Democrat Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland, a mentor and ally of Rep. Mary Peltola of Alaska, is a sponsor of legislation to force ranked-choice voting onto U.S. congressional elections for both the House and Senate — across all the states.
Raskin and Democrat Rep. Don Beyer of Virginia reintroduced their Ranked Choice Voting Act. Sen. Peter Welch, a Vermont Democrat, introduced mirror legislation in the Senate.
Rep. Peltola got to Congress due to the curiosities and quirks of ranked-choice voting in Alaska’s 2022 election, brought on by a dark-money ballot initiative that passed in 2020 in Alaska.
This year, voters in Alaska are being given the opportunity to unwind that legislation, which has been shown to be damaging to the state, particularly to the confidence voters have in election integrity. The system is so bad in Alaska that it even put an out-of-state Democrat felon on the ballot, which resulted in the Alaska Democrats suing over the system that they created with the intention of fooling voters.
Peltola is a close ally of Rep. Raskin. She joined Raskin’s “Democracy Summer” to train young people to be Democrat revolutionaries prepared to do battle should Donald Trump become president.
Raskin is on record saying he would stop Trump from becoming president by blocking his confirmation, and he’s been building the army of young Democrats to help him create “civil war conditions” if Trump wins in November.
The Raskin ranked-choice voting requirement would force ranked choice voting on all congressional primary and general elections starting in 2028. His legislation is being pushed by FairVote, the same dark-money group that convinced Alaskans to adopt the system.
With RCV, voters rank candidates, rather than pick one or another. If a candidate receives more than half of the first choices, that candidate wins. If not, the candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated, and voters who picked that candidate as ‘number 1’ have their votes redistributed and counted for their next favored choice. This process continues until a candidate wins with more than half the votes. It encourages people to soften their moral and political convictions and accept a less-than-ideal candidate because they “voted” for that people at some point in the ranking method.
In this method, people who rank may have their ballots counted more than once, while people who do not rank may have their ballots “exhausted,” punishing them for not ranking after the first round of counting if they did not choose the winning candidate.
Rep. Peltola supports ranked-choice voting. It was a major factor in her win as a Democrat in a conservative state.
Republican Nick Begich, who is challenging Peltola for her seat in Congress, opposes the scheme that was developed by liberals to divide and conquer the Republican-leaning slate of candidates.
“Ranked choice voting focuses American elections and campaigns on coalition-building,” said Rep. Raskin. “Our legislation incentivizes candidates to reach a broader range of the voting public, making our electoral process more democratic, more positive, more efficient and more representative—and our Congress too.”
In fact, Peltola has voted 80% of the time with Rep. Nancy Pelosi, and when Peltola finds voting uncomfortable due to her conservative district, she just doesn’t show up for work or votes “present.” She has not been bipartisan in the way people remember Congressman Don Young being bipartisan.
But Sen. Welch says ranked-choice voting is more “equitable.”
“This pro-democracy bill will make our elections more equitable, more civil, and more representative,” Welch said, promoting the mythology around ranked-choice voting, not mentioning that Alaska Democrats have sued because the system they created has now worked against them.
“Ranked choice voting is the fastest-growing election reform in the nation because it works,” said Meredith Sumpter, President and CEO of FairVote, the group that is one of the leading funders of ranked-choice voting initiatives like Alaska’s.
She, Welch, and Raskin don’t talk about the tens of thousands of Alaskans signed petitions supporting a repeal.
Sumpter’s FairVote group doesn’t just want ranked-choice voting in all states. It also promotes abolishing the Electoral College, a move that would favor states with more population and more socialist governments and penalize states like Alaska, where there are fewer people but who are more libertarian in political leanings. Funding for FairVote comes from various George Soros-allied foundations, according to
Laura and John Arnold Foundation, Omidyar Network Fund, Open Society Foundations (George Soros), Jennifer and Jonathan Allan Soros Foundation, Democracy Fund, Tides Foundation, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Joyce Foundation, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, Public Welfare Foundation, Soros Fund Charitable Foundation, Carnegie Corporation of New York, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation.
Some of these groups, such as Laura and John Arnold Foundation, were also top funders for the ballot initiative that changed Alaska’s voting to the open primary and ranked-choice general election that has been so problematic. During the past week, Democrats in Alaska have been suing to force a Democrat off of the November ballot.
Although Raskin and Peltola are in the minority in the House and this legislation is not likely to advance if the Republicans maintain control of the House of Representatives, it comes at a time when Alaskans are having serious doubts about open primaries and ranked-choice general elections.
Their doubts are increased because this November, a Democrat who is a felon serving time in an out-of-state federal penitentiary, will appear on the ranked-choice ballot for Alaska’s congressional seat — all because of the open primary system that doesn’t allow parties to vet their candidates.
Read the full text of the RCV Act here.
Let me understand this: would a wise Republican vote for Begich first and then the Democratic felon, NOT Peltola, second? As long as we are trapped in a system where we no longer have one vote for one person, we might as well take a page from the creators of this voting monstrosity. Chime in those who know more. Thanks!
You do have the choice for one vote. You just simply vote Begich 1 and don’t rank anyone else.
Yes I am going to tell everybody for second choice vote for the felon … all the politicians are felons.
Actually, I am thinking NBIII ranked first. A write in for a friend or neighbor as second, that guy serving time in NJ in 3rd place, and anyone but Peltola in 4th.
How this cannot be perceived as violating the one man, one vote of the constitution is beyond me. Anyone voting for more than one candidate one time is voting more than once. End of story.
Not to mention if one votes for the third or fourth place vote getter and do not rank anyone else, your ballot becomes ‘exhausted’ and is discounted in the final tally. So your vote does not count toward setting the 50% required to win the election. The target gets to be somewhere south of 50% of the voters. How much south depends on how many ballots are exhausted.
And not having your vote applied to who you want.
This bill is unconsittutional, and would be rejected by SCOTUS.
“Through an examination of history, precedent, the Framers’ words, debates concerning ratification, the Supreme Court, and the Constitution itself, this document explains the constitutional division of power envisioned by the Framers between the States and the federal government with respect to election administration. Article 1, Section 4 of the Constitution explains that the States have the primary authority over election administration, the “times, places, and manner of holding elections”. Conversely, the Constitution grants the Congress a purely secondary role to alter or create election laws only in the extreme cases of invasion, legislative neglect, or obstinate refusal to pass election laws. As do other aspects of our federal system, this division of sovereignty continues to serve to protect one of Americans’ most precious freedoms, the right to vote.”
Requires changing the US Constitution. Raskin is an blooming IDIOT
“…….Raskin is an blooming IDIOT……..”
He’s a carbon copy of Joe Biden, era 1980. Get used to his bullspit. He’s going to be spouting garbage like this until he campaigns for the presidency.
If ever there was evidence that RCV is a scheme that heavily tips the scales in favor of democrats, this is it. Anything for which Raskin is a proponent should be heavily scrutinized and solidly rejected. This includes Peltola.
YES, you’re right! Jaime Raskin has got other plots too, like charging Trump w/ TREASON due to Pelosi’s & FBI’s Jan 6 th coup, packing the court and jailing Trump if elected. Raskin is BEELZEBUB, along with many corrupt associates in the Biden/Obama/Harris administration.
Besides being Unconstitutional, it’s stupid.
But he is Mary’s BFF…
If Trump LOSES, Raskin may get his civil war whether he likes it or not. We have gone through 8 years of making America third-world under Bams/Biden and then 3-1/2 years of O’biden/Harris and our country can take no more. Americans are angry and resentful that their lives are being diminished and eroded by the Democrat, globalist power base.
“When a government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government…”.
Yes I agree a lot of us have had enough shoved down our throats.
I cannot identify a single thing done under 0bama or Biden that did not directly support the WEF globalist agenda.
The picture is worth a Million!
Rankin is missing his virtue signaling do-rag headwear when he decided to put on a show for his cancer treatment.
Mr Peterson sir are you a carpenter? The reason I ask is you nailed it enough is enough I would rather die than see our country destroyed by fake evil stuck on stupid clowns. Hold the line oath takers so help you GOD. Lisa how can you live with you & your rank choice ways ma’am evil stuff filthy evil stuff ma’am
Doesn’t the VP have to certify the election results? How will this be done when the VP is a candidate this election? What if she doesn’t certify the election results, assuming that DT is elected?
If a Republican refuses to certify the Presidential election, it is a fundamental threat to our Republic and democracy.
If a democrat refuses to certify the Presidential election, it is saving democracy.
Get it? Simple really.
This is all about forcing the machines on everyone. The big steal in Alaska in 2020 was the “passage” of proposition 2. If you have been paying attention, all of these votes in this country and others are usually by 1% or so to show how we’re so divided. Everyone should be demanding a forensic audit of this vote.
And, BM2 did not struggle past the 50% mark until the final day of counting absentee ballots. It is not impossible that all of the people mailing their ballots at the last possible second wanted BM2 to pass, but I find it difficult to believe.
Yes; Raskin’s “Ranked Choice Voting Act” was designed as an excuse to manipulate the election count ’cause that’s the only way leftist Dems can win, ie to knock out good and viable candidates in both parties, mainly Republican conservative candidates. I believe Kelly Tshibaka (R) won fairly handily against Lisa Murkowski, Rino, supported by Mitch McConnell, Rino, given a traditional election without Dem fraud; but we know how that turned out, just like a Soviet “election.”
If People would unite, we are not obligated to use the state/federal “voting systems.” We could hold our own elections as per the constitution. Tell Raskin to stick RCV where the sun doesn’t shine. Oh wait, they are blocking the sun here in Alaska.
RCV equals victory to those that count the votes. Absolutely no transparency and disenfranchises voters. Repeal and pass legislation like Alabama did to ensure it never gets fraudently reinstated.
This is just one way to rob us of our voting rights. There are so many things in the constitution that left power to the states. But the democrats could care less. Just like Biden’s wetlands order, the democrats also want to shut every one up via the use of their own interpretation of misinformation. If they are successful, kiss your civil rights goodbye.
“Raskin, a mentor of Peltola……..”
Tells you everything you need to know. ?
Chicago, California, Colorado dark money running nonstop tv ads to defeat the citizen’s initiative to remove the very rank-rank choice voting!!! Follow the money, if you’re Trang to get to the bottom line, Follow the Money!!!
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