Interior Department moving Bureau of Land Management back to Swamp from Colorado


The Bureau of Land Management, for a brief moment in history was to be located in Colorado, where the agency could be closer to the land it manages.

All that changed last week when Interior Sec. Deb Haaland, whose nomination was backed by all three of Alaska’s congressional members, announced the agency would be once again located in Washington, D.C., so that senior officials could be closer to Congress.

The Trump Administration move to relocate it to Grand Junction, Colo. was because one in every 10 acres in America is managed by the BLM, which has control of 30 percent of the nation’s minerals, as well. Being located in the nation’s capital was seen by the Trump Administration as being out of touch with the agency’s mission.

In Alaska, the agency manages more surface and subsurface acres than in any other state, including 70 million surface acres and 220 million subsurface acres (federal mineral estate) in a state with a landmass equivalent to about one-fifth of the entire contiguous United States.

Haaland informed BLM employees Friday, although many of them already knew. In a department press release, she said the Grand Junction office will be expanded as a western headquarters, but that senior staff will be moved to Washington, D.C.

“The Bureau of Land Management is critical to the nation’s efforts to address the climate crisis, expand public access to our public lands, and preserve our nation’s shared outdoor heritage. It is imperative that the bureau have the appropriate structure and resources to serve the American public,” Haaland said. “There’s no doubt that the BLM should have a leadership presence in Washington, D.C. – like all the other land management agencies – to ensure that it has access to the policy-, budget-, and decision-making levers to best carry out its mission. In addition, the BLM’s robust presence in Colorado and across the West will continue to grow.”

“The past several years have been incredibly disruptive to the organization, to our public servants, and to their families. As we move forward, my priority is to revitalize and rebuild the BLM so that it can meet the pressing challenges of our time, and to look out for our employees’ well-being,” she said. “I look forward to continuing to work with Congress, Tribes, elected officials and the many stakeholders who care about the stewardship of our shared public lands and healthy communities.”


  1. Typical democrats, out of touch with reality. She is a democrat above all, she proved that when she sh– on the Alaskan native Vietnam veterans just after being confirmed by Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan.

    • #FLM she is a disgrace to our great state, a disgrace to our nation and a disgrace as a human being.
      Lisa gotta go, she has betryed her oath of office and should have already resigned in disgrace. She is a laughingstock around our nation, loyal to whoever pays her. Its the leftist marxist dark money shes using to pad her own bank account.
      Time to go Lisa, how do we recall her?
      Impeach Lisa

  2. “There’s no doubt that the BLM should have a leadership presence in Washington, D.C. – like all the other land management agencies – to ensure that it has access to the policy-, budget-, and decision-making levers to best carry out its mission.”- It needs to be convenient for lobbyists.

    “In addition, the BLM’s robust presence in Colorado and across the West will continue to grow.” – Why sure it will! And be sure to give Johnny Horizon and Seymore Antelope a gun and Kevlar vest.

    “The past several years have been incredibly disruptive to the organization, to our public servants, and to their families. As we move forward, my priority is to revitalize and rebuild the BLM so that it can meet the pressing challenges of our time, and to look out for our employees’ well-being,” she said. “I look forward to continuing to work with Congress, Tribes, elected officials and the many stakeholders who care about the stewardship of our shared public lands and healthy communities.” – no mention of the “public” whose land it actually is.

  3. Deb Haaland is a card carrying member of the pro-China, Communist Party USA. Trevor Loudon lays it all out in an Epoch Times Episode of Counterpunch.

    It is behind a paywall, but it alone is worth every penny to access ll of the available the resources on EpochTV.

    It is not surprising that Lisa Murkowski voted for her, but Dan Sullivan’s vote for her is just another example of his multiple colossal failures in judgment. He drapes himself in flag, much like Milley… Question: Why would anyone solemnly swear to support and defend the Constitution and then try to slink past standing and delivering?

  4. “In addition, the BLM’s robust presence in Colorado and across the West will continue to grow.”
    This is the most disturbing statement she made…a commitment to expanding government both in number of employees and control over public lands.

  5. Yep, I just read a promise to make the bureau-rat-racy bigger – more people, less in touch with the public. More, and more intrusive, regulation. Statehood Compact lawsuit needed.

  6. Boy Lisa, it’s a good thing we have a female … not only that, an Indigenous Female … in the leading role for BLM. She sure checked off all/BOTH your criteria earning your support, didn’t she?
    Funny thing, those of us in the real world have expectations for those we put in leadership roles. Little things like “experience” and “flexibility”.
    Following your example, let’s hire a new Senator for Alaska. No experience required, as long as he fits BOTH our criteria: “male” and “white”.
    What? No good? Please show me how this is different than your criteria for Haaland.

  7. The move makes perfect sense. Democrats believe citizens exist for the convenience of the government; Republicans believe government exists to serve citizens.

  8. The BLM will be weaponized just like all the other alphabet soup agencies. They’ll be used to enforce vaccine mandates and will probably be involved in gun control. The rest will be shut down with the exception of mineral extraction..the Chinese need minerals.

  9. nonsense, Trump moved the headquarters to Colorado to try and save Corey Gardner. Gardner lost so Trump pulled the United States Space Command from Colorado. These decisions are not made to serve the public but to serve themselves.

    • Cory Gardner was never going to survive, any person average intelligence who pays attention to politics could’ve predicted that. He owed his first political victory to a heavily gerrymandered district, and he was never going to beat Hickenlooper.

      • I agree with you. The decision to move the headquarters was made before Hickenlooper entered the senate race. Look how much money was wasted by the Al Gross campaign. He was never going to beat Sullivan. Senate elections defy reason. The BLM move was heralded as a major accomplishment for Gardner

  10. Yep, and our illustrious senators thought they could make a deal with that she-devil. Don’t wrestle with pigs! You will get dirty and they like it!

  11. Do you realize Haaland is 8th on the list in the Order of Succession to fill POTUS, if necessary, behind 1) VP Harris, 2) Speaker of the House Pelosi, 3) President Pro Tempore Leahy, 4) Sec. of State Blinken, 5) Sec. of Treasury Yellen, 6) Sec. of Defense Austin, and 7) AG Garland? We are in some DEEP doo doo.

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