House, Senate confirm Price for Public Safety commissioner



Today, a joint session of the House and Senate confirmed Amanda Price as commissioner of the Department of Public Safety. The vote was 34-25.

Rep. Laddie Shaw spoke at length about the confirmation process and said he asked law enforcement personnel across the state whether they support her, and received an affirmative.

Rep. Tammie Wilson spoke about how strong women are viewed differently than men, and she, too, had inquired among her contacts about how Price has done in her four months as commissioner, and was highly encouraged. She also noted that Price is an advocate for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Rep. Sara Rasmussen implied that a strong woman was being held to a different standard.

Commissioner of Public Safety Amanda Price

Rep. Zack Fields attacked Price’s character on the floor, repeating allegations he made in House State Affairs Committee, and Rep. Adam Wool piled on.

But Sen. Peter Micciche characterized the campaign that has been run against Price as a “witch hunt,” and that when he asked people to back up their claims, they came up with nothing.

All of the governor’s commissioner appointees have now been confirmed:

Kelly Tshibaka, Department of Administration

Vote: 48-11 for Kelly Tshibaka

Julie Anderson, Department of Commerce

Vote: 59-0 for Julie Anderson

Nancy Dahlstrom, Department of Corrections

Vote: 59-0 for Nancy Dahlstrom

Jason Brune, Department of Environmental Conservation

Vote: 35-24 for Jason Brune

Douglas Vincent-Lang, Department of Fish and Game

Vote 58-1 for Douglas Vincent-Lang

Adam Crum, Department of Health and Social Services

Vote: 34-25 for Adam Crum

Tamika Ledbetter, Department of Labor

Vote: 58-0 for Tamika Ledbetter

Kevin Clarkson, Attorney General

Vote: 40-19 for Kevin Clarkson

Torrence Saxe, Department Military and Veterans Affairs & Adjutant General

Vote: 59-0 for Torrence Saxe

Corri Feige, Department of Natural Resources

Vote: 59-0 for Corri Feige

Amanda Price, Department of Public Safety

Vote: 34-25 for Amanda Price

Bruce Tangeman, Department of Revenue

59-0 for Bruce Tangeman

John McKinnon, Department of Transportation

57-2 for John McKinnon


Voting against Amanda Price in the Senate were Sens. Donny Olson, Mike Shower, Bill Wielechowski, Tom Begich, Click Bishop, Mia Costello, Scott Kawasaki, Elvi Gray-Jackson, Jesse Kiehl, and Cathy Giessel.

The House voted as shown:



  1. Little Zack is, …. well, …little. Adam Wool is too busy thinking about how much money he can make getting people drunk at his Fairbanks bar, while hoping Amanda and the State Troopers don’t pull over too many of his Lefty patrons for DUI. How did Grier Hopkins vote on Price?

    • Maverick – I have updated the story with the vote count at the bottom. Hopkins was a no vote. – sd

  2. Knopp voted yes? Guess he decided to make nice with the Troopers in preparation for his return to face his constituency in Kenai. He might need the Troopers.

  3. Rep Shaw also said her answers were unacceptable. Then weighed support from others. Appears to me he held his nose and voted yes, but might have influenced others to go along with him.

  4. For me, the “Y” or “N” of each legislator doesn’t really matter. Everyone gets a vote. Good enough for me. It was the process that really p*ssed me off. If you are going to vote for or against an appointee, do so with facts that matter. Make an informed decision. Do your homework. Ask questions pertinent to the job. Gather those responses. A few of those clowns did none of this.
    They resorted to hearsay and gossip to try to embarrass her publicly and drag in one of Walker’s goons to support it. They started their dog and pony show smear techniques with Ms. Tshibaka. Clearly, there was a pattern. Who is in charge of these schoolboys anyway? Is it the Majority Leader Steve Thompson? Speaker? Whoever it is needs to pull these punks aside and have a little chat with them about decorum.

  5. I wish the Dunleavy commissioners well on their confirmations, but I am disheartened by the administration’s approach to limiting some discussion this session.
    I remember when Quinlan Steiner was not allowed to fly to Juneau to testify over concerns with spending money on his flight?
    Yet, the Governor’s administration had no problem flying public safety employees to Juneau to testify in support of Price?
    ADN reported:
    “The Dunleavy administration ran ads on social media to support Price’s confirmation (spending less than $100 in the process, press secretary Matt Shuckerow told reporters) and flew Price’s subordinates in the department from Anchorage to Juneau for a Tuesday press conference to support her confirmation.”
    Why was the top public defender in our state denied the privilege to testify in person yet “subordinates” were flown to Juneau to “support” a commissioner nomination?
    Seems like the deck is stacked in this year’s legislative session…

  6. I’m telling you, Garnet, this is the sadest crop of legislators Alaska has ever seen. Jr. high school kids seem more mature.

    • I’m telling you, Marla I still think Laddie Shaw needs to take a few them on a tandem ride on his paraglider and dangle them over the Gastineau Channel. Let them get their panties in a wad and tighten up their sphincters a bit. Remind them of who their creator is what their purpose is on earth. Maybe they will realize they are in the wrong line of work.

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