Jill Biden snubs Alaska senators with too-late invite to Bethel with Peltola


First Lady Jill Biden is slated to make her first visit to Bethel this Wednesday, joined by Democratic Rep. Mary Peltola. Sources say Republican Senators Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan will not be at the event, raising questions about the Biden Administration’s deploying of the First Lady as an election cycle surrogate for the president. The invitation, sources say, came too late for the senators to respond.

The First Lady’s visit is advertised as showcasing the significant investments made by the Biden Administration in expanding broadband access in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta. The absence of Alaska’s senators leaves room for skepticism. Murkowski has been friendly and helpful to the Biden Administration and has been a member of the Senate since 2002, serving with Biden for decades in D.C., while Peltola has served for less than a year. She also endorsed Rep. Peltola for the House during last year’s election.

The event comes at a time that as communities along the upper Yukon River are grappling with flooding, and Kuskokwim communities remain on high alert for potential flooding. Flood warnings are in effect for Fort Yukon, Stevens Village, and Crooked Creek. Flood watches are in effect for Beaver and Aniak. A flood advisory is in effect for Gulkana.

The trip also comes just five days after the death of Rep. Peltola’s mother.

Rep. Peltola expressed her enthusiasm for the visit: “I’m proud we have a First Lady who is a real advocate for education and health care access. These are issues that affect every Alaskan and every American.” She also expressed her anticipation for the visit to shed light on the unique challenges faced by rural Alaskan communities.

With President Biden’s reelection campaign in its nascent stages, his administration appears to be in full gear to trumpet his legislative accomplishments. The White House is mobilizing cabinet members and advisers across the nation during Infrastructure Week to push their message, and it’s unlikely that the president himself will be strong enough to visit Alaska during the campaign, when it gets into full swing next year.


  1. Snubbing Princess is puzzling. She’s been the most reliable democrat we’ve put in office since before Uncle Ted.

    This might accidentally get us a conservative vote out of Princess. Maybe. Possibly. But not likely.

  2. Peltola are you doing a stop over in King Cove? Not too far from Bethel. Land at their Airport. Wonderful opportunity to educate the educator on why Alaskans need safe access to the rest of the world. After all King Cove is a part of Alaska.

  3. Looks like princess lisa isnt as special as ahe thought she was.
    Even the other side does not want a traitor.

  4. It’s surprising that she is going with someone without a college degree to advocate for education. Realistically, as bad as Murky is, compared to this Young replacement, she gets funding to those in need.
    Here’s what the prior First Lady did, apples and oranges. ‘https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/people/melania-trump/

    • Speak for yourself, Kirk! “We” here at Lucifer’s Road House welcome anybody who has money to burn and a soul to smudge!

  5. Jill will learn for the first time what a “honey bucket” actually is, having called Joe that before they even got married.

  6. A note to the single men. Never marry someone like Dr. Jill Biden. Spouses are supposed to have each others backs at all times. They are to never place their ambition and/or greed before the needs of their spouse. It is clear that her husband has been battling dementia and instead of crafting a life for him to comfortably live his remaining years she has thrust him underneath the klieg lights on a global stage. Now Joe Biden remaining years may be spent on a medical ward in prison if there is justice in the world, and that would be a better life then being pumped full of drugs so he can be used as a “Week-end at Bernie’s” prop. I wish the very worst for you Dr. Jill Biden. You are unwelcome in Alaska. Go away and be awful somewhere else.

  7. Shouldn’t Jill Biden be in the White House, wiping the rear end of her husband and making sure he gets bedded down by 7:00 pm, after a long day of trying to find his way around the WH, eating ice cream cones and taking three or four naps? What kind of a wife is this? Shouldn’t she be giving Hunter some psychotropic treatment and spending time with her new granddaughter?
    Bethel is the armpit of Alaska, where old potheads go to saturate themselves into a THC stuper, and write nasty emails to Republicans in Juneau. Jill Biden should make a brief stop into Wasilla and thank Sarah Palin for giving Alaska this POS congress phoney. In about 18 months Jill will be defending her mentally ill husband from criminal investigations.

    • Jill’s new granddaughter comes with a bonus for Dirty Joe. While Jill is out touring the aboriginal lands, Dirty Joe can get free pole dances and lots of hair-sniffing time with the new granddaughter’s mom. Baby Biden…… wahhhhhhhhh

      • Drop in to Lucifer’s Road House, Jose–you’re our type of clientele! You definitely sound like you’re one of us, so drop on by.

          • All the reputable travel guides have us listed as a swanky joint, Jose. We would be happy to see you, and happier yet to send you off to hell! As we like to say, “From here to damnation–there’s no turning back!”

            As an aside, we don’t give a damn what you wear just as long as you wear a smile!

      • Jose,
        Why not. Hunter moved in with his dead brother’s wife for awhile, and together they did lots of drugs, which Hunter loves. The Biden’s are very incestuous, which is a game their whole family can play.

    • Jill got tired of trying to show Dirty Joe where the diaper changing station is located in the White House. Alaska seemed like a nice little break for her.?

    • You would think so, but probably like Eleanor Roosevelt did to her husband, once he got reelected and she found out he was sleeping around on her, she said I’ll back you and I won’t divorce you but I’m going to do things the way I want to do them and she did. She pursued her own agenda after that and was a wife in name only.

  8. All the support Lisa has Givin senile Joe, his administration and Peltola just to get s#%t on and ignored. Way to go Lisa??????

  9. Back in my working days whenever someone said they were going to Bethel, my question was always, “what was first prize?”

    • Exactly. Down in my small piece of the world back then, Ivanoff Bay was the armpit of the area, a place where exiled teachers went to die. Now the school is closed down and just a couple of families are left. They do have giant Dungeness crab there though

  10. Jill Biden is a terrible person. She props up old Joe and keeps him going for personal gain I presume. Nothing will happen during this trip. She’ll pat Peltola on the back for obeying orders, mumble some nonsensical words, then be on her way.

  11. Broadband to an entitlement society that has no economy. What’s the point? Faster access to porn and Tiktok?

    • The point is maintaining control over a society without hope or prospects by providing “free” broadband which assures people see only what government-media-big tech providers want them to see, and addicting them to that.
      And yes, think of Tiktok like a virtual Mexican border, wide open for Chicom hackers to cross on their way to America’s digital heartland, that’s a good point, too.
      Feel better now?

  12. Stellar assessment Justin! Why aren’t the native corporations supplying the western delta welfare state with requisite pallets of soda pop and chips? Is Peltola addressing that dilemma?

  13. Maybe the airplane will have a mechanical and she can have a quality visit in Bethel. You can’t really appreciate it with a quick stop.

  14. Here’s to hoping all the angry inebriated natives scream and spit obscenities at Jill like they do to any Whites they see. Show her a REAL Bethel welcome!

  15. They are not angry at ALL whites. They love the ones sending gifts and boatloads of CASH. $100 million in a village the size of Bethel buys a lot of Dope! It reminds me of the days after the pipeline was completed and the really big cash started flowing to the north slope. Everyone was wearing custom made Tshirts and hats with the slogan “Theres no Hope without Dope on the North Slope”. It has been a party ever since those days.

    • Andy, with such a “clear” memory of the pipeline-days, you’ve got to be an old fart! These days you’ll find that the country–yeah, yeah, the whole country–is completely dysfunctional! What did you do–stumble into the 21st Century in a complete stupor? Try to catch up on reality: watch a little FOX, CNN, or MSNBC, and get a taste for times that we live in, old timer!

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