signature used for state and local elections however for some strange reason “the signature just didnt match” according to Barb Jones.
    It was “voter suppression” coordinated by Barb Jones and rewarded by Assembly member Chris Constant with a huge bouquet of flowers during the counting process that mayoral candidate Forrest Dunbar came so close to defeating our current mayor Bronson.
    There are many useful tools used to “cheat” in elections with mail in ballots and this is only one example.
    Most people give up after receiving the letter saying more verification is needed but he didnt and he was still denied the right to vote.
    Recall elections are a waste of time in Anchorage with the Assembly in charge of elections.

  6. I know several of these people and personally like most of them. Broken bread with a couple.

    But none of them should be in government.

  7. Masked Avenger: At least you have choices this go around. Even in District 1.
    Take a look at JoAnn Wallace, Dorene Lorenze, Dave Morris and Nano Brooks. You might find someone among these candidates who more closely aligns with your values.
    JoAnn is a long-time resident of Juneau who has abundant common sense. Dorene is an experienced and sensible person with actual experience serving on the local government level as a member of an assembly. Brooks and Morris are not go-along, get-along kind of guys who will toady to the desires of the city manager and bureaucrats.
    For the first time in a while, not only do you have some choices on who should represent you, there are actually some adults running.
    Cheer up bucko and vote.

      • Masked Avenger, we’re you hatched prior to 1930?
        I ask this because you claim you were voting long before my friend Joe Geldhof was born. Interesting comment to say the least.

        Regardless of when you were born or when your residency actually began in Alaska I humbly suggest that you consider Mr. Coogan’s and Joe’s advice in voting for the slate of Candidates mentioned above.

        For what it’s worth I’ve known Wayne for 55 years and Joe for well over 35 years and can attest to their character, intelligence and sincerity.
        Good fella’s both.
        Thanks for listening MA

    • Every community leader is cut from the same cloth- they are all college graduates, they think the same, talk the same, dress the same, married the same, read the same. The pool for where the voting public can fish for candidates is as small as the population of salmon returning into Alaska’s rivers and waters. We are at the place we catch n’ release only to catch the same salmon again. We have to recycle our leaders just to keep our dying and measly government limping along.

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