Joe Biden wins S.C, while Tom Steyer throws in towel



With 95 percent of the votes counted, Joe Biden had an overwhelming lead and will win the South Carolina Democrat primary handily.

Only Biden and Bernie Sanders will be awarded South Carolina delegates, with Biden getting 29 and Sanders getting 9 delegates (these numbers are subject to change). Candidates had to have reached a 15 percent threshold to be awarded delegates. 54 of the 63 delegates from South Carolina are awarded based on today’s primary vote.

Now comes Super Tuesday. In just three days, the largest block of votes will come in, as 14 states go to the polls: Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, and Virginia. Those states are worth 1,357 delegates.

American Samoa has a Democrat caucus that’s worth 11 delegates the same day.

Meanwhile, Tom Steyer, the billionaire from California, has exited the field after spending $24 million in South Carolina, only to come away with a third-place finish and no delegates. Overall, Steyer has spent more than $175 million and has not been able to earn a single delegate.

To win the nomination, a candidate will need 1,991 delegates. To date it’s Bernie Sanders-53, Joe Biden-42, Pete Buttigieg-26, Elizabeth Warren-8, and Amy Klobuchar-6.

Mike Bloomberg didn’t compete in the South Carolina Primary. He will appear in several Super Tuesday primaries.

As for the popular vote, Bernie Sanders is far ahead with 163,258 votes, Pete Buttigieg coming in second with 133,314, Amy Klobuchar with 87,270, Elizabeth Warren with 74,062, and Joe Biden trailing with 67,721.

None are as low as Bloomberg, who only has won 4,793 votes so far, in part because he entered the race late.


  1. Amazing that people can support a guy that has never accomplished a thing, can’t remember where he is half the time, boasts about participation in things that never happened. He obviously is in the early stages of dementia. Pathetic and pitiful at once.

  2. At least he has figured out he’s not running for the US Senate.
    On Monday he told a small crowd at a South Carolina rally that “My name is Joe Biden. I’m a Democratic candidate for the United States Senate. Look me over, if you like what you see, help out. If not, vote for the other Biden”
    Does anbody know who the “other Biden” he was talking about is?

  3. I just saw that even Obama won’t support Joe Biden. It’s kind of sad really that he can’t remember what day it is or who he is speaking with or even what office he’s running for. Past time to put him out to pasture.

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