It’s primary Election Day in Alaska, the day Alaskans decide which candidates have the best judgment, character, energy, and talent to represent them in the state House, state Senate, and U.S. House of Representatives.
The polls are now open and will close at 8 p.m. Tuesday. On Tuesday morning, sign-wavers for congressional candidate Nick Begich gathered in the parking lot of Carrs/Safeway at the corner of New Seward Highway and Northern Lights Blvd. Other candidates will have their sign-waving crews out as well along the major intersections, an Alaska election-day tradition to catch the attention of the going-to-work crowd and the going-home crowd of potential voters.
Sign wavers were also out in Fairbanks this morning under cloudy skies.

Given the problems with the elections already by Division of Elections, with late ballots getting out to villages and lack of information available to the media and candidates, at least the division won’t be overwhelmed by a huge turnout, or so it appears.
Turnout so far in early voting and absentee has been up over 2018 and 2020’s turnout, but down from 2022. Early votes received from Aug. 5 through Aug. 18 totaled 12,534, down from 18,296 in the same time period in 2022, but that year there was a “special general” and regular primary after the unexpected death of Congressman Don Young.
This year, there are 9,715 outstanding absentee ballots that were sent out to voters at their request but have not been returned to the Division of Elections.
To find out where you can vote, check this link at the Division of Elections.
This ballot is an open ballot, with all candidates appearing, regardless of party. Democrats have remained disciplined in not running more than one credible Democrat in any race. Republicans have not done the same, but only a few races will have decisions made in the primary.
In races with fewer than four candidates, all four will proceed to the November ballot.
Only the congressional seat, the state Senate seat L for Eagle River, and House District 36 for Interior will have a winnowing of candidates in this election to get to a final four. The congressional seat is the one with the most candidates — 12, with four of them registered Republicans.
If all goes according to past history, most races will have results known by 10 p.m. Tuesday. The Division will then not release the late-arriving absentee numbers for seven days, and then another release on Day 10 after the election, Aug. 30.
Candidates who are chosen to proceed to the Nov. 5 general election ballot will have until Sept. 2 to drop.
“Where will you vote today?”
I just voted for NB3 at the Big Lake polling place.
Voted for Jared Goecker and Nick Begich myself.
Kelly Merrick seems to be making a big push to stay in. I’ve received a ton of fliers from her by mail, she has a crew on the main road/freeway entrance supporting her and friends of mine report that she has even been going door to door in their neighborhood.
I can only hope Kelly fails and this bid of desperation doesn’t work for her. She is a traitor and needs replaced.
She hasn’t come to my door but then again I live in Peters Creek and I’m sure she doesn’t venture that way to often. She and her husband need to leave Eagle River and move into Anchorage proper because she does not represent ER and Chugiak area. I just throw her flyers in the circle bin were they belong.
Nick Begich!
100% of our family votes.
Elections my a–!
I’m excited to vote for Begich. I really do hope that Dahlstrom sees the light tomorrow morning and gets out of the way.
I voted for Begich today, the lt. governor hasn’t done sh– about election security .
Go NB3!!!
Nancy Dahlstrom goes LAST.
Nick, you have my vote! If you don’t vote…don’t complain. See ya at the polls this evening??????
Nancy & chuck Kopp for the Exacta the winning war horses got this, nick go home enjoy some sunshine
Chuck Kopp who for all practical purposes lied about being republican? Who ditched his GOP colleagues and joined the democrats once he was elected giving democrats control of the House even though there were more republicans? Who has an ethical and moral problem considering his “tenure” with a scandal before being elected? The big government, pro tax, anti PFD Chuck Kopp? That guy wouldn’t know the truth if it swam up and bit him in the arse. Yeah that’s a hard no.
Voted today for Nick Begich and Stanley Wright!
I voted NB3 all the way in the valley.
Looked for voting in person place on city’s web.
What a convoluted mess no clear answer.
You need to know all the information to find out where to vote in person by mail by absentee by and they are at different sites what a waste. The city web site for election info wants you to access another web site to see where you vote.
You need to know what district what city and what election to get the correct ballet then you can vote what a cluster mess.
I voted early at the elections office, since I’m on jury duty this week. So far I’ve been lucky and not been needed at the courts. Let me go enjoy the state fair yesterday
Voted today and it’s no one else’s business who I voted for.
No it’s not but you didn’t really need to tell us that. No one here demanded your voting choice. I am more interested in why you felt the need to tell us so? If you don’t want your votes out there, say nothing. For those that do, good for them. You don’t really give the impression of truly wanting to mind your own business.
Voted every election since 1984, this will be my first election I am sitting out. No longer trust or believe in this system, you can not change anything through a now blatantly rigged sham of a system. It is an illusion of choice, an illusion of freedom.
Amen on sitting this one out.
All the soldiers who sacrificed their lives going to bat for us would be proud of your decision to sit down and “give up”.
I learned during my 25 years of military service that governments installed by hook and by crook can never be “elected” out. But I am sure the powers that be love that u believe they can be. Stupidity is doing the same thing over again and expecting different results.
Oath Integrity – do yourself and everyone else a big favor – take a long overdue nap.
Already voted ‘early’ on Friday @ 2525 Gamble St.
… NB-3
… Gotshall
I was really disappointed with the turnout. People just are not taking the voting seriously.
I agree.
My adult daughter with two school age children struggling with alternative homeschool program choices called at 7:45 pm yesterday wanting to know where her voting location was.
It hurts when I think about the failure to convey the message about the importance of voting on my part.
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