Interactive: Say something nice about Biden? Please.

Hunter and President Joe Biden. Photo credit: Spc. William Thompson | U.S. Army

Must Read Alaska readers have had a lot of harsh words over the years for outgoing President Joe Biden. But reader/commenter “Whidbey TheDog” (pseudonym) asks if people could say even one nice word about the president.

So here’s your chance, Must Read Alaska readers. We’ll publish your comments below, but only the ones that are “nice” about Biden. For instance, your MRAK editor offers that Biden said once how children love to touch his hairy legs in the pool. That’s . . . nice.

But there’s so much more than his hairy legs and children.

Here’s your chance to give Biden your best. (Please don’t misspell his name Bidum or Bribem when you comment; it creates a lot of work for the editor.)

The comment section is now open for your pleasure. Go!


  1. He’s been nice to all the criminals, drug addicts, and the woke mentally ill patients that should be in a mental hospital…letting them loose in a insanity world.

  2. Honesty & Nicety (as best as it’s going to get from me):
    … “Best ‘ol boy to pull a wet one out of a mare mule!”
    … “Narcissist, Sociopathic, Pathological Liar!”
    … “A complete Air-Thief!”

  3. it is so nice that a plagiarist forced to drop out of the 1988 presidential raceway given a second chance; its also so nice to see that after the last 4 years, the pressure he was given in 1988 to drop out was not mis guided.

  4. TheDog hopes that we are willing and able to forget so very much, perhaps everything, of Biden’s history of public ‘service.’ This little exercise reminds me of Thomas Jefferson’s observation, that, “History, in general, only informs us (of) what bad government is.”

    To his credit, Joe Biden will be remembered with fondness by the abortion industry, the gender-confused, the DEI hucksters, and the climate hysterics. Therein is his legacy, for better or for worse.

    In the end, each and every one of us will come before the Supreme Judge, and not before the court of human opinion. If I have been unduly harsh in my words about Joe Biden, then I must pause to repent. So, with that in mind, I should now write that I wish him well in his long-overdue retirement.

  5. It’s nice that someone with advanced dementia can be leader of the free world. It’s nice that he brought Kamala Harris along with him to the dance, and let’s not forget how nice Jill Biden is to cover up for him.

  6. PoJoe provided an extremely nice and absolutely stellar public example of what it means to be an anti-American and pro-globalist traitor.

    Now, in turn, let’s see Whidbey the Non-Alaskan Dog provide a nice word for Trump.

    • I will save you the trouble of scrolling through my previous comments, so here’s what I wrote on the matter:

      I agree with him about restoring order at the southern border.
I agree with him about bring manufacturing back from China.
I agree with him and MRAK that genetic boys should not compete against girls, or be in their locker rooms.
I agree with him that the US should be energy independent, although not by the same means.
He has a nice airplane.
I’m sure he’s a sweet grandfather to his grandkids.
      That’s about it, though.

      I may live Outside now, but not by choice. My heart remains in Alaska and always will, as will ultimately whatever is finally left of me. Is that good enough for you?

      • If you agree with President Trump on all those issues; why are you upset he’s actively doing something about all of them?

        • I don’t like a lot of what he’s doing, and the main reason I don’t like him is that he’s a cruel ******e.

    • Poster boy??
      Biden was one and done as Prez.
      Keep barking but try and find the right tree, if you are going ti rely on metaphors.

  7. Unemployment Rate
    Reagan (1989): 5.3%
    Biden (2025): 4.1%

    Total Jobs Created
    Reagan: 16 million (over 8 years)
    Biden: 17 million (in just 4 years)

    Inflation Rate
    Reagan (1989): 4.8%
    Biden (2025): 3.0%

    Wage Growth
    Reagan: +5.4%
    Biden: +7.4%

    Manufacturing Jobs
    Reagan: -1.7 million
    Biden: +775,000

    Poverty Rate
    Reagan: 13%
    Biden: 11.1%

    National Debt Increase
    Reagan: +195%
    Biden: +21.7%
    PS. This might be the last few days you can still purchase the Joe Biden tennis shoes for $299, the Joe Biden bible for $60, and Jill Biden Christmas ornaments for $30. Grab them as they will soon be collector items.

    • Hey look, figures never lie, but liars figure…
      With this thought in mind, Biden was very good at figuring…

        • Also attributed to Twain is “If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.”
          Except in Joe’s case it’s inverted: If you can’t remember anything you don’t have to tell the truth….

          • Carlin and Masked Avenger, somehow you failed to mention the more appropriate Twain quote that describes both of yours journey through life – “It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.” This applies to posting on social media also.

    • Nice job lying with statistics. While everything you present is a factual stat, they lack context, therefore they are nothing more than curiosities. I need look no further than your National Debt Increase to see how important context is.

    • PS, Sebastian; you should be aware the unemployment statistic under Herr Biden’s reign of terror has been debunked 10000000x over .. you know that right?

      The “jobs” he “created” were just the lifting of the pointless Covid restrictions where people were allowed to go back to work. That was not job creation what so ever. Plus, under the pointless Covid restrictions, thousands of small businesses closed permanently. Since you don’t understand how the economy works, that means thousands of jobs were permanently lost. That means there was a loss of jobs.. not creation of jobs under Herr Biden.

      Do you ever get sick of being proven totally wrong every day?

    • Reagan pulled us out of Carter’s catastrophe. His numbers were vast improvements over Jimmy Carter. Biden crashed us after Trump was carjacked. That they both have records is all you’re proving here.

  8. He was nice to Jimmy Carter by relieving him of the title of being the worst president since James Buchanan.

  9. It’s nice that Biden could perform all the functions of President on a part-time basis…work just 2 hours a day and take extended vacations every weekend to the beach.

  10. I appreciate him for “righting the ship” after the chaotic misinformation and general chaos spread by his predecessor. That he got in there and tackled Covid which was still raging when he took office. His experience in politics also came in handy in a congress that was Republican, the party of his predecessor. He did what he could under hostile circumstances. The comments made by your readers lead me to believe that their narrative and comments come from the same hostile source. This is what our country has come to: resentful and angry citizens. Once you elect the best candidate you must back them at least with civility. By the way studying civics and history would help a lot.

    • Take your own advice and,read some history. Reagan inherited an enormous mess from Carter remember ” stagflation”? It took years of his term putting out Peanut Brain’s fires. Only after that was done, he set about growing the economy and increasing jobs against the headwinds of an opposition-controlled Press,Congress,and courts comparing that task to what gropey dopey Joe did, is not even close Joe had the House and senate(mostly) kissing his diapers not even adding our frienemies in the media

    • ” Once you elect the best candidate you must back them at least with civility.”
      One can argue about “best” here, but I hope you remember your words for the next 4 years and back our incoming president with civility.

    • Covid is a joke. It’s been proven to be leaked from the WuHan lab. It’s been well established that it was not even close to an actual pandemic. It’s been proven the masks didn’t slow down the spread of the virus. The particles are too small, Plus, no one has used their masks properly at all.

      Biden printed out and handed out more money that instantly drove up inflation.

      Can you seriously believe Biden handled Covid well?

    • You hit the nail on the head with “Weekend at Bernie’s”. Once nice thing to say…Enjoy your retirement and welcome to Gitmo where the weather is always warm and sunny.

  11. Being a good father and knowing the value of good hygiene, he personally makes sure his daughter properly showers.

  12. The entire leftist/socialist/communist ideology he represents is so bizarre its hard for us to even understand how anyone can relate to it. It is so corrupt, ineffective, and antithetical to the American spirit that it’s adherents must be intellectually and morally deficient. It makes for difficult relations in the American body politic.

    • Earlier as a Senator he could always be counted on to really grill the nominees for the US Supreme Court. That was a good use of his personality traits; and who of us would not try to keep progeny from excessive legal battles where possible. His staff was available and respectful to Americans across the political spectrum. One felt someone heard by them. Not true in every elected office.

  13. To paraphrase the Joker in Batman:

    “he was a crook…and a liar…on the other hand he had a beautiful singing voice”

    • How about we turn the tables on this exercise.
      Why don’t you say something nice about Biden. If you were to write the eulogy for this man, what would you think are the three nicest things would would want people to remember?

  14. Well, if you believe Joe, he single-handedly kept Amtrak in business by riding over 1 million miles…..and he was kind enough to spare his son from prison for not paying taxes, while demanding that all those rich folks better pay theirs and then some!

  15. There’s not many men so caring for their family that they arrange millions and millions to just appear as gifts in there provided offshore bank accounts

  16. > We’ll publish your comments below, but only the ones that are “nice” about Biden.

    Whidbey and others of their ilk can only survive in a censorious environment. The truth is far too much for their “worldview”.

    As far as Biden, he was the selected president. That’s all I got even close to “nice”.

    Seventy-five hours to go.

  17. His position on Israel was correct, but everything else he did was anti American and actually caused economic injury with runaway inflation and especially to contractors that had to compete with illegal aliens.

  18. Dog: your lord and savior Joe Biden turned out to be demon spawn from hell. Want us to stoop to say something nice about him? First choke on your pride and say something nice about Trump. Then we’ll talk.

  19. He sacrificed his name to get us out of Afghanistan after Trump blundered it.
    Sometimes the best thing to do is to punt. He suffered that the whole biden crime family bull c***After it was proven that the whole thing was a hoax. He leaves office with a higher approval rating than trump did after his first term.

    • Huh? Trump left office Jan. 2021, Joe precipitously pulled out all troops (despite warnings from many on the ground that the Afghan leaders were not ready to take over) in August, 2021, leaving behind Americans, loyal Afghans, tons of equipment and intel. This is not on Trump. If the negotiated agreement was not feasible, why did Biden not re-negotiate and instead demanded to be out of there before the symbolic Sept. 11 deadline despite reality making a move of that nature contra-indicated?

    • Actually, his approval rating is the lowest of any president in the last 50 years. And no, his criminal corruption is not a hoax.

      Please start doing some research, Greg.

    • If they had just followed the plan that Trump had in place, instead of doing the opposite, the debacle leaving Afghanistan would have gone very differently, and Biden would not have had to sacrifice anything.

  20. while not being a Biden fan at all; I have little respect for Trump as well. The Progressive folks need to understand that many if not most that voted for Trump did so only because the demonstrated previous 4 years were so distasteful and contrary to social and acceptable political norms that Trump got a lot of gag votes. It should be a reality check that warns of how extreme off base the Biden regime is and was. Those that succumbed to media’s bent on painting the negative of every policy and decision of the first Trump era had become much wiser this go-round.

  21. He has done a good job of getting out of the way and allowing others in his circle to play President.

    Fair game first 40 years of public life but the last 6 or so should be off limits.

    The real damage has been done by those in his inner circle that have used his condition to wield power that they never could have earned if they were honest. Chief of the perpetrators is likely the illustrious Dr. Jill.

    Pity the guy, don’t pick on him.

  22. never flew on Epstein’s jet. Been married to the same women for almost 50 years. The two things I look at when judging a president are military deaths and the economy. Although the military deaths are not up to date it appears he may have slightly reduced them or at least held them constant. I think he did an ok job on the economy. Inflation is world wide and Americans fared better than most countries. Stock market did ok. Kiplinger’s says 5th best performance during his presidency. (inflation and dividends not factored in)

  23. A pathological liar, fan of illegal drugs, lover of sodomy and desecrator of military honor, he demonstrated remarkable disdain for the one resource responsible for Alaska’s economy and allowed US borders to be overwhelmed with the violent detritus of third world countries. I’m not particularly bummed that he lied to us all but it was disappointing to find so early that he would lie about everything.

    He was raised to respect a 1950’s car salesman and as such to exploit the innocent. Mr. Biden is a scorpion and you have been his frog.

      • Nice Things and Robert:
        I have dutifully purchased a firearm and cases of cartridges after each of the presidential inaugurations of Clinton, Obama, and finally Biden. The Lord is my shepherd – not the DNC, my stockpile now floweth over, and it’s good to dwell in a nation where I do not feel compelled to shop around next week. See ya guys at the range, or somewhere out in the wilderness!

  24. My deepest sympathies go out to Joe and the Biden family for the loss of their Uncle Bozie who was ingloriously eaten by cannibals.

  25. May he enjoy his retirement, he’s been practicing for it his last 4 years, so he should be fairly good at not falling out of his beach chair. He has good taste in ice cream, he has survived having to put up with K Harris for 4 years.

  26. Suzanne:
    Can we have an interactive article where the dedicated leftists and never Trumpers on MRAK get challenged to say something nice about Trump.
    I am interested to see how the ones who spout nothing but vitriol about President Trump will do when challenged in the same manner.

      • Very good.
        I like it. Diplomacy is definitely a good trait to have in a President.
        Or, would you prefer that Trump antagonize those who declared themselves our enemies? I am guessing you would. After all, you liked the Bush Presidencies where those warmongers got us into totally unnecessary wars.

          • The WMDs that never appeared? And the attack on the USA that Iraq had no involvement in whatsoever?
            He saved us from a huge nothing.
            Instead he got is into wars that created more conflict and more loss of life throughout the middle east.
            But, in your mind, that’s perfectly OK. But having diplomatic talks with unfriendly nations is some kind of horrific sin.
            Or is it just your baseless hatred of Trump?

  27. Biden was the best puppet president that Obama could hope for, he almost made it through all four years before it was wholly revealed that the emperor had no clothes.

  28. Joseph Robinette Biden is an inspiring example of how a person of weak intellect and much below-average character can aspire to and obtain a position of high leadership in the United States. If he can become President, anyone can.

    That’s reassuring, and a good thing… right?

    • JMARK, I agree, however me thinks Joe’s accession to the Oval Office speaks more about the character and intelligence of the American body politic. ?

      However, Joe’s handlers, blinded by arrogance overplayed their hand with the selection of the only candidate in the known universe worse than Joe.

      In the end, this is Joe’s legacy, he inspired the American People at least for a moment to pay attention to things political.
      Kamala Harris.

      • Agreed. And then, when we looked just for a moment at Ms. Harris, it was obvious that she was not a serious person.

    • Well, it is equally inspiring that a former McDonald’s fry cook can move to sanitation worker, and then onto to the Presidency in a few short months.

  29. I think he was a patsy mostly. Trump cheated to beat Hillary even though Hillary tried to cheat Trump and then Trump having learned the lesson, said the Biden cheated him and tried to take over the country and that didn’t work and then Biden had to clean up Afghanistan because Trump couldn’t end the war. And then he got old, and with nobody else to run Trump. Won the election basically for the first time. I think that pretty much sums it up.

  30. The Russians and Iranians just signed a nuclear agreement. Enough talk. Time to see leadership. My choice eliminate Iran’s nuclear designs.

  31. The Communist Chinese like Biden because they got such a good return on their investment for the millions of dollars in bribes they provided the Biden family.

    Biden’s daughter Ashley, liked having showers with dear old Dad.

    Hunter Biden sure appreciated his Dad misusing the office of the prseident of the USA to keep Hunter out of jail for gun charges, tax evasion, and more.

    The millons of illegal aliens sure apprecaited being able to enter our country ilegally- esp. when Biden used taxpayer dollars to fly them in.

    The Taliban terrorists sure apprecaite Biden giving them about $100 billion dollars of our military equipment. And the Taliban men sure appreciate being able to “marry” girls when they are 11 or 12 years old, and they love being able to keep women as chattle.

  32. For folks who appreciate a hot mess, he and Kamala were the hottest and messiest ever. And he was a dedicated sniffer.

  33. It’s so nice The Bidens are no longer in power in our government. It will be nice when Joe Biden et al get what they have coming for their corruption.

  34. It’s a rare publication that openly mocks its readers, especially those from whom you gladly accept donations.

    If you look in your comments section, you will see that I have agreed with Trump on several points. But no one here can get any positive words out of their mouths. Pathetic.

    • You are cute WTD!
      Here you are bemoaning the fact that MRAK does not bend the knee, because you gave money. Which appears factually false as Suzanne certainly indulged you with this article. What more do you want? You are certainly not the only one supporting Suzanne and this publication and I for one appreciate that she does not play favorites (other than Forkner for some reason).
      If you want accolades and praise for the previous occupant of the oval, go to the ADN/CNN/MSNBC or The View. In the grand scheme of things I thought this thread was pretty civil considering the misery that man and his minions inflicted on the country.
      I am very happy that you agree with President Trump on some things, but that does not constitute an obligation of reciprocation from others, who just like you are entitled to their opinion.

      • Believe me, there was no indulging involved. The article was a snarky and thinly-veiled effort to taunt Whidbey Thedog, and to invite the MRAK horde to further dogpile on Biden. Quite clever, Dear Editor, but it’s time for this little mob scene to roll off the bottom of your site.

        And by the way, I was right. If you read through the comments, there are hardly any sincere, civil comments about Biden. My prediction was correct, further proving that the MRAK chapter of the MAGA cult ls free of decency and common respect.

        You just can’t do it, can you? You can’t get those words out of your mouths, just like the sickening way Kash Patel couldn’t say that that Trump lost in 2020 during his confirmation hearing yesterday.

        Vindication feels so good. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to experience it.

        • Whidbey, nobody said anything honestly nice about PotatoHead Biden because nobody CAN honestly say anything nice about Biden. His administration was a national wrecking ball from Day One, and to utterly, perfectly honest, I cannot think of a single policy of his that was not obviously and definitively detrimental to this nation.

          Fortunately, the national nightmare is over.

        • I was sincere and civil when I chose “Cranky” as my one nice word that I could think of to say about Biden.

          Kash Patel was right not to accede to a demand that he acknowledge that Trump lost. He did not lose. Regardless, the adverse consequences to your ideological goals will be magnified many-fold because of the theft that happened there. A second term directly following the first would have paled in comparison to what is about to happen. We now have the proof of the intentions of the left, as they went hard toward their anti-American goals, squandering our blood and treasure with glee. Perverting our justice system on a scale way beyond any historical comparison. Precedents were set that will come back to haunt those who set them.

          I am glad you feel good here. Highly doubt its going the be that way again for a long while.

        • Thank you for proving my point. Picking a subject that a vast majority of individuals have negative experiences with and then use it as validation of your bias, isn’t vindication, it is manipulation.
          Conservatives are very decent folks and generally kind to most people. Nobody took a pot shot at Biden or tried to impeach him three times, despite his many questionable instructions to various agencies and the overall misery he inflicted on the country.
          Then there is your double standard of letting Hillary run around and scream that her election was stolen, while she stored national secrets where she kept her yoga schedule and Chelsea’s wedding plans.
          Lastly I find it interesting that you take negative comments regarding the former president as a personal affront. This speak of an emotional component, which would make it difficult to assess issues in a rational manner.

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