Incendiary: Biden and Democrats have repeatedly referred to Trump as a fascist, dictator, and ‘Hitler’

President Joe Biden has repeatedly called Trump a dictator and said he must be stopped.

For years, the Left has referred to Donald Trump as a fascist and a dictator. President Joe Biden has referred to him as being like Hitler. Last week, Biden told supporters to stop talking about Biden’s disastrous debate with Trump, and put a bullseye on Trump.

“So, we’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye,” he told supporters last week, according to POLITICO.

When Gov. Sarah Palin once published in 2011 an image of a bullseye on the district of Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, the media and the Left blamed Palin for the attempted assassination of Giffords during a constituent meeting in Arizona.

But the media has fought the idea that the president and his followers who spout “fascist” and “Hitler” rhetoric are responsible for the gunman’s actions on July 13, when a bullet grazed the ear of the former president as he was speaking at a rally in Pennsylvania.

“You cannot repeatedly and endlessly label a major party candidate and former president Actual Hitler, a full-scale threat to democracy, without radically increasing the danger of violence in America. This danger has been obvious for years — and engaged in by nearly everyone on the Left, up to and including the current president. We are in a hideously ugly new era,” commented conservative Ben Shapiro.

Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio, said what many Republicans have been thinking — that Biden’s campaign taking points have “led directly to President Trump’s attempted assassination.”

Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, a Democrat, commented, “The assassination attempt on President Trump is a logical consequence of repeatedly comparing him to Adolf Hitler. After all, if Trump truly was another Hitler, wouldn’t it be their moral duty to assassinate him?”

Meanwhile, in an early morning press conference, Federal Bureau of Investigation officials from the Pittsburgh field office referred most questions about security to the Secret Service, which was not at the press conference.

The FBI has been put in charge of the investigation, a condition that may give conservatives little confidence, as it’s the same agency that had to be forced to admit that the Hunter Biden laptop was real and not a Russian disinformation operation.

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer announced Saturday that he has contacted the Secret Service for a briefing and is also calling on Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle to appear for a hearing. He is opening up an investigation into the shooting.

The FBI early Sunday morning identified the shooter as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks of Bethel Park, Pa. Crooks crawled along the roof of a manufacturing plant more than 130 yards from the rally stage at Butler Farm Show grounds.


  1. This is Democrat channeling. Political ads, political rhetoric……the Democrats are directly responsible for fomenting hate. They want Trump dead. Instead, they are campaigning for him. Such demonic, blind hatred.

  2. The truth is I feel incredibly unsafe. I am scared. I don’t know who to trust.

    I am not in charge and quoting one of the greatest songs ever….I cannot salute you.

    those two jerks that want to be in charge. I am scared of you.

    They scare me. The both of them.

    I do not feel hope.

    I feel scared.

    The last time I felt hopeful, with safety and security, was with George W. Bush.

    The world changed and he is the singular President that made me feel safe and secure.

    Since Him, no President has made me feel peaceful-taken care of to the point that my time was spent on pursuing my dreams and goals.

    I feel like after W, our jobs as citizens became making a President feel safe and secure.

    I want a leader, so I am not required to pay daily attention on what these f-holes are doing.

    I want to pursue my happiness without the life-sucking, time thieves that are not adding value and thrive on taking away my moments to get washed up in their cyclone of the ultimate sadness.

    The best leaders should be silent not storm makers.

    • Excuse me Trudy, but George W Bush was responsible for the war on Iraq and the death of so many Iraqis. He was not peaceful outside of the US. As far as your fear is concerned, trust in God and move forward. Your mindset is that of someone who wants a strong leader without knowing what that leader truly stands for. Others do not give you safety. God does that. And you need to become more confident in your neighbors and yourself to handle your own problems. Start now!

    • Trudy, you are not given a spirit of fear; but instead, power, love and sound mind. I speak sound mind over you, covered in power and love. Everytime you feel afraid you tell fear to go and say outloud, “I have power, love and sound mind.” Don’t let fear rule over you. We are all so much stronger than fear!

  3. ‘
    Drill Baby Drill and Make Alaska Great Again. Stop the Monopoly in the Oil and Gas Business in Alaska.
    Stop abuse by a few State Oil and Gas agency leaders that kill small oil and gas investors and Jobs in Alaska for personal favours from Alaska’s big Oil Monopolies.

  4. If people haven’t figured this out yet, the radical Democrats actually do what they accuse others of. It is sick and psychotic. I’m not placing all Democrats in the same boat as there are sensible ones that can make a moral and common-sense choice on facts. So, the fact is, any Dems that still support their party after all the lies and crimes of the Biden Administration, you are the problem in America. You refuse to see the truth of what he and his cronies (i.e. Obama, Hillary and many others) are doing to destroy your freedom and ruin our country. The violence in this country is from the left, not the right. If you support Biden or any of his associates, you support unlawfulness and violence. Shame on you!

    • Just because someone decides that Trump is not for them doesn’t make them a leftist. I have no party anymore. The Republicans under Trumps leadership endorsement support right of choice abortion. Higher taxes for the middle class. Taxes on imported goods. Cutting social security payments. All this is documented from Trump. I can’t support that
      I don’t support the left either. No way can I support the party of Hillary and Obama. So it doesn’t make us terrorist or commys or and other derogatory term they think of. Just Americans that call a spade a spade without whitewashing it

      • Gotta disagree Greg – neither Trump nor the GOP under his leadership support the things you accuse them of here.
        On another note, the Secret Service took out the shooter – we’ll see if anyone finds evidence of his beliefs and/or party affiliation. This will get whitewashed and the shooter made to look like a lone crazy actor.

      • Wtf are you even talking about, if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it’s a duck. It doesn’t take a rocket surgeon to see that you are a Democrat, every post you put up reads like something from the Democratic Underground. All those talking points come directly from the Democrat platform.

  5. This was inevitable. For 7 years the left and the media have been stoking this via demonizing their opponents.
    Trump and his supporters are Nazis, instaphobes, want to put black people in chains, virtually enslave women, hate everyone, and must be stopped to save the nation.

    The left has repeatedly resorted to intimidation and violence. Disruption of society. Destruction of social norms. Denial of basic reality. And a flat out refusal to live peacefully with their neighbor.

    We need to be very careful or this could spin wildly out of control.

  6. Reports are starting to surface the head of Secret Service has a history of politics ahead of job, and has been refusing to increase Trumps protection. If remotely true she needs to be fired immediately then potentially arrested.

    The BCC reported an attendee told Secret Service he saw someone climbing on a roof with a rifle and Secret Service did nothing.

  7. Secret Service is stupidity under Homeland ( thank you Bush 43 for sticking us with that disaster). Homeland is run by the incompetent Mayorkas, whom the Senate refused to hold an impeachment trail for. Despite being required to do so.

    Remember this when you go to the polls.

  8. Nice job trying to promote calm and reconciliation, MRAK. Oh, sorry, I forgot. That’s not what you’re about.

    • What we are trying to promote is a country that survives all the evil that is going around this globe. And lots of it from our country from evil people not unlike yourself Hans.

    • Talk is cheap, you know deep down in your heart that you’re unhappy that the shooter didn’t take out Trump and this talk of calm and reconciliation is just bs, that’s the last thing the left wants.

      • Definitely talk is cheap. Give it a few weeks for the urge to be virtue signal and then we can get back to hating each other.

  9. Absolute failure on the part of Secret Service advance planners. How do you possibly not cover a rooftop within 150 yards of your principal. Good job by the agents surrounding the President.

    • There are reports head of USSS puts her politics ahead of her job. The has refused requests to expand Trumps Secret Service protection.

      Additionally, for some reason Secret Service reports to Homeland, run by one of the most useless people ever in politics.

      Done deliberately? Doubt it. Result of myopic actions driven by political considerations? Absolutely.

    • Absolutely Greg. People saw the guy crawling for 4 minutes before he shot. Something stinks. The nonsense from the Biden camp is pure violence they are encouraging it. Democrats are blood thirsty.

  10. Biden refused to allow one of his opponents to have Secret Service protection. RFK Jr. requested protection many times, and was denied by Biden.

    To this day, Biden refuses protection for Kennedy.

    Biden is dirty.

  11. “Greg” would like to comment on this…? Considering you’ve pretty rabid on this subject of “orange man bad”.

  12. A lengthy book or a four-hour documentary film would barely scratch the surface of the raft of the Democrat Party’s inflammatory “he’s a fascist dictator!” rhetoric about Donald Trump that floats on an ocean of their lying sewage. Hillary’s “Russian collusion!” lie would be most notable chapter, probably, but there’s so, so many more examples of the same thing. After yesterday’s predictable shots were fired, the D.C. Democrats are now sounding somewhat more civil and sane, but note well – several organs of the leftist media are already spinning the story to make the Pennsylvania shooting to be the fault of no one but Donald Trump. Trump survives, but ‘our democracy’ remains in jeopardy.

  13. Be honest: this type of immature toilet talk constantly swirls among people of all political persuasions. Moreover, it’s been with us a long time.

  14. Oh please. MAGA idiots have been going on about how Biden is a dictator and the US is a police state for years. This assassination attempt is disgusting but it isn’t the Democrats fault. The MAGA rhetoric has been nothing but bellicose, MAGA invited this action, not Democrats. Get over yourselves.

    • Biden showered with his daughter and you’re okay with that? Biden took takes Chinese money and your okay with that? Biden promotes men in women’s locker rooms and your okay with that? What are YOU?

      • Never said I was OK with it.

        Trump raped a teenage girl.

        Trump banged a porn star and tried to hide it.

        There’s no proof Biden is influenced by the Chinese. He certainly hasn’t promoted actions favorable to China.

        Trump is a Russian pawn.

        • “Never said I was ok with it.” So I’ll ask again, are you ok with it? You sound like you are.
          “Trump raped a teenage girl.” – which trial is that?
          “Trump banged a porn star and tried to hide it.” I really don’t care who he bangs as long as their adults and it’s not his daughter in the shower.
          “There’s no proof Biden is influenced by the Chinese.” Well okay then, Big Guy.
          “Trump is a Russian pawn.” Ya, he’s helping them with that Ukraine war thingy.

          • It proved that Trump obstructed justice 10 times. Google Trump’s campaign (2015) manager Paul Manafort’s ties to Russia.

    • Bill, “MAGA invited this action” did the lady wearing a short dress also invite the rapist to rape her? You leftists sure have a pretty twisted world view.

    • Gonna try one more time SD. It has been reported that the shooter was a registered republican. He did donate $15 to some local Democrat. The haters on both sides must stop. Remember the house divided thing? I think the shooter who was obviously deranged, acted more against Trump rather than against the party. Can you be a socialist and accept Alaska program monies yet still be a Republican? I think so but you may be teetering on progressivness. But that’s for another thread.

    • I blame both camps or gullible media brainwashed dupes. All you partisans live in a fantasy land, and have been radicalized to the far side of crazy-town years ago.You people don’t know how similar you really are.

      You guys passionately argue abstractions about who should to use the women’s bathroom while your “leaders” agree on 99% of policies that actually have a real bearing on how we live.


    • Not the Democrats fault? Trump brought this on himself?

      Like the rape victims who wore suggestive clothing, huh?

      Apparently you’ve not bothered to watch the news in the last 10 years.

      You are a pathetic excuse for an alleged human.

      • A spurious argument. Wearing clothing that may be provocative isn’t the same thing as taunting and antagonizing people with rhetoric. You’re pretty low brow (based on a lot of your posts), I get that, but even you should be able to see the difference. Or maybe you can’t.

        • Trump taunts, he bullies, he incites, he denigrates, he threatens, he enrages. Those behaviors can cause unpredictable results, as they probably have today.

          It’s time to lower the volume, the hatred, the animosity, and the hostility. If we don’t, this whole place could come apart at the seams. Just ask anyone from the former Yugoslavia. You might think you want it, but believe me, you don’t.

        • You calling any argument spurious is the best laugh I’ve had in a while.

          You calling anyone low brow is almost as funny. I’ve read your posts.
          You can’t joust with me. You’ve not the intelligence or integrity.

    • Using Bill’s “logic”, if person A meets person B (known leftist troll) on the streets and puts person B in the hospital, its persons B’s fault for constant trolling which goes on here.

      Which is complete and utter moose poop. The actor is always responsible for their actions.

      Political violence is always been a tool of the left when they don’t get their way.

      Bill is desperate because he knows somewhere deep inside his side has been engaging in assassination porn since Trump came down the escalator.

      • Well, my side is the Republican party, just not the Republican party under Chairman Trump.

        Political violence is always the left? C’mon, you’re not that stupid are you? The KKK? The Nazi party? January 6? The right has used political violence to their ends just as long as the left.

        • You have zero grasp of logic or history. You literally have no idea what you are talking about. Or are just flat lying.

          And based on your posts remain a pathetic individual.

      • You are right on. Biden’s comments on “bullseye him (Trump”) are just one example. My parents were divided politically, but laughed about it and just said they cancelled out each other’s vote. Now we are a nation of children fighting over each others’ turf like a bunch of gang-bangers.. We should also be training our kids to remember that political rhetoric is not to be taken seriously. Keep it up, MA. I love your posts!

    • Are you really going to claim here that Marxist Democrats are just “innocent ” bystanders and clean as the wind-driven snow?
      Wow! Clearly no self-awareness on your part there at all.
      Yet you spew all the vitriol and rhetoric those “innocent bystanders” have been peddling for years. Regardless of what one thinks of Trump or the people, who want this country to be better and not descent into a socialist hell, the continuous barrage of ugly words and made-up accusations from those very “bystanders” have a negative effect. Logic and reason have long since left their building and even when accusations are proven false, the Marxist religion-like cult is not letting it go.

      Your problem really is that we have already seen a Trump presidency and it was none of the things you claim. People were a far cry better off than they are under your feeble-minded chosen one. The have also lived through the new Biden “cultural revolution” of all things LGBT and climate everything and they can see how it erodes the very fabric of our country, destroys their livelihoods and makes enemies of the very people it is supposed to serve.

      Regardless whether or not you like Trump, the fact remains that President Biden does not have the mental capabilities to run this country another 4 years. Since the Democrat party will not or can not offer another candidate, they make the choice for most people by default!

  15. Hard to believe that no “ news” agencies have reported on the color of the Connex.
    Will there be calls to sue the manufacturer of said Connex?
    Will the family of the pawn/shooter be rewarded as is done in the middle east countries that successfully program someone to martyr themselves for a cause fabricated by the puppet masters?

  16. Given the facts that the liberal press first tried to lie about the assassination attempt, I wonder if anyone will even waste their time with them. At the same time, I have to wonder how much of the stuff the investigators find is real and how much may be planted. And since Trump usually stares straight ahead, it is a miracle that he turned his head. Also, the buildings should also have been locked down. According to former agents, there were no drones or other air surveillance. There were also witnesses who said they saw the shooter with his rifle and tried to warn police. It just looks like a gigantic failure in planning. If the shooter had been successful, the Republican convention would have been in total disarray. The timing of this attempt was very suspicious.

  17. Why do they want to stop Trump? He must be doing something the same powers that delivered kill shots to the temples of Lincoln, Kennedy were doing. He is doing something like effectively neutralizing entrenched powers of foreign influence over the national sovereignty of the United States republic form of government.

  18. Trump is carefully, lawfully exposing to the American electorate who represents them and who represents foreign influences over the American people instead.

  19. I disagree with the theme of this article. You have the right to compare anyone you want to Hitler; or any other villain for that matter. That right is protected by the 1st Amendment. Anyone suggesting that right should be curtailed is anti-American. If a moron interprets it as a signal to harm anyone that is the moron’s problem…. as well as a price we must pay as a culture to have more free-speech liberty than any other culture. Never forget, the 1st Amendment was not adopted to protect comforting speech. Rather, it was adopted specifically to protect offensive, objectionable, speech. If we give it up by kowtowing to any fascist totalitarians, regardless of political ideology, who desire to control us like livestock, we will regret it.

    Let us not blame communist-totalitarian-Democrats for the assassination attempt on account of their engaging in free-speech against Trump. Comparing Trump to Hitler is not inciting anyone to assassinate him. On the other hand, if they outright encouraged people to violence that would be a different story. This same debate is currently underway with allegations against Trump for his benign speech before the Jan-6 events at the Capitol.

    • After 9 years of essentially assassination porn aimed at Trump, it’s very debatable this wasn’t incited. Yes, he is responsible for his own actions, but he clearly was a mentally weak person. The sort of person stupid enough to take up the mantle and act.


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