Judge denies Lance Pruitt a do-over for D-27 election


Republican Rep. Lance Pruitt lost in his court challenge of the flawed election in District 27.

Pruitt had claimed that the moving of a polling location and the lack of voter notification by the Division of Elections led to his loss. He was asking the court for a do-over or other remedy.

The Alaska Supreme Court said in a brief statement that Pruitt had not “met the burden” to overturn the election of Liz Snyder, the Democrat who had challenged Pruitt for the second time. But the actual reason the Supreme Court denied the challenge won’t be provided to the public by the justices for as long as two years.

Pruitt’s attorneys said that by not notifying voters of the polling location change, the Division of Elections had disenfranchised them. The State attorneys arguing for the Division said that the COVID-19 pandemic had made elections particularly tricky this past year, and they were doing their best.


    • I second the Bull! Alaska, you are seeing the same government abuse here as others see in California, Washington, Oregon, New York, Michigan and the list goes on and on. You have zero representation as your voice falls on deaf ears. This is an agenda to overthrow the will of the people and our Constitution and we must make a stand now! Enough is enough. These are the same goons that President Trump has been fighting his whole term in office. The hypocrisy of the left has no bounds and must be called out and stopped.

  1. Any attorney here provide the reason the public cannot hear the “actual reason(s)” for the denial anytime soon?

    • Then, what is the “burden” threshold that the plaintiff must meet? Senator Showers, please introduce a bill that defines what constitutes a “burden,” so that the genious judges can be fully apprised.

  2. It’s pretty apparant that Judges and Courts are not the answer in election disputes! Seems to me that the legislature needs to create better, iron clad procedures, that must be followed to the letter when laws are written! Black and white, no grey for interpretation!

  3. From the article: ‘The State attorneys arguing for the Division said that the COVID-19 pandemic had made elections particularly tricky this past year, and they were doing their best.’
    … The ol’ ‘dog ate my homework’ excuse!

    • People riot because we have a system of due process that allows anyone recourse to have their grievances heard in a court of law? Weird take but ok.

  4. Great opinion (/sarc). Now that moving precinct voting locations at the last minute do not rise to the level to force a new election, all you have to do in the future is select your favorite democrat-heavy precincts or return addys for democrat absentee ballots, change them at the last minute, don’t notify anyone of the change, and you can get rid of a LOT of democrats in the next election. And the AK Supremes just said it was ok. What a country. Cheers –

  5. IMO the essential feature of this decision is to maintain the Left’s absolute, blanket view that the election, from coast-to-coast and at every single level was conducted flawlessly, without error of any kind. No discussion of any election error, failure or fraud is to be allowed or, God forbid, admitted. If all of this seems reasonable you have surrendered your ability to think critically. You may now return to your Facebook page and listening to NPR. George Orwell predicted this; we have now arrived.

  6. When did the republican party become the party of whiners? According to the state of Alaska official election results. Biden and Galvin each won this district by over 500 votes. Even Al Gross won this district. Why Snyder did not win with a greater margin I do not know. Maybe it is because she comes across as a somewhat pushy obnoxious person. Pruitt could not even commit till the last minute to run. Snyder wanted it more worked harder and won. Time to move on.

  7. Pruitt was probably comfortable. He’s been re-elected time and time again with broken promises. That’s what rhinos do. This time a majority of that district had enough, albeit there might be some funny business that probably went down but what do we expect! He was part of the state legislators and should have stood up and said something when the judge made an unconstitutional decision with signatures verification when mailing in ballot. That was one of his job isn’t it? To write election laws.

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