Jeremy Price added to oil and gas conservation commission


Jeremy Price been appointed to the public commissioner seat of the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, a seat previously vacant for months, after Gov. Michael Dunleavy fired Hollis French. Price will chair the three-member commission.

[Read: Gov. Dunleavy lets Hollis French go from oil, gas commission]

 “Jeremy Price shares my vision for a state that is both economically competitive and protects the interest of Alaskans,” said Gov. Dunleavy. “I welcome him into this new role as Chair of AOGCC and look forward to his work to prevent waste of our natural resources while ensuring our regulatory environment yields greater recovery of Alaska’s oil, gas, and geothermal potential. I’m confident Jeremy will work to increase collaboration between AOGCC and the Alaska Department of Natural Resources. Ultimately, he understands that Alaskans are the customer and we are in their service.”

Price of Anchorage grew up in Salcha, where he worked at Salcha Electric as a young man. He has worked in a wide range of public policy roles, including in areas of oil and gas policy, for Congressman Don Young, Senator Lisa Murkowski, the American Petroleum Institute, the Alaska chapter of Americans for Prosperity, and currently as Dunleavy’s deputy chief of staff. 

Price will assume his position on Monday, Oct. 7, 2019, and is subject to legislative confirmation. He is an object of intense hatred by the Left because of his free-market views and his association as the founding executive director of Americans for Prosperity-Alaska. It’s certain that his confirmation will be met with resistance from Democrats.

The Alaska Oil & Gas Conservation Commission is an independent, quasi-judicial agency of the State of Alaska that oversees oil and gas drilling, development and production, reservoir depletion and metering operations on all lands subject to the state’s police powers. Other members of the commissioner are Dan Seamount, who has been a commissioner for nearly two decades, and Jessie Chmielowski, who was appointed by Dunleavy earlier this year upon the retirement of Cathy Foerster.


  1. Alaska may have hope if the Governor and the legislature can help us small companies change most the unreasonable and harsh ways of the AOGCC and other oil and gas state agencies, the current system and laws has run Alaska’s oil and gas industry down for decades, I now have hope with Jeremy Price… part “.He is an object of intense hatred by the Left because of his free-market views and his association as the founding executive director of Americans for Prosperity-Alaska. “

  2. “He is an object of intense hatred by the Left…”
    The Left will have their opportunity again to show all Alaskans what is greater for them personally: their hatred for a man OR their love for a successful State that can transition competent people into positions to move things forward.
    I fear the former is what they will want to prove. Just because the self-proclaimed “tolerant left” ironically wants to hate and not tolerate someone they disagree with doesn’t mean the people want the same. I am hoping many citizens of Alaska and the country grow weary of getting nothing done but creatively displaying new ways to show their displeasure with someone of which they disagree.

  3. Get rid of the whole commission….Put the Oil and Gas work back in Department of Natural Resources. The only thing the Commission does is waste, waste, waste. None of them are worth anything. Get rid of the commission.

  4. Alaska has to have a plethora of commissions to hire all the political buddies of the current guv. This position is an appointed six figure job in a technical agency. He has no clue about reservoir mechanics or anything else except kissing up to the powers to be. Millions are spent to hire rent-a-friends…they have to be fed until the next election cycle. Examples of this sycophantic system are the pipeline group, Kabota ,etc.etc. Note the latest boondoggle is round ?? try at getting the Port fixed. The scary thing is the Port is Muni…homeowners get ready for more taxes. The bleached teeth suck society need another massive waste of money to keep employed.

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