Must Read Alaska readers have had a lot of harsh words over the years for outgoing President Joe Biden. But reader/commenter “Whidbey TheDog” (pseudonym) asks if people could say even one nice word about the president.
So here’s your chance, Must Read Alaska readers. We’ll publish your comments below, but only the ones that are “nice” about Biden. For instance, your MRAK editor offers that Biden said once how children love to touch his hairy legs in the pool. That’s . . . nice.
But there’s so much more than his hairy legs and children.
Here’s your chance to give Biden your best. (Please don’t misspell his name Bidum or Bribem when you comment; it creates a lot of work for the editor.)
The comment section is now open for your pleasure. Go!
He has been really nice to illegal immigrant criminals.
Bizarre is the kindest word I can think of. My adjectives go down from there. 🤔
He’s been nice to all the criminals, drug addicts, and the woke mentally ill patients that should be in a mental hospital…letting them loose in a insanity world.
He cares deeply for his family. He ensures their perpetual wealth through any means necessary.
The schmuck is leaving office, is the nicest thing I can muster.
Agreed. Cheers –
Honesty & Nicety (as best as it’s going to get from me):
… “Best ‘ol boy to pull a wet one out of a mare mule!”
… “Narcissist, Sociopathic, Pathological Liar!”
… “A complete Air-Thief!”
it is so nice that a plagiarist forced to drop out of the 1988 presidential raceway given a second chance; its also so nice to see that after the last 4 years, the pressure he was given in 1988 to drop out was not mis guided.
He really, really likes children
He’s loyal to his family (except to his grand daughter, Navy)
TheDog hopes that we are willing and able to forget so very much, perhaps everything, of Biden’s history of public ‘service.’ This little exercise reminds me of Thomas Jefferson’s observation, that, “History, in general, only informs us (of) what bad government is.”
To his credit, Joe Biden will be remembered with fondness by the abortion industry, the gender-confused, the DEI hucksters, and the climate hysterics. Therein is his legacy, for better or for worse.
In the end, each and every one of us will come before the Supreme Judge, and not before the court of human opinion. If I have been unduly harsh in my words about Joe Biden, then I must pause to repent. So, with that in mind, I should now write that I wish him well in his long-overdue retirement.
It’s nice that someone with advanced dementia can be leader of the free world. It’s nice that he brought Kamala Harris along with him to the dance, and let’s not forget how nice Jill Biden is to cover up for him.
He’s leaving.
PoJoe provided an extremely nice and absolutely stellar public example of what it means to be an anti-American and pro-globalist traitor.
Now, in turn, let’s see Whidbey the Non-Alaskan Dog provide a nice word for Trump.
Biden did a nice job of getting more working people out to vote
He was the source for many funny memes.
Under his guidance as President, I have discovered a whole new world of ice cream flavors.
History will not be kind to this person and legacy. He is poster child for term limits.
Unemployment Rate
Reagan (1989): 5.3%
Biden (2025): 4.1%
Total Jobs Created
Reagan: 16 million (over 8 years)
Biden: 17 million (in just 4 years)
Inflation Rate
Reagan (1989): 4.8%
Biden (2025): 3.0%
Wage Growth
Reagan: +5.4%
Biden: +7.4%
Manufacturing Jobs
Reagan: -1.7 million
Biden: +775,000
Poverty Rate
Reagan: 13%
Biden: 11.1%
National Debt Increase
Reagan: +195%
Biden: +21.7%
PS. This might be the last few days you can still purchase the Joe Biden tennis shoes for $299, the Joe Biden bible for $60, and Jill Biden Christmas ornaments for $30. Grab them as they will soon be collector items.
Hey look, figures never lie, but liars figure…
With this thought in mind, Biden was very good at figuring…
He has a very ‘nice’ car – ‘67 corvette stingray……
He was nice to Jimmy Carter by relieving him of the title of being the worst president since James Buchanan.
It’s nice that Biden could perform all the functions of President on a part-time basis…work just 2 hours a day and take extended vacations every weekend to the beach.
Biden is a child of God.
That is true. Whether he knows it or not.
He’s been nice to the alphabet soup people.
He removed all doubt there is such a thing as a crooked politician
The Taliban likes him.
I appreciate him for “righting the ship” after the chaotic misinformation and general chaos spread by his predecessor. That he got in there and tackled Covid which was still raging when he took office. His experience in politics also came in handy in a congress that was Republican, the party of his predecessor. He did what he could under hostile circumstances. The comments made by your readers lead me to believe that their narrative and comments come from the same hostile source. This is what our country has come to: resentful and angry citizens. Once you elect the best candidate you must back them at least with civility. By the way studying civics and history would help a lot.
Take your own advice and,read some history. Reagan inherited an enormous mess from Carter remember ” stagflation”? It took years of his term putting out Peanut Brain’s fires. Only after that was done, he set about growing the economy and increasing jobs against the headwinds of an opposition-controlled Press,Congress,and courts comparing that task to what gropey dopey Joe did, is not even close Joe had the House and senate(mostly) kissing his diapers not even adding our frienemies in the media
He makes me want to re-watch “Weekend at Bernie’s.” What a goof!
It’s nice he is leaving, I hope to never hear his name again.
Being a good father and knowing the value of good hygiene, he personally makes sure his daughter properly showers.
The entire leftist/socialist/communist ideology he represents is so bizarre its hard for us to even understand how anyone can relate to it. It is so corrupt, ineffective, and antithetical to the American spirit that it’s adherents must be intellectually and morally deficient. It makes for difficult relations in the American body politic.
He was so nice to his daughter he would help her ” bathe ” in the shower.
He gave a very respectful, apolitical eulogy for Senator Stevens. Other than that, total dirt bag!
Biden loves Ukraine (over anyone experiencing a disaster in the USA).
He saved his crooked son from jail.
He took care of his family.
Nice try, Suzanne 😏 sd
To paraphrase the Joker in Batman:
“he was a crook…and a liar…on the other hand he had a beautiful singing voice”
In the southern vernacular… “Bless his heart”… “I’m sure his intentions were good”…
Well, I see that I have gotten under your skin just a little. I win.
The best I can do is FJB !
Well, if you believe Joe, he single-handedly kept Amtrak in business by riding over 1 million miles…..and he was kind enough to spare his son from prison for not paying taxes, while demanding that all those rich folks better pay theirs and then some!
A “Bright” Blank page.
He really good a ……stealing other hard earned money.
It was considerate of him to do most of the B.S. by E.O. so it can be reversed quickly.
There’s not many men so caring for their family that they arrange millions and millions to just appear as gifts in there provided offshore bank accounts
Since I have nothing nice to say about him, I won’t accept the challenge.
He would look good in one of the whigs our founding fathers used to wear.
Say something nice about Usurper and Traitor Biden?
Well, with his obviously advanced dementia, he will be dead soon.
Got news for you. We’ll all be dead soon. When you’re on your deathbed, your whole life was only 5-minutes.
A hard POS ?
> We’ll publish your comments below, but only the ones that are “nice” about Biden.
Whidbey and others of their ilk can only survive in a censorious environment. The truth is far too much for their “worldview”.
As far as Biden, he was the selected president. That’s all I got even close to “nice”.
Seventy-five hours to go.
His position on Israel was correct, but everything else he did was anti American and actually caused economic injury with runaway inflation and especially to contractors that had to compete with illegal aliens.
He’s extremely talented at sniffing little girls’ hair!
Dog: your lord and savior Joe Biden turned out to be demon spawn from hell. Want us to stoop to say something nice about him? First choke on your pride and say something nice about Trump. Then we’ll talk.
He sacrificed his name to get us out of Afghanistan after Trump blundered it.
Sometimes the best thing to do is to punt. He suffered that the whole biden crime family bull c***After it was proven that the whole thing was a hoax. He leaves office with a higher approval rating than trump did after his first term.
while not being a Biden fan at all; I have little respect for Trump as well. The Progressive folks need to understand that many if not most that voted for Trump did so only because the demonstrated previous 4 years were so distasteful and contrary to social and acceptable political norms that Trump got a lot of gag votes. It should be a reality check that warns of how extreme off base the Biden regime is and was. Those that succumbed to media’s bent on painting the negative of every policy and decision of the first Trump era had become much wiser this go-round.
He has done a good job of getting out of the way and allowing others in his circle to play President.
Fair game first 40 years of public life but the last 6 or so should be off limits.
The real damage has been done by those in his inner circle that have used his condition to wield power that they never could have earned if they were honest. Chief of the perpetrators is likely the illustrious Dr. Jill.
Pity the guy, don’t pick on him.