‘Hot seat’ forum pairs candidates for tough questions


The Kenai Peninsula Republican Women of Alaska hosted six candidates for the state’s two highest offices on Saturday night — and put them on the hot seat for round-robin questions and a lightning round of word association. Over 70 people attended the event at the Cannery Lodge, which also featured food and beverages, and a smattering of candidates for other offices.

The candidates who were invited were Mike Dunleavy, Scott Hawkins, and Mike Chenault for governor, and Kevin Meyer, Lynn Gattis, and Edie Grunwald for lieutenant governor.

The governor candidates were paired with lieutenant governor candidates for questions that generally were tough, multi-faceted, and typically had no easy answers. It gave the audience a chance to see them as teams, and each set of questions had a new team to evaluate, so that by the end, all gubernatorial candidates had sat alongside each of the participating Republican candidate for lieutenant governor.

Not participating in the forum was Steven Wright, who attended and sat in the audience. He is a Republican candidate for lieutenant governor, running on a ticket with Michael Sheldon of Petersburg. Also not in attendance was lieutenant governor candidate Sharon Jackson, who only recently announced her candidacy.

View the entire forum, which Must Read Alaska broadcast live on Facebook — or view a slightly shorter version on our YouTube channel embedded here:



  1. To all that will listen, we Alaskans are tough but that is not enough Gov Walker
    will be in China next month, I can only hope that he’s working on real issues on
    our gas-line or LNG. yes we will own all rights to the gas-line all we want to do is
    sell a product, they would not have any ties to ownership. reply please.
    thank you larry Zenor Palmer Alaska.

  2. Make no mistake, Walker’s trip to China is entirely directed at re-election. Natural gas prices need to rise by 300 percent or more for North Slope gas to be in the money, and only then will the owners of the gas and the state begin realistic negotiations intended to bring financing and construction of a gas line. The conventional wisdom might be wrong but right now there is no expectation that in real dollars natural gas prices will rise by that amount within the natural life time of anyone alive today. The sunk costs and ongoing maintenance of North Slope petroleum infrastructure is in balance with the industry and energy prices as they are known and understood today. There is little likelihood that any real fossil fuel investment will occur today that is contingent upon conditions to be found in the last third of the 21st Century. Everything the Walker administration does today looks only to November 6, 2018.

  3. Dear Kayak:

    Where does the 300 % number come from. I have paid close attention to AGDC and its efforts for 3+ years serving on the Advisory Council and I have never heard this number. Please respond to this inquiry as I want to be as informed as possible.
    I look forward to your response.

    Thank you Dan Coffey

  4. Results and sound answers is what I’d want to decide which conservative candidate to vote for

  5. I am very pro Scott Hawkins!! He is the only one who properly introduced himself, by co.ing to me, instead of Dunlevy, who expected you to go to him! Scott also took the time to call me when I couldn’t remember all my questions. He called me at home, on his time off, to make sure I was happy. He is so for the people of Alaska!!!!

  6. Not participating in the forum was Steven Wright, who attended and sat in the audience. He is a Republican candidate for lieutenant governor, running on a ticket with Michael Sheldon of Petersburg. Also not in attendance was lieutenant governor candidate Sharon Jackson, who only recently announced her candidacy.

    Not invited to participate but to take 1-2 minutes during the beginning of the program not posted as part of this video..I think that I could have been included but due to the non scientific vote at the state convention by an un-secure voting method, I received 22% of the poll. I am not sure how important the vote was, it seemed to be a popularity vote for those who were there as paying delegates. I think that if there was more participation and if me and Michael voted and the state representative most of which voted to cap your PFD voted then I don’t feel to bad about the relatively unknown voting process. I think that as a new candidate it is important to have paid delegates to get convention support. I feel that I am a solid candidate and don’t think being invited to events should be contingent on these proceedings. I will attend and participate at any and all events.

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