Juneau assemblywoman and her ADN political reporter husband to head out


Carole Triem, who was first elected to the Juneau Assembly in 2018, is leaving the state — and the country — at least for now. Her Australian husband, Anchorage Daily News political reporter Sean Maguire, based in Juneau, is leaving as well. The two are heading to Australia to care for an ailing relative.

This means four seats on the Juneau Assembly will be up for election this October.

  • Maria Gladziszewski is termed-limited out out
  • Alicia Hughes-Skandijs’ first term ends in October
  • Christine Woll’s first term ends in October
  • Triem had another two years remaining on her term. She and Gladziszewski represent areawide seats.

Triem, from Petersburg, had lived in Juneau and worked for the State of Alaska when she was first elected to the Assembly at age 31.

Maguire previously reported from Juneau for KTUU-Alaska’s News Source. He had worked for “The Australian Financial Review,” and as a comedy writer for an Australian show for three years. Both he and Triem are considered left of center. She campaigned for Democrat Les Gara for governor, even while her husband was a political reporter, a situation that raised eyebrows around political circles.


  1. Goodbye, good riddance, and please don’t come back. Go pollute the Ozzie’s for a spell.

  2. Whoo hoo! Two down 98 more to go Hahaha. In all seriousness, her husband is making the right decision even if it was a hard decision. The ailing relative is blessed to have the two being merciful to him in his time of need. My hope for them is this struggle and service to the patient, opens them up to God, His Son, and the Holy Spirit, the one who heals, comforts, and renews our spirits.

    • Amen! Good riddance ti bad baggage.
      Come back when you grow up and can be an adult, not a drone of the left.
      Juneau, stop electing democrats and rinos!

  3. Hey ADN, stop hiring foreign citizens to report on Alaska politics! It’s not a good look.

    • The ADN could NOT care less about us, the ADN is a total commiE rag/propaganda meant to spread lies and foster animosity.

    • I can remember, when I still had a television and would watch Channel 2 news, how annoying that freakish Irish/English/Canadian/Australian accent of Sean Maguire’s was.

      Does anyone else remember the days when it was considered unacceptable, for both local and national media, to have broadcasters speak with anything other than a standard American accent? Now, they seem to almost go out of their way to hire non-Americans for those positions.

  4. Australia: Land of the Disarmed, Locked Downed and Injected. A lovely place for Communist, Socialists and other assorted nutjobs.

  5. Hold the reins on municipal spending, it appears Juneau might have a passing window of opportunity to elect some sanity to the Assembly?

    • Not if the lefties have anything to say about it, and you know they will spend lots of money to convince you all to sell out and vite green/climate/commie.

  6. Good riddance Sean. I sure won’t miss you. Ailing relative? Ailing with what? I’d question that. I’ve known numerous people who said they were moving back to where they came from to ‘be with elderly parents’. The parents were 65 years old. They just couldn’t admit that they were sick and tired of Alaska. Ya know, they just can’t stand the truth.

  7. Never could make out half of what he was saying. Guess if you only socialize with your like-speaking spouse you never pick up on the lingo.

  8. She looks crazy? She acts crazy? Then she is qualified to dictate how much the serfs will pay and how it will be spent on themselves. I cant believe they are leaving with so much dough on the table with the oven blazing and a brand new town hall in the works. I have never seen a democrat walk away from that much but I am sure they must have enough confidence they can return at any time and slide right back into their seats if not a better seat in the elite ruling class arena.

    Dont be sad. They WILL be back! It is amazing how they have that “look”

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