House Republicans organize for coming session with Mia Costello as minority leader


The Alaska House Republican Caucus finished organizing on Saturday. With 19 members, it elected Rep.-elect Mia Costello as minority leader, Rep. Cathy Tilton as minority whip, and the following members to serve on the Finance Committee: Reps. Will Stapp of Fairbanks, Frank Tomaszewski of Fairbanks, Jamie Allard of Eagle River, DeLena Johnson of Palmer, and Rep.-elect Jeremy Bynum of Ketchikan.

Although 21 Republicans were elected in Alaska to the House — enough for a majority — two Republican members betrayed their fellow Republicans and organized with the Democrats — Louise Stutes of Kodiak and Chuck Kopp of Anchorage.

It’s the same situation as in the Senate this year, with a majority of Republicans elected, but Democrats put in charge due to duplicity of certain Republicans — Gary Stevens, Cathy Giessel, Bert Stedman, Jesse Bjorkman and Kelly Merrick, who organized with the Democrats.

But it leaves a strong Republican minority that is not without power. Nineteen in the House is enough to help block an override of a governor’s veto, along with the six-member Senate Republican minority.

“I am honored to lead this dedicated group of legislators as we represent the interests and values of Alaskans,” Costello said. “I deeply appreciate the confidence my colleagues have placed in me and pledge to guide our efforts with focus, integrity, and resolve.”

Other Committee Assignments made Saturday

Resources – Dan Saddler, George Rauscher, Julie Coulombe and Bill Elam

Judiciary – Sarah Vance, Costello, and Jubilee Underwood

Labor & Commerce – Saddler, Coulombe, and David Nelson

Education – Underwood, Rebecca Schwanke, and Elam

Health & Social Services – Mike Prax, Coulombe, and Schwanke

State Affairs – Vance, Kevin McCabe, and Elexie Moore

Transportation – McCabe, Tilton, and Moore

Community and Regional Affairs – Prax and Justin Ruffridge

Energy – Tilton, Rauscher and Costello

Fisheries – McCabe, Vance, and Elam

Military & Veteran Affairs – Saddler, Rauscher, and Nelson

Tribal Affairs – Schwanke

The Alaska House Republican Caucus said it will prioritize:

  • Delivering affordable, reliable Alaska-sourced energy to secure a stable future.
  • Ensuring accountability in education with stable funding, school choice, and measurable outcomes for families.
  • Advocating for responsible budgets that protect the Permanent Fund dividend and safeguard Alaska’s economic future.


  1. This is a great conservative lineup for the House. Congrats to Mia Costello as Minority Leader. ALL: stay strong and represent the “forgotten” Alaskans.

  2. Why is Mia the Minority Leader when she should be the Majority Leader? Something is rotten in Juneau. ?

    • In the article: Although 21 Republicans were elected in Alaska to the House — enough for a majority — two Republican members betrayed their fellow Republicans and organized with the Democrats — Louise Stutes of Kodiak and Chuck Kopp of Anchorage.

    • Because Kodiak voter are stupid and return Stutes to the House. I also hold out that the voters in the district that put Kopp in there get smart and take him out for betraying the values of conservatives.

  3. I hope the tide is about to change. I am sick of what has been happening to this state under the liberal’s control! It no longer resembles the state I use to love.

  4. The Alaska LNG project should be eliminated and completely defunded. We could import natural gas from Louisiana cheaper that what the value of the gas would be on the slope if they build that $43 billion pipeline. The legislators that flipped to Democrat should all be voted out of office next go round, as they have abandoned those that voted for them in favor of the wallets of those they got money from.

    • Sure Robert.
      Ever hear of energy independence and security?
      Getting our natural gas from Louisiana does neither.
      Ever hear of developing natural resources to create jobs and prosperity in our own State?
      Let me guess – you call yourself conservative and believe we should have free trade so we can buy stuff cheaper at Walmart – while we erode our mfg industrial base.
      RINO, much?

    • I would rather export resources and import money. You are suggesting we import resources and export money. Given the current federal Administration and the make up of the incoming Congress, this is the best chance we have at national support for a long-term project that will benefit Alaskans for generations.

    • You seriously want to rely on gas from another country or 3500 miles away to heat your home and businesses.?? Well I do not. Let’s build the gas line and now. It’s a 28” line it will not cost $43 billion. Louisana my god. So we are going to boat gas through the Panama Canal and save money. Further more it’s crucial for national security. You want some heating BTU #s 10000 sq ft building on natural gas mid winter $1000 same building on stove oil $4000. I don’t want to rely on anyone but ourselves. Do you know what our second largest export was 80s threw early 2000s be for gas got scarce. Fertilizer. That market is still wide open we just need more gas. It’s imperative that the line go down the existing line to Valdez with a spur line down from glenn Allen to south central down the matanuska valley.

  5. Sorry, but importing gas from the other side of the country is the same rationale that has lead us to be so dependant on China and other countries. Self sufficiency is the key to stability and success.

  6. Let me get this straight: there are more elected Republican legislators in Juneau, but the Democrats still control all of the important gavels. How can that be?

  7. Chuck Kopp ran to become the king of union defined benefit pensions and higher Alaskan taxes.
    The District 10 voters in South Anchorage bought his promises.
    We need to watch Chuck Kopp try to increase union benefits and raise state taxes to pay for these benefits.
    Then in 2026 send a responsible Republican to Juneau from District 10.

    District 10 rejected Chuck Kopp in 2020. You can do it again in 2026.

  8. I will never understand why the people of the district represented by Stutes and Kopp keep re-electing these (not Rhinos) Democrats with an R behind their names to the capitol? But they do and then they complain when the Senate (who has more of the same) and the House don’t get done what they want them to do. A MYSTERY!!

  9. Chuck Kopp used to be COS for one of the most conservative Senators, Fred Dyson. What a disappointment and a sell out. How can anyone who purportedly represents themselves as a Christian, empower and enable woke leftists that want to harm children and endanger women, by pushing the trans agenda. I used to go to Bible studies in the Capitol lead by Kopp. I would not want to face my Lord and Savior after selling my soul to the Dark Side! He gives new meaning to hypocrisy.

    Use my name please, it’s nothing I would not say to his face.

    Sen (Ret) Scott Ogan

  10. My kids and grand kids need natural gas. Let’s build the line and now. I’ve heard enough jaw wagging about it. In fact 40 years of jaw wagging. Enough is enough.

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