DOGE and the Office of Management and Budget learned that the Biden Administration had awarded $37 million to the World Health Organization and another $50 million to buy condoms for Palestinian men in the Gaza Strip.
It’s one reason why OMB placed an emergency temporary hold on outgoing grants, to ensure they line up with the Trump Administration’s goals and objectives.
Condoms are widely used by Palestinian terrorists in Israel to set booby traps, according to the Jerusalem Post.
In 2020, the Jerusalem Post wrote, “Two years after Palestinians first started launching flaming kites and other improvised explosive devices (IEDs) like condoms and balloons into the South, the phenomenon has yet to abate.It started with kites with burning rags or embers attached to them. Three months later, booby-trapped balloons and condoms began to be carried east toward the South, carried by winds coming off the Mediterranean Sea. While the use of kites – a popular Middle Eastern pastime – seems to have disappeared, scores of balloons and condoms with explosive devices attached to them continue to land in schoolyards, agricultural fields and highways.”
President Biden was funding terrorism.
But a group of nonprofit organizations, which make up a web of quasi-government groups, has quickly sued and a federal judge has since put an emergency halt to the White House pause on grants. It’s unclear how the judge will be able to prevail over a White House temporary pause.
District of Columbia U.S. District Court Judge Loren AliKhan, who is an appointee of former President Joe Biden, ordered the halt on the White House action on Tuesday afternoon, Eastern Standard Time, preventing the Trump Administration from enacting the pause-and-audit directive until Monday.
The Trump administration will just gives Israel the bombs so they don’t have to improvise when bombing Gaza.
I think you misread the article or missed the whole point….Palestinians in Gaza are using these items to bomb Israel. Also President Trump is hardly the first and absolutely will not be the last president to fund and fortify Israel. You can stop the anti-trump vitriol. I guess you miss Biden already.
There are a few commentators that stop by from time to time that share their antisemitic views openly, some deny their blatantly antisemitic posts are in fact antisemitic.
Yep. Just gave em 2000 pound bunker busters so they can take our Iranian underground facilities. Trump won’t take us to war
He likes to hire it done.
“so they can take our Iranian underground facilities.” I knew you were a leftist Greg, didn’t know you were a part of a terrorist jihadist movement.
Nope. I just report the truth. Rare I guess on here.
LOL oh Greg thanks so much for the laugh! I needed that….”reporting the truth” sheeesh!
Indeed Greg, it is rare that you report the truth on here.
He gave them what Brandon with held. Maybe you can get some of the 50 million dollar bubble gum
“…….Trump won’t take us to war. He likes to hire it done………”
Good! Let the Ukrainians and Israelis fight it with all the support we can send them!
There is not a single redeeming value in hamass, or anyone who supports them. They are a blight on the human race. And, the so-called civilians that hamass uses as human shields deserve what they get for willingly allowing that violation against human rights to be committed against them.
The sooner Israel eliminates the blight on humanity that is hamass, hezbolla, and the rest of the radical islamists the better. They have clearly demonstrated they will violate any reasonable rule of engagement in their zeal to destroy every Jew on the planet.
And whom attacked whom initially?
Israel has been attacking, and threatening the Gaza strip for years. Illegal Jewish settlements, etc. The US Government supports it as after WWII the USA didn’t want to be overwhelmed with Jewish Refuges. Learn history.
Fake Alaskan
Why don’t you go live on the West Bank or Gaza and help out your people ?
Are you afraid or just a mouth piece for Palestinians?
Why don’t you give money to them?
Your so messed up from leftist schooling.
Gaza’s got some great sea views!
While I am sure Israel is not an 100% innocent victim in the ongoing conflict, I can assure you of one thing. No cease fire between Israel and their neighbors was ever broken by Israel.
If the arabs were to put down their arms and petition Israel for peace, there would be peace in the Middle East.
If Israel were to put down their arms, there would no longer be an Israel.
It doesn’t matter how big how mean Israel’s opponents are. Israel always wins. Wonder why that is.?
Good. Bombs away! The more, the better!
Fire these liberal judges!
Whole is this feckless, little POS judge? Messing with the wrong president. Let that be clear.
Lifetime appointment. President’s come and go. One doesn’t know law.
That needs to go beyond the idiot judge and on to the Supreme Court. What a gross waste of our tax dollars.
Condoms are “booby traps”? well, in a way I guess that could kinda be accurate…
Inflate the condom “balloons” with a mixture of oxygen and acetylene (commonly available). Add a small igniter and you have a very cheap, easy to make, easy to deliver, powerful bomb.
oh boy what a surprise … a Biden, left-wing-nut appointed judge!
greg was against it too!
He was stopping medicaid. Can’t have that can we?
We don’t need it lilgreg, we got obummer-care!
remember that?
“If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.”
You dimlibbys just lie, lie, lie!
It just what you do!
Why was the judge stopping medicaid?
That is a lie. He froze all spending aside from ssi, Medicare and Medicade. It was wasteful pork spending. Won’t be paid pending program review. He just impounded 300billion of unspent green new deal funds.
That is untrue it was made clear that those programs would not be affected Greg.
greg is a pot stirrer and a left-wing nut!
He is also an example of the term “feculent”
Not true the WH press spokesperson listed Medicare, Medicare, welfare, SSI payments wouldn’t be affected. You should really be current on the situation and stop posting speculation.
I don’t think this judge has the power or authority to issue such a ruling. President Trump should just tell him to pound sand.
The median Palestinian age is quite young (~20 years old) and they have relatively large families. Saint Levant, the rapper, speaks of a “toxic masculinity in Arab culture”. There is no interest in the use of condoms there for their intended purpose. Waste. Do continue to provide condoms for Alaskans and appropriate sex education.
Why would Gazans need condoms? I didn’t know you could get a goat pregnant…
As Archie Bunker used to say, ” Oh, geeez)! The gullibility of the masses never ceases to amaze!
Now that’s a headline!
“Did the U.S. government send $50 million in condoms to Gaza, as Trump just claimed at the White House? Not according to media reports that point to this 2024 report showing that USAID sent $60.8 million in contraceptives worldwide, but none to Gaza. The vast majority went to Africa; only $45,681 worth of contraceptives went to the Middle East as a whole, all of them to Jordan.” – NYT
Clarification needed?
Reading comprehension needed:
“DOGE and the Office of Management and Budget learned that the Biden Administration had awarded $37 million to the World Health Organization and another $50 million to buy condoms for Palestinian men in the Gaza Strip.
It’s one reason why OMB placed an emergency temporary hold on outgoing grants, to ensure they line up with the Trump Administration’s goals and objectives.”
Seems to me these grant have not yet been paid, so they would not show up in a 2024 report. If all this is not true why did these ngos sue to stop the order??
They are grown adults. They can buy their own condoms.
It seems further counter-intuitive, if one thinks of their claim of decimation of the population (not a reality) to provide contraception to further suppress future generations of Palestinians.
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