Partisans use the media all the time to score points. In Homer last week, a liberal ceramic artist who supports Alyse Galvin for Congress gave a public broadcasting news reporter a doozy of a quote — one that scores as a whopping “Four Pinocchios” from Must Read Alaska.
The woman told KBBI that she had contacted Congressman Don Young’s office several times and never got a response. Her quote was then picked up by Ms. Galvin, who is using it in a campaign ad.

But it didn’t have an authentic ring. In the interest of journalistic integrity, MRAK made the call for the reporter to verify what she had been told.
Must Read Alaska contacted Congressman Don Young’s office and asked if they had ever heard from a “Ruby Haigh” of Homer. Perhaps there was an explanation. Perhaps the woman just didn’t remember correctly. Perhaps she was right. Or perhaps she was fabricating something for partisan reasons.
Here’s the reply Must Read Alaska received regarding the quote, which originally appeared on the KBBI website story about Galvin’s campaign stop in Homer:
“Congressman Young takes constituent service very seriously, and prides himself on responding to constituent concerns in a timely matter. In the last two years, Congressman Young has received over 110,000 calls and letters, and works hard to ensure they are responded to.
Per our office’s electronic record software, the constituent quoted in the article contacted Congressman Young once this year regarding the current impeachment proceedings on November 26, 2019; Congressman Young responded to her concerns on December 2nd – a response just 2 business days after the Thanksgiving weekend.
Prior to that, this constituent contacted Congressman Young on April 6, 2010 regarding the Supreme Court’s ruling in Citizens United v. FEC, and received a response on April 16, 2010.
This constituent also contacted Congressman Young about health care reform on March 30, 2010 and received a response on April 23, 2010.
They contacted Congressman Young again about health care reform on August 3, 2009 and received a response on August 7, 2009.
A phone call regarding the bailouts of financial institutions from this constituent was received on October 1, 2008. They received a phone call back from our office on October 10, 2008.
Finally, they are subscribed to Congressman Young’s eNewsletter and have received 64 of them via email, but have only opened three. The last time they opened one was 2013.
In our DC office, there are just six staffers who — in addition to meeting with Alaskans, attending hearings, briefings, and working late hours helping to draft legislation on behalf of Alaskans – are responsible for working with Congressman Young to ensure that the more than 110,000 constituent letters, emails, and phone calls receive a response. That our office was able to respond to their concerns in a matter of days is proof of just how hard Congressman Young and his staff work on behalf of Alaska.
Had the article’s author opted to scrutinize the original claim and contacted our office, the full story could have been quickly revealed. As always, constituent service is Congressman Young’s #1 priority, and he encourages all Alaskans to contact our office by phone, email, or U.S. mail to share their concerns and policy priorities. Citizens have every right to petition, criticize, or praise policy decisions of lawmakers, and our offices in Anchorage, Fairbanks, and Washington, D.C. are always happy to make sure Alaskans’ voices are heard.”
The moral of the story: If you’re going to give a candidate a quote that she can use in her campaign, be sure you’re telling the truth. These claims are far too easy to verify for a reporter — if he or she takes the time to do so.
Rhymes with Pants on Fire.
Excellent piece, Suzanne. There are campaigns in many other states that are afflicted with the same damaging but false stories and they tell me “we need a Suzanne Downing in our state”…
Four Pinocchio’s? I’d call it six Shifty Schiffs.
You know how progs are, if they got nothing they make something up.
My wife and I have known and voted for Don Young all 25 of his elections and will be doing so again this next November….the response from his offices in this case is nothing new as all of those years Don has kept himself in close contact with all Alaskans that cared to engage him. He has done for All Alaskans what few Alaskans have had the opportunity to do and none that I know of have done.
I almost laughed out loud on this one! Apparently, they think that nothing is documented on a congressional inquiry. What amateurs!
The truth is the last thing on a dIMOCRAT’s mind. They are all about power, domination and control. If you need a story, make one up. Lying is encouraged. They all mouth the same talking points and accept no point of view other than the “manifesto”. It’s pervasive at all levels and it’s not going to change. Republicans must get tough, creative and stick together. When a Republican gets elected to the executive branch she/he should purge every at will employee that has breathed a dIMOCRAT breath and collapse and consolidate responsibilities to cull troublemakers that aren’t at will on day one. The dIMOCRATS do it as a matter of course. Remember Bill and Mrs Bill Clinton firing 95 lawyers in DOJ in a single morning. The uproar lasted a week until something else came up. We need change and being nice won’t get it. Learn from their playbook!
Preach! Exactly right. Until we stop playing nice with those who don’t have a nice bone in their body, we’ll keep losing.
Leftists are all about any means to an end, and the end always justify the means, and the end is always about power acquisition and dominance of the opposition. There is nothing beyond the pale for them, as it’s more a religion than a political party.
Amazing! Congressman Young has an excellent staff! Senator Sullivan has been responsive to my inquiries as well.
They would rather believe a lie than the truth if it supports their cause. Democrat = FRAUD. As to KBBI, bigger FRAUD
Has Alyse Galvin issued a public retraction and apology?
When I see and hear it publicly, I’ll know Galvin cares about integrity and honesty.
Just shows how many liars we are really dealing with here. Especially with today’s electronic world where everyone is tracked and recorded.. There is no room for any fib to stick. Thank you Suzanne for the great article showing the real truth!!
Thanks for doing some easy checking Suzanne. No surprise that the PBS reporter did not bother to do the checking. Liberal reporters have a narrative that needs propping up, why bother with the truth.
A prerequisite required before becoming a libtard is your ability to excel in the lie.
Truth really is relative to the left and a statement is only as important as it’s effectiveness to achieve desired means. What’s a little lie if it chances to get you what you want? They bank on fact that most people do not question and simply drink the proverbial koolaid. Thank goodness for good record keeping and honest investigative journalism. Good job!
Three lies were put out and probably accepted by a number of people:
1) The constituent lied. (Why? To what end? Her motivation is to simply make Young look bad and Galvin look like a caring candidate?)
2) The PBS radio station lied. (Why? To what end? Their motivation is to simply make Young look bad and Galvin look like a caring candidate?)
3) Glavin lied. (Why? To what end? Her motivation is to simply make Young look bad and have her look like a caring candidate?)
Is there an honest Democrat any where? Or, have they gone the way of the dodo bird?
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