Hostile takeover? LeDoux sends posse to District 15 Republican convention



The District 15 Republican convention in East Anchorage rarely attracts more than a dozen political activists, but on Tuesday night, there was a good crowd at the door of the Anchorage Baptist Temple conference room.

In fact, it was the best turnout in years. Curiously so.

It turns out, a lot of those people trying to get in were not Republicans. Some were Democrats. Others nonpartisan.

This was not an accident, but reminiscent of 1974, when a group called the Ad Hoc Democrats, a group with whom Bernie Sanders would have been comfortable, took over the Alaska Democratic Party. The stalwart Democrats never saw it coming, but they were taken over by hippies.

In this case, it was an orchestrated hostile takeover attampt in the Republican district of Rep. Gabrielle LeDoux.

Because it’s a party meeting, these newcomers were required to register as Republicans before they could gain entrance. And because of party rules, new registrants can speak, but are not voting members of the convention.

A few of them did speak on behalf of LeDoux, who was sanctioned by the entire Alaska Republican Party for her role in flipping the House to Democratic control. She is now Rules chair.

The party asked her to register with some other party because she deceived the voters in her district. And the party is running a candidate against her.

On Tuesday, led by Lisa Vaught, LeDoux’s longtime aide in the Legislature, a couple of the newcomers spoke about how LeDoux had helped them in some way.

It was all quite civil even though the room was stacked with people who had never participated in a Republican meeting.

For the final count, there were just a dozen Republicans at the meeting who were actually qualified to vote, and another 16 whose ink was barely dry on their voter registration cards. Chris Nelson was elected chairman of the district, unanimously.

Rebecca Logan speaks to District 15 Republicans.

Because it’s an election season and this is party politics candidates spoke to the gathering: Gubernatorial candidates Scott Hawkins and Mike Dunleavy, Lt. Gov. candidate Edie Grunwald, mayoral candidate Rebecca Logan, and the Republican candidate who is challenging LeDoux, Aaron Weaver.


  1. I was there as well and addressed the group. There was a television crew there as well..there were multiple folks who had never been to a district convention before. I have been and spike at several districts now. 4 in Anchorage, 2 in Palmer, 1 in Big Lake, 1 in Willow and I will be in Fairbanks on Saturday for 1-6 as well. I will miss the Eagle River and 4 Anchorage districts in at UAA student center this weekend..

    • No but I think that folks who disregard the real candidates for whaterver reason, fails to deliver the fair and balaced reporting. I am not a fan of Gabby. But I was given 5 plus minutes yo adress the disrict as a cadidate…

  2. This tactic seems to fall in line with those that were recently written about in Politico about the “new” Alaska politicians (Jonathan Kreiss-Tomkins, Forrest Dunbar and John-Henry Heckendorn) praising them for using deceit and lies to fool voters. These three and others in their group are proud of engaging in a conspiracy to manipulate and deceive both processes and voters. Joelle Hall, political director of the Alaska AFL-CIO said: “We chose districts where people could run as an independent,” and “then we were able to keep the Democrat out of the race. Because in a three-way race, the Republican wins.” The article states they actually courted one person and “hoped he would drop his party affiliation and run as an independent. They’d make sure no new Democrats entered the race against him.”
    These are socialists who believe in redistribution of wealth through higher taxes and more govt control but know full well that their ideas are dead and that voters do not support them. They finally realize something we’ve always known; the Democrat platform doesn’t work. So now this new deceptive movement is trying to paint the party pig a different color:
    • Their goals and partners remain the same (labor, environmentalists, socialists, etc.)
    • They want a certain outcome but realize they can’t win if they are honest about what they want so they lie to the public in order to win.
    • They use deception to get votes and to actively trick voters and show contempt that the voters and electorate are stupid and will not realize.
    • Winning is more important to them than democracy.
    • They are actively subverting the process.
    Voters need to be educated to realize this is more of the movement across the country by the left to use fake news and other falsehoods to take control and effect their failed policies.

  3. I would like to share that Aaron Weaver who spoke as the real Republican candidate for this district, has what it takes to represent the people. He cares deeply and witjh courage is stepping up to the plate. He resigned from his position from reporting on crime to take action on behalf of others to fix it. Go Aaron Weaver! You’be got this.

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