Hunger games: France withholds high-quality protein from Olympic athletes, pushes plant-based foods

Screenshot from the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics on Friday featured a mostly naked man painted in blue performing a song with the backdrop of a drag queen rendition of DaVinci's Last Supper.

The organizers of the Paris 2024 Olympics have not provided enough high-protein foods for the athletes attending, and the team from Great Britain has been forced to fly in its own cook, after shortages of chicken and eggs and even the serving of uncooked meat added to the problem of poor food quality.

Andy Anson, the British Olympic Association’s chief executive, told The Times of London that the food in the village “is not adequate” and “a dramatic” improvement is needed.

“British athletes have even taken to bringing back to the village packed lunches for their evening meal. In one of the gastronomic capitals of the world, catering organisers admitted to some supply issues and have promised to rectify the situation,” the Times wrote.

“There are not enough of certain foods: eggs, chicken, certain carbohydrates, and then there is the quality of the food, with raw meat being served to athletes,” Anson said. “They have got to improve it over the next couple of days dramatically.”

“They are saying the Games are more sustainable and there is way more plant-based food but sometimes if you go at peak times it’s challenging to even get a piece of chicken,” said one athlete, who asked to be kept anonymous.

The news of the lack of high-quality food comes as the United Nations and the Paris Climate Agreement has reworked the expectations of the host country to make this year’s Olympics the first-ever “carbon neutral games.”  

Read the story at The Times of London.


  1. I feel bad for the athletes who trained most of their lives for this moment.

    France and the Olympics? Could care less. Let Hamas have them.

  2. Protein protein protein, not plant based food. WEF, Olympics Committee, and the woke crowd strikes again!!!! What a disaster this is turning into!!!

  3. You do realize you can get all of your protein requirements from plants, right? The amount of dietary ignorance in this article is staggering.


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