I was born and raised in the Mat-Su Valley, am a proud supporter of President Donald Trump, and I believe the open primary and ranked choice voting system benefits Alaska conservatives—especially in Wasilla.
I’ve always believed in the values that make Alaska unique: independence, resilience, and fairness. Our state’s electoral system should reflect these values, ensuring that every Alaskan’s voice is heard and that our leaders represent the broadest possible support. Open primaries and ranked choice voting (RCV) are the best ways to achieve this, and as a Republican, I’ve seen firsthand how these systems benefit our party and our state.
I grew up in Wasilla, with my mom working as a geologist and my dad building homes. My upbringing taught me the value of hard work and self-reliance—values that have always resonated with me. After college, I returned home to contribute to our community, eventually running for the assembly, then the legislature. Serving in public office has been an eye-opener, showing me just how challenging it can be to get things done in government. But I’ve always believed that less regulation and smaller government are the best ways to let people live their lives freely and prosperously.
These beliefs are why I’m such a strong advocate for open primaries and ranked choice voting. In the 2022 House races, Republicans Julie Coulombe and Tom McKay won their seats thanks to RCV, which helped our party secure a majority in the House. This led to a historic moment for Wasilla, with Cathy Tilton becoming the first House Speaker from our community. For the first time in more than six years, Republicans have a majority in the House. Open primaries and RCV made it possible for us to come together and form a majority caucus.
The critics who claim RCV doesn’t work for conservatives are simply wrong. If we look back at past elections, it’s clear that RCV could have prevented some significant Democratic victories. Take the 1994 gubernatorial race, where Tony Knowles won by just 0.3% over Republican Jim Campbell. With RCV in place, the 38,000 voters who chose other candidates would have had their second and third choices counted, likely swinging the election in Campbell’s favor. Similarly, in the 2008 U.S. Senate race, Senator Ted Stevens lost by 1.3% to Mark Begich. Many of the 18,000 voters who supported third-party candidates would have likely ranked Stevens as their second choice, giving him the edge he needed to win.
Open primaries and RCV don’t just benefit individual candidates—they benefit our entire party and the principles we stand for. These systems ensure that conservative candidates can build broad coalitions of support, preventing vote-splitting that could allow a liberal candidate to win with less than 50% of the vote. This is especially important in a state like Alaska, where many residents, like me, value small government, limited regulation, and the freedom to live our lives without unnecessary government interference.
Some argue that Republicans should drop out after the primary if they get fewer votes, but that would be a mistake and lead to history repeating itself. We don’t want a repeat of 2022, when the U.S House seat went to a Democrat. In an RCV election, even if someone doesn’t rank you first, their vote can still count for you in later rounds. This is why it’s crucial for Republicans to stay in the race and continue to fight for every vote.
At the end of the day, open primaries and ranked choice voting are tools that allow conservatives to consistently control state government—because whether they’re affiliated with a party or not, most Alaskans lean conservative. If you believe in small government and personal freedom, the open primary and ranked choice voting system is essential to preserving Alaska’s unique spirit.
Jesse Sumner is a state House representative. He lives in Wasilla with his wife and children.
Well it didn’t work last time, did it? Sounds like Rino talk to me.
Julie Coloumbe and Tom McKay nearly lost because another Republican was still running in the general. If they had been eliminated in a primary first both candidates would have won by 5-10 points. RCV hurts us.
It is only good for liberal republicans who depend on the cross over votes of democrats as 2nd choice in the general. I suspect you are worried about losing to a conservative in a primary.
Beg to differ Rep. Sumner: RCV got us Mary Peltola and Lisa Murkowski —
Two horrible and Anti Alaskans as it gets Brother. You are way off base on RCV.
How many of your constituents want RCV? Better follow their wishes
They will follow the wishes of the people who bother to vote.
I’ve been saying for years the rot in Anchorage was infesting the Valley, and people said naw, it’s fine. We’re solid.
Evidence is right in front of you.
Completely disagree.
Is it good governance & REPRESENTATION for All or party domination we are striving towards?
More 50% of registered Alaskan voters are non dems & non repubs, yet they have no option but to partake in binary primaries. Why do dem and repub primaries get to decide for the rest of us? Why do the two parties want herd us into the lesser of two evils for the last 50 yrs?
The open primary allows for any Alaskan to participate in the governance process of this state without gatekeeper approval. They do not need to politically connected, wealthy or pretty. They need only have courage and a willingness to serve by representing all of us.
You probably don’t remember but the republican primary was open to nonpartisan a and undeclared before RCV.
RCV violates the first principle of one person, one vote. You gave several examples of republicans winning due to RCV. How many democrats won by RCV?
The primary is the best way for party’s to select their candidate for the general election. When a candidate cannot or does not win the primary, most partisan voters do not want them to represent them in office. That’s why they lost.
Repeal RCV. I am voting against it in November.
Yes Bryan and I am voting against the voting mess.
Use the kiss method and make it simple.
One person, one vote. Absolutely correct. Instead, these politicians want to make it a game.
RCV’s biggest failure was its original purpose, which was to elect Lisa Murkowski to the U.S. Senate. The consequences of that outcome will continue to weigh on Alaska for too long – if Alaska ever recovers from it. RCV places the constitutional rights of individuals in a blender by virtue of bipartisanship forced on the electorate. The Murkowski outcome proves the risks of RCV far outweigh the possibility of isolated successes. What is needed is not just the repeal of RCV, but also a Constitutional Convention to address the fact that the judicial branch of Alaska’s government is controlled not by the people of Alaska, but instead exclusively by attorneys and the judicial branch itself. Failure to address both RCV and Judicial Branch issues will continue to plague the freedom of Alaskans. Does the candidate support a Constitutional Convention for the stated purpose?
Sumner is a proponent of incumbent protection.
And if he owned a bill, it would be dead from diarrhea.
Thanks again to the PM radio host who pimped this so hard for Scott Kendal.
It sounds like Mike Porcaro’s terrible radio advertisements are running again. Alaska voters should NOT be fooled a second time. Ranked choice voting is WRONG for Alaska and Alaska voters.
I hope he is in hiding and has left the state.
Kendall is the anti-thesis of a good attorney. He’s the reason we have people gambling with votes. He’s the reason school funding is a mess.
RCV would do as Rep Sumner suggests but only if we had a closed primary first. Then a Libertarian or an AIP candidate’s votes would be redistributed preventing a Ted Stevens situation.
Ranked choice damages the party with the most candidates in the general election – many people will not rank.
That’s why Democrats don’t have more than one candidate.
RCV is a great idea, in theory. The problem is that the low information voter never learns the intricacies of the process. A voter doesn’t have to rank all the candidates on the ballot. Is Sumner going to take the time to explain that to people? RCV assumes a rational, strategic, thinking electorate, but that ship sailed a long time ago.
Why is Sumner pretending to be a conservative?
He’s not only liberal, but can’t do real math either.
Oh Jesse, you never fail to disappoint!
julie coloumbe and tom mckay almost lost because of rank choice voting not the other way around.
if rank choice voting was so good the. there would be more than in democrat in any of these races but there isn’t.
party primaries help weed out disingenuous politicians like
The whole RCV thing was put in place to keep Lisa M. in office and paved the way for Mary P. to get in and do absolutely nothing for the state in terms of resource development. Both are obvious pawns that do Their Master’s bidding without regard for the Constituency they represent.
Hey Jesse, I might be a bit inclined to listen to your argument listed above, except were you not the promoter of House Bill 186? That bill was singularly the silliest piece of legislation I’ve ever read, (and back in the day I worked in the State Senate and filed and read many bills!) I wrote you a nice letter with an explanation as to why you were on the wrong track and never got a response from you.
Do you have a primary opponent? If so kindly tell me who He/She/ or It is so I can rush them a campaign donation.
Robert Schenker [email protected]
Perhaps I’ll get a response from you this time?
Elexie Moore is his opponent. Seems like a solid lady. Sure she could use support.
I agree! Elexie Moore for the vote people! Sumner needs to be fired.
John Adams,
Thanks, I’ll look her up.
BTW, give Abigail my regards.?
I do not think that RCV works the way most people think it works…..and if I’m wrong please correct me.
RCV only amplifies the voice of the least prevalent opinions, and your second/third/fourth choice only matters if your first choice is eliminated in the first round. In Alaska, I think it’s fair to say that the voting populace trends conservative overall, so RCV thereby amplifies the voices of non-conservative voters – as it was intended to do.
If RCV was structured so that EVERYONE’S second choice pick was factored into the math, then it would more accurately reflect the will of the voters, but it is not and does not do this.
I will vote for its repeal.
I think the author bumped his head
Or he got some of Willie’s wacky tobacky
NO to RCV.
Only the candidates with a party’s endorsement should have that partisan affiliation shown on the ballot. Everyone else is unaffiliated.
The endorsement process is for the parties to manage, not the government.
Whether through elections or smoke filled rooms is for the party to decide.
Having a candidate self- identify with a party is meaningless.
Bull s—, Jesse. No more rank choice voting. It’s corrupt.
You said “For the first time in more than six years, Republicans have a majority in the House. Open primaries and RCV made it possible for us to come together and form a majority caucus.” Then why were so many liberal dems put into prominent leadership positions? This fully negated the value of a majority. Something smells solidly like RINO with this one. You folks in the valley should think long and hard before reinstalling this one.
First of all, IMHO, primaries should be the business of the parties and it’s members. The tax payer should not have to foot that bill!
RCV is not in the best interest of the voter. Candidates for a position are either qualified to run or not. Thus, if a candidate wishes to be identified or supported by a political party, fine. That should be a political party’s choice AND EXPENSE!
RCV is a breeding ground for corruption. Since when did elections turn into horse races where you bet on win, place or show? ONE VOTER, ONE VOTE!!!! If your horse crosses the finish line in second or third place, you don’t get to wear the Kentucky Derby crown. By the way Jesse, Ted Stevens lost the election because he was in court being sued for corruption. I don’t think RCV would have saved him.
Open primary yes, Ranked Choice? You’ve got to be kidding. It was dreamed up by Nancy’s followers to allow a better overall chance of placing socialists in seats. Remember how they think, if not this one, ANY one will be better than a conservative. That’s how it works.
Thanks for the laugh Jesse, that’s some comedic gold right there!
RCV leaves more room for shenanigans, just like mail-in voting and using software does. KISS. One vote by one person for one person. Why are people trying to fix what isn’t broken?
Meanwhile, the DoE in Alaska SUCKS! Maybe we should be fixing the DoE so we could actually hold fair and honest elections, eh? And why hasn’t Dahlstrom done anything on THAT?
Sumner is dead wrong. One example he cites has to do with the race where Ted Stevens lost. What Sumner does not mention is that Stevens had just been convicted for his dealings with VECO- and the bribes that Bill Allen had been paying to a dozen Republican legislators. That conviction was later overturned due to the prosecutor being blackmailed and deliberately throwing the case open to appeal. The prosecutor later killed himself- must have been some pretty heavy duty blackmail they had on him.
Anyway, Don Young was elected for roughly 50 years. Then RCV gave us the disaster that is Peltola who does not represent the views of the majority of Alaskans.
Primaries need to be closed. Otherwise Democrats interfere and give Republicans weak candidates in the general.
1 Jesse told me to my face he was a one termer.
2. Jesse gave money to the the three Palmer City Council members whom were being recalled for violating Alaska State law to the toon of $500, don’t remember if total or each.
What’s your point?
You and Palmer City Councilwoman Pam Melin used to claim violations of the Open Meetings Act were akin to crimes against humanity. Then your buddies on the school board blatantly violated the Act and it was as if you lost the ability to speak. Even after the school board’s recklessness led directly to costing taxpayers big bucks defending lawsuits that never should have happened, you had nothing to say. Smells a lot like hypocrisy.
Back to whatever your point is, maybe Jesse is, in fact, a one-termer. Things aren’t always what they seem, just like your past foaming-at-the-mouth fake opposition to OMA violations.
Sounds like a democrat to me, RCV is the worst possible thing for Alaska.
RCV is only the worst possible thing for hyperpartisan extremists who can’t get elected by appealing to a majority of voters. It’s also bad for sheep who need a party to tell them who to vote for.
RCV has been a disaster, has suppressed voter turnout and is, by its very nature, more vulnerable to fraud and manipulation. NO on RCV.
No more RANKED CHOICE VOTING!!!!! Its the way the left is using to cheat in elections expecting the people to be stupid and not know. Oh we all know. Anyone pushing RCV is out to cheat!
Go back to high school, Jesse. Open primaries allow your enemies to choose your leaders. eg…..Lisa Murkowski was chosen by Democrats.
RCV and Open Primaries let the devil into your huddle. Did you play sports on a team, Jesse?
Probably not, otherwise you would know better.
Ranked voting is doing precisely what it was designed to do (by left wing elite progressives). Turn a red state purple and eventually blue.
If Sumner cannot see that he’s not truly interested in what’s best for Alaska nor is he truly representing what, data and polling shows, most Alaskans desire. The repeal of ranked voting and enactment of conservative values and principles.
Murkowski, Peltola, Giessel? That’s what RCV brought us. He ignores the bad which can derail his argument. How very political of him…
Disappointing Mr Sumner.
Hey Wasilla it looks like Jesse Sumner the Elected Representative in Wasilla is a RINO, this guy couldn’t hold a conversation with me at any point in time.
Just sits there blankly staring into the void as if waiting for something to bring him back into reality.
No surprise he doesn’t understand that RCV hurts many of his constituents. It doesn’t appear he cares about Wasilla or Alaska for that matter.
Ridiculously simple — and disgusting dishonest — take.
Phil Izon, Here is a link to easily explain RCV: ‘ Here’s another: ‘
I listened to your rep at the AMAC meeting last week and she did not message well about RCV. You HAVE to do better!
Look at the Alaska State Senate. RCV ushered in victories of has-been RINOs who had been primaried out in their last elections. Now our “Republican” senate majority handed the Senate over to hardcore lefty democrats. RCV lets democrats elect RINOs in place of conservatives when the democrat cannot win.
RCV only benefits RINOs and democrats, RCV needs to go!!
The democrats are far more organized and have superior planning, often years ahead, than the Republicans. This is why they love mail in ballots, rcv, no I.D. and other easy to manipulate rules. The only planning the RNC does is to complain about the election results.
A very unreasoned argument, Jesse. You sound like a left-wing Democrat, who supports Lisa Murkowski.
Comrade Sumner
Sumner, answer Nick Begich III’s question about why won’t the dems put more candidates in the races if they love RCV so much? Yes, I am implying that you, too, are a democrat.
I’m glad to see how everyone else has responded because I was afraid I’d be the lone wolf here. I cannot believe anyone can actually defend RCV. It just isn’t defensible. At all! Wake up, Mr. Sumner, please…
Completely disagree.
Is it good governance & REPRESENTATION for All or party domination we are striving towards?
More 50% of registered Alaskan voters are non dems & non repubs, yet they have no option but to partake in binary primaries. Why do dem and repub primaries get to decide for the rest of us? Why do the two parties want herd us into the lesser of two evils for the last 50 yrs?
The open primary allows for any Alaskan to participate in the governance process of this state without gatekeeper approval. They do not need to politically connected, wealthy or pretty. They need only have courage and a willingness to serve by representing all of us.
You cannot compare to past elections. The hindsight-analysis is flawed because it ignores how different conditions and behaviors would have been under RCV.
It appears that Fame Republican Jesse Sumner aka Comrade Jesse also didn’t write this
“So, does this article have language that might indicate it was curated by an RCV consultant? Absolutely. It’s got all the hallmarks: strategic analysis, persuasive storytelling, and a clear, if subtle, push towards a specific electoral reform. It’s like if a consultant wrote a love letter to RCV, but made it look like it came from a local politician.
Remember, in the world of politics, even electoral reform can be packaged and sold like the latest must-have gadget. And this article? It’s got all the bells and whistles of a well-curated campaign piece.”
A liar is going to lie
Wow~Alaska politics~strange animal~will not vote for my representative again!
I’m pretty much pissed you are pushing this Ridiculous c—, Sumner. It’s actually unbelievable. You’re just another d—democrat. Wonder how much $$ that scumbag attorney that started this mess paid you ???
Sumner, it appears that you had assistance from RCV consultants to write your article. It looks like you have hit so many of the points.
You aren’t even a Democrat, you are a full fledged Communist
Sumner didn’t write this himself. Someone in RCV world wrote this. They wrote him his walking papers and he signed them. Sad.
It seems to me that the RCV policy violates the foundational “one person, one vote” premise that we all rely on. Sounds like a US Supreme Court case eventually. Better hurry because many states, including conservative Idaho, are being pushed to put this into their elections.
Jesse Sumner & Phil Izon, here is a great explanation of RCV: ‘ Here’s another: Jesse, if that’s confusing, here’s another video of 1 minute: ‘
Conservatives lost Congressional representation to RCV in 2022, and it’s looking like a repeat in 2024. This proves your belief incorrect.
I wonder who’s paying Jesse to spew this nonsense.
The biggest disappointment ever elected from the Valley. Well almost. He voted with Dems to ELIMINATE election integrity. Do you like same day registration, with no positive ID. Jesse voted for it. We were 1 vote from flipping the state blue, permanently! He’s really clueless!
What a disappointment! Vote for Elexie Moore to replace Jesse.
Scott Ogan
Jesse, You don’t know your Math. Rank voting got Liar Mary Peltola in Office. If you think it will help you ? You need to rethink your platform. Yes you are a fool and don’t belong i Alaska Politics. Unfortunately, your behavior indicates you are blazen and stupid. The characteristics of a true politician.
I don’t understand. if you want “one person one vote” just simply vote all four choices for the same candidate, one vote one person you got it. why limit my choices?
From Sumner, whom gave $500.00 to the Palmer 3 that had a Palmer city mtg w-o a quorum so thereforing violating laws. The Palmer 3 were being fired by the ppl & he gives them money to stay in office & continue being dishonest. Yea, that’s y he’s pulling out. We know what he did.
Jesse is wrong. The 2022 election proves it.
Dahlstrom dropped out of the race based on primary results, so now we have a chance to beat Peltola. Since we now have a chance, the ADN editorial board pushes to eliminate primaries.
RCV needs to go.
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