Jared Goecker: What I’ve learned by listening to voters in Chugiak-Eagle River



Having knocked on over 3,000 doors in Chugiak-Eagle River, I have some observations about the status of this race and why I believe I will win.

When I first announced my campaign to challenge Kelly Merrick for her seat, I wasn’t sure what to expect as far as response from the district. I’ve been involved in Republican campaigns and causes for all of my adult life, so I’m no stranger to fighting in the trenches, but it certainly felt different being the candidate myself.

Running for office is the ultimate job interview and I believe firmly that how I campaign is a direct reflection on how hard I will work once elected. I immediately started knocking on doors in February and experienced my first subzero door day canvassing — it’s not for the faint of heart! I’m wrapping up the entire district for the first time and am going to immediately start over and do it again. Here is what I learned from you, the voter. 

First, people are genuinely alarmed with how things are going in Alaska. I have been told by countless people that it feels like we’re in decline and instead of trying to reverse this trend, the Juneau elite seem content with selling out our state. Jobs and opportunities are shrinking, and with it go our kids and grandkids. One man teared up as he told me about his children all leaving Alaska for jobs in the Lower 48 and being torn between wanting to be closer to his kids or staying in a state he has lived in for over 40 years. 

Secondly, people are hurting financially. This is due in part to the devastating effects of Bidenomics and the crushing inflation spurred on by federal spending. Compounding the problem, however, is rising property taxes, a 75% tax on the PFD (thanks Kelly Merrick), and the threat of an income and sales tax to support even more government spending. Everyday Alaskans share the same sentiment, “Why can’t politicians live within a budget?” 

They don’t accept the lie from Juneau that there is nothing left to cut in government and therefore it’s impossible to keep its growth in check. And they certainly don’t support blowing up the size of government with a multi-billion-dollar public pension plan that Merrick is trying to push through the Legislature that only benefits her special interests and leaves Alaska workers out high and dry (to the tune of $9 billion over 10 years). 

Thirdly, people are scared about the rise in crime. This is something that I know all too well personally, having experienced losing my brother last year to senseless and avoidable violence. I hear heartbreaking stories about criminals who post reduced bail and skip town to never face justice while the victims are left to try and make sense of it all. Law enforcement officers tell me they arrest the same people over and over and yet nothing happens. This is unfortunately the norm thanks to our soft on crime politicians who are more focused on the criminal’s wellness than the victim’s. It’s unacceptable. 

There is so much more I could share, but the reception from the district has been overwhelmingly positive towards my message of being tough on crime, implementing a real spending cap, fiscal responsibility, economic innovation, and bringing accountability to politicians. Kelly Merrick is just another elitist politician who uses the voter for her personal gain, and it’s time someone held her accountable.  

People are furious that she ran as a Republican and then immediately joined the Democrat-dominated majority in Juneau. People are in disbelief that while we struggle to keep food on the table, she looks for multi-billion-dollar boondoggles to benefit special interests that will require an income tax to pay for and whatever is left of the PFD. She threw sand in the Governor’s face when he tried to bring about actual reform to improve student learning outcomes, preferring instead to keep doing the same old tired NEA sponsored method of throwing more money at a failing system. She blocked key conservative appointments to important boards and commissions.

The Merricks supported leftwing radical Suzanne LaFrance who will be ushering in increased property taxes and leftwing nonsense to our community. These are the grievances I have heard from you, and these are the same grievances that propelled me to get involved.

I am honored to have earned the endorsements and support from local leaders like former Lt. Gov. Craig Campbell, Rep. Jamie Allard, Assemblymen Scott Myers and Mark Littlefield, former Assemblywoman Amy Demboski, and numerous other conservative groups and organizations. I have the know-how to run a winning campaign. I have an organization that is built to sustain the inevitable barrage of special interests’ money and attacks that are coming for me. And most importantly, I have the passion and energy to fight back just as fiercely.  

We cannot keep sending people to Juneau who are untrustworthy, who betray our values, who empower radical leftists, and who are beholden to special interests. Professing Republican talking points while hiding behind the Democrat machine isn’t going to work anymore. It is time to send a real conservative to Juneau who will actually fight for our values. It’s time to send someone to Juneau who will fight the swamp – not become it. Go to jaredforalaska.com to chip in today to help me fight this battle. 

Jared Goecker is a Republican candidate for Senate Seat L, Chugiak-Eagle River.


  1. I wish more republicans did this. Actually got out and worked like hell to get votes.

    If he wins, this is why he’ll win.

  2. FYI Jared…

    Probably not a good idea to promote Craig Campbell’s endorsement. He may well be a wonderful person, but he lost a ton of credibility when he defended the useless AKGOP lifting its censure of Princess Lisa after she won reelection.

  3. Sorry Jared, but I’ve personally known a few people before they became legislators, and met them after, and what I’ve seen is that Juneau changes them. Decent, apparently honest people go, returning as deep state zombies. So far, the only one I see close to holding values is David Eastman, and the legislature and media make him a pariah, with many of the sheeple public following. I don’t necessarily agree with David on many issues and believe that compromise is often necessary to advance progress, but at least he believes and holds to something. Best to you, but always wear a garlic clove and carry a crucifix.

    • Mike Shower, and Shelly Hughes have taken a Beating from Union backed. Republicans and Democrats for many years and several terms in office. Unlike FLIP Wilson

  4. Godspeed in your efforts to out RINO Merrick. There seems to be a new trick trending among politicians seeking office. Declare yourself a Republican, but caucus with the Democrats. The old trick is to declare yourself “non partisan” or “undeclared”, but folks have caught on to that. Voters need to be smarter. Your canvassing will pay off. And lucky it will be for Eagle River/ Chugiak citizens to have you represent them.

  5. In my years of working with candidates, Jared is one of the best. Many of us are as tired as he electing people who say they are Republican, and when they get to Juneau, put Democrats in charge. You can help him
    By volunteering and donating to his campaign.

  6. Just met Jared for the first time and couldn’t have been more impressed. Grounded. Confident but humble. Focused. He will not caucus with the Dems for power. Too many Republicans could care less about the platform. Giessel. Stevens. Stedman. Merrick. Bjorkman. Wilson. It’s time to bring back a majority who care about loyalty.

  7. My state senator (Bjorkman) could hardly wait to join the democrat caucus once elected. Of course he used the Republican’ brand to help get elected. He was then rewarded with committee chair as a freshman senator. Easy peasy. When confronted by all this, his reasoning was ‘I just wanted to get things done’. Well, he certainly was busy ‘getting things done’- all the things that his democrat led caucus wanted to get done.

    This is repetitious news to you, Jared, with your Kelly Merrick experience. Thank you for running. Your work ethic is very impressive. I hope you win, ‘bigly’! We are working hard to displace our RINO by electing a good man, Ben Carpenter. With our combined wins, we can convince the “joiners” that jumping ship is being fraudulent to our voters.

  8. Best of luck Jared!
    Jim Kaufman is a prime example of what Kelly Merrick did to Eagle River but folks in south Anchorage suffered from his RINO tactics.
    Jim needs replaced also.

  9. The main reason to move the whole government body out of Juneau to the mainland. Might cost a bit for the move, but in the long run, “we” the taxpayers gain with the ability to easily be with our government body when legislation is being passed. Makes it harder for outsiders to influence the politics in Alaska.

  10. It was not just chance or luck that made my path cross with Jared’s. Initially I was skeptical, just like everyone else. Especially after heading to Juneau and seeing and hearing how things are run. I have spent enough time around Jared now to know that he is focused. He understands the issues that face our legislature today. Its been enlightening discussing topics with him. He is a man of his word and is following God’s plan. I am honored to have his campaign sign in my yard. This article makes me want to get out and knock on some more doors!

    Jared Goecker has my vote.

  11. We must be rid of Merrick and her union boss husband. Who would ever believe that she would ever represent the taxpayers in any contract negotiations.? I would hope that we coalesce behind ONE of the conservative alternatives. having 3 other choices and an electorate that is either union or uninterested in vetting candidates is why we are stuck with Merrick. Her joining the Democrats is not new to her, she did in the house as well. Luise Stutes from Kodiak ia another candidate that doesn’t stand up for conservative values. Kodiak, do better. If you are going to elect a Democrat, elect a self identified Democrat.

  12. I enjoyed speaking with you on my front porch. You asked for my opinions and concerns and shared yours. How refreshing!!
    You have my vote.


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