Homer City Council winner faces residency challenge

Photo of Storm Hansen-Cavasos

Storm Hansen-Cavasos, an apparent winner of a seat on the Homer City Council, has had her residency challenged by City Council member Tom Stroozas, who has filed an affidavit at the Homer City Clerk’s Office, along with a $750 surety bond.

Hansen-Cavasos is a newcomer to politics, and is a third-generation Homer-area resident. But whether she lives in the city limits is what is in question.

Her Alaska Public Offices Commission filing shows her living at a rental on Rangeview Drive, inside city limits. But a voter registration record from 2018 shows her living off of East End Road, a few miles past the actual city limits of Homer. A more recent voter registration record shows her living in Homer Precinct 1.

Her husband, Jason, was as of last year listed as a voter on Rolling Meadows Road, outside city limits. And in January, Storm was listed in the Fritz Creek precinct, which is well outside of city limits. Was Hansen-Cavasos using an in-town address or did she just recently move — and how recently?

Eligible candidates need to be residents of the city for 12 months prior to an election.

Melissa Jacobsen, the Homer City Clerk, said that, as far as she knows, Hansen-Cavasos was a legitimate candidate.

The matter of whether she was a legitimate candidate will be taken up at the Monday meeting of the City Council, when normally the council would certify the election and swear in the winners.

Hansen-Cavasos unseated Homer City Council incumbent Shelly Erickson by seven votes, according to results confirmed by the Canvass Board on Friday. The final tally was 663-656.

Joey Evensen won a seat with 922 votes and incumbent Tom Stroozas came in fourth.

Both Erickson and Stroozas represent the conservative voters on the City Council.

With the challenge now before them, the City Council will likely initiate an investigation as to the real residency of Hansen-Cavasos. If the matter is decided against her, the Council would need to set a special election for that seat.


  1. I’m wondering why this wasn’t verified or challenged before the election. All qualifications for each candidate, should be verified, before being allowed on ballot. This is another waste of taxpayers money.

  2. If there is intentional misleading of the City Council, then she would loose my support. I do not like dishonesty. Under these circumstances, it is indicative of her lacking integrity. For me, that would be a deal breaker.

  3. Standard tactic of those who also push open borders and sanctuary city’s, only obey the laws you like. More to come if this stands.

  4. Its Homer, artsy folksy, Dem, and a bunch of ding a lings.
    We lived their in 1960-61, when my father was stationed there with the then Alaska State Police.

  5. Thanks Larry, that’s very relevant information. If I ever get my time machine working, I’ll go back to Homer in 1961 and let everyone know that they’re “ding a lings”.

  6. Umpteen different addresses for 1 politician? Sounds about right, but still WRONG. Pick 1 address and stick with it. Already deceiving the public. Disgusting.

  7. Registration and residency are not the same thing. Have you ever lived somewhere for awhile before updating your voter registration, DVM, etc.? City code only requires voter registration 30 days before the election, but one year residency to run for office.
    Ms. Hansen-Cavasos qualified on both grounds and the clerk verified.
    Residency is principally determined by intent.
    “4.05.020 Rules for determining residence of voter.
    For purposes of determining residence for voting, the place of residence is governed by the following rules:
    a. The residence of a person is that place in which habitation is fixed, and to which, whenever he is absent, he has intention to return.” etc.

  8. Storm has lived in Homer longer than you have lived in Alaska you pretentious pretend Alaskan. True Alaskans are sick of you outsiders trying to make Alaska into the plastic pretend America you are all from. Go Home. Become way local before you open your mouth and become local. Alaskans are proud people, we fight our own battles. Even conservative LDS like Heath Smith have families with differing opinions. He fights for what he thinks is right, let Storm fight what she thinks is right.

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