Jared Goecker, candidate for Eagle River’s Senate seat, taps all-star finance team for his campaign


Jared Goecker, a candidate for the State Senate Seat L to represent Chugiak and Eagle River, has formed a finance committee comprised of some of the top names in conservative politics in Alaska.

Co-chairs of his finance team are former Lt. Gov. Craig Campbell, Anchorage Assemblyman Scott Myers, and former Alaska Republican Party Chairman Tuckerman Babcock.

Others on the team are Kelly Tshibaka, who is the Alaska chair of the Trump campaign; Sterling Gallagher, former Revenue commissioner and “architect of the Permanent Fund dividend;” and John Espindola, a former aide to Gov. Mike Dunleavy and a prominent Eagle River citizen.

Goecker is one of the candidates challenging Sen. Kelly Merrick, who has empowered the Democrats to take control of the Senate.

“This is a critical race for retaking the State Senate and it’s more important than ever to get behind the conservative who can win,” said Campbell. “Jared is that guy.”

The finance committee is set to enhance the campaign’s fundraising capabilities. The campaign will need the help, since there are two other Republicans also in the race: Sharon Jackson and Ken McCarty. Also, Merrick can’t be underestimated because she comes with the power and purse of the big unions in Alaska, including the AFL-CIO, and Laborers 341, where Merrick’s husband Joey Merrick is business manager/secretary-treasurer.

There is also one Democrat in the race — Lee Hammermeister.

“Jared’s mission is to get his message in front of as many voters as possible. Our mission as a committee is to make sure he is armed with the resources to do that,” Babcock said.


    • We had a choice last election. The union turns out for Merrick as there is no way a Democrat would be elected in this district. So they run her, biting my tongue, and she immediately hands the majority to the Democrats. All those large signs don’t magically appear, union labor at work. This IS NOT A SURPRISE, She did the same thing in the house. Eagle River wake the hell up! I wish the others would consolidate against her behind ONE Republican candidate and end this (persons) career.

      • Anything Merrick does, or says, stinks with a union stamp. Including the back stamp. A mark of slavery. Not brains required.

  1. Nice
    Now who is going to help Robert Yundt defeat the lying turncoat David Wilson in Wasilla?

    • It wasn’t just “Republicans” voting for Merrick, the Democrats voted for her because they know that she’s not a “Republican” and will do their bidding. Goecker needs to campaign his butt off and get his name out there so people know who he is, otherwise those that vote by name recongition will Merrick elected again.

    • To the extent that the party apparatus allows her and Stutes to run under their banner I agree with you. The voters need to pull their heads out and educate themselves.

  2. Merrick is a traitor to Chugiak Eagle River. She has to go. Other than being Pro Life Merrick is a Democrat.

  3. I was wondering what this guy does for a living. I checked his campaign site and he mentions working for the state. Why is he no longer there? And when I check the department of labor employees it looks like they did not even bother to fill the position he held.

    • Leo you beclown yourself. Fact: State employees cannot run for state office, so he had to quit his job to run. That’s a lot of personal risk for a young dad.

      Why don’t you even try, instead of troll? Here’s his bio at his website. https://www.jaredforalaska.com . Go ahead, find fault with it, since that is what you do here.

  4. I did read his bio. He said he spent a few years working in Juneau. He started in 2019 so I figured he was done in maybe 2022. I actually went to the state site to look at his job description and to see who held that position now. I have nothing against this guy. I like to see what experiences people have before politics. And Merrick’s resume isn’t much better. He could of explained in his bio he resigned to run for office if that is the case.

  5. Unless there are 2 Jared goeckers out there he would of been quiting his job as deputy human resources director of Anchorage to run for office.He could of put that in his bio. I would not of asked the question. And you would not of had to show ignorance of your candidate.

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