Homer moose stomps man to death


On Sunday morning, an irritable cow moose charged two men in Homer, kicking and stomping one to death, according to Alaska State Troopers. Medics, Troopers, and Alaska Wildlife Troopers responded to the scene and declared the man deceased; the moose has since left the area. No other information was available on Monday morning.

Update: The deceased has been identified as 70-year-old Dale Chorman of Homer, who was reportedly trying to get close to photograph two moose calves and aggravated the cow moose.

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game reminds Alaskans that it is not that hard to find yourself between a cow moose and her new offspring, a dangerous position in which to be.

If a moose is about to charge, you might observe the long hairs on its hump raising, its ears laid back (much like a dog or cat), and it may lick its lips (if you can see this, you are way too close, Fish and Game reminds).

“A moose that sees you and walks slowly towards you is not trying to be your friend; it may be looking for a hand-out or warning you to keep away. All of these are dangerous situations and you should back away. Look for the nearest tree, fence, building, car, or other obstruction to duck behind,” ADF&G says.


  1. About 7 years ago 3 miles east of ER Nature Center a Cow charged my Dog then seen me, charged, 10 minute ordeal using a cotton wood tree as a pivot, escaped to another tree, she almost got me, bear spray did not reach, she steps into the river then calf show’s up, warned others on the way back but don’t know if they took heed. Close call.

  2. And if all else fails, you can whip out your S&W .44 magnum and give mama moose the business. It worked for me.

    • Maverick: As long as you were not hunting the moose, by the way, did you turn the meat in? I hate poachers.

      • This isn’t poaching…its called protecting yourself god forbid this doesn’t happen to you!

        • Yes, If it was self defense., And it did happen to me. I hunt moose legally since late 70s 😉

    • 3 Gen:
      Nope, I left the critter to rot out in the woods. I saved my life and I thank God for it…….and my Smith& Wesson and my steady hand with a big revolver. I’m also a hunter and bag moose and caribou for my dinner table.

      • Maverick; When did this take place? Why did you not turn it in so the meat could be given to charity. Want and waste is a state crime in Alaska.

  3. After being charged by moose last year on two separate occasions, I have learned to be extra-wary of them. If you end up on the ground you are at their mercy!

  4. A picture is worth all that !!!!!!!! I worked parks and rec for several years and could not believe the parents along with there children right behind them pursuing mama moose and babies for a picture???? You gotta be kidding me!!! Happens all the time. Thank God in this case the moose did not have to die because of the stupidity of people! Hate me all you want for saying the cold hard truth.

    • I don’t hate you, I just shake my head at the callousness of your comment. Just because something might be true, doesn’t mean you need to say it. He hasn’t even been laid to rest yet. Shame on you. Our community is grieving a very loved and respected man.

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