How many have voted in Anchorage so far?


As of Monday, March 25, approximately 15,665 Anchorage residents have cast their ballots in the Anchorage Municipal Election. The state’s largest city is in its second mail-in election, after launching the program in 2018.

Last year, 79,275 ballots were cast, of the 218,388 registered voters in the Anchorage bowl. This year, about 216,000 ballots were mailed out by the Muni’s Election Office.

Those ballots were printed in Washington state and mailed the week of March 10; they are due back by April 2. With nine days left, another 63,610 voters will need to get busy in order to match last year’s record.

Going door to door in the Fairview neighborhood are canvassers from the progressive Alaska Center (for the Environment), to boost the liberal turnout. Another group is canvassing conservative voters to make sure they vote down the 5 percent alcohol tax proposed by the city to raise money for homeless services.

Mailing your ballot is not the only option. There are secure drop boxes in locations around the city, and they are being emptied by election workers regularly. You can also vote on April 2 in person at limited locations – check the list here.

[Check this list for a drop box near you]

Need to know more? Check out Must Read Alaska’s previous reports on the municipal election, then go find that ballot in the stack of junk mail — your vote could make the difference.

[Read: List of candidates]

[Read: Five things you should know about the ballot propositions]

[Read: Anchorage voters to decide on alcohol tax]


  1. Voted already …
    ‘NO’ on all of the of the Propositions … Bond Proposals.
    ‘YES’ on Prop-9.
    ‘NO’ on the Alcohol Tax.
    We need to stop the bleeding (ie – runaway spending) in this town.

  2. Despite assurances, with a “mail-in” election, we really have NO idea who is actually filling out the ballots. As long as we use the same format we will never see a conservative elected at the local level in Anchorage, save for one or two from Eagle River and Chugiak. Limiting the time period for return of the mail-in ballots would help, but the way the system works now, the Left has weeks to identify non-voters and collect their ballots. The Left used the same methods in 2018 to steal multiple congressional seats in California.

    Once again: We will NEVER see a conservative elected at the local level outside of Eagle River under this system.

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