Holtan Hills housing development in Girdwood is up for Assembly vote again on Tuesday


The Anchorage Assembly has the controversial Holtan Hills residential development in Girdwood on its agenda for Tuesday. The Assembly meeting starts at 5 pm on the ground floor of the Loussac Library.

The Assembly voted down the project a year ago. A new proposed ordinance breathes life back into the 100-dwelling project, a mix of homes, condos, and townhouses near the Alyeska Resort. The ordinance would allow the city to dispose of land it has in the Heritage Land Bank to a private developer.

The details of the plan, which had been postponed indefinitely last year after community resistance and other political considerations, can be found in the ordinance at this link.


  1. Of course, the chances of this project going forward depend on the most relevant and critical factor for the assembly’s Marxist Nine: how does the Holtan Hills proposal impact the homeless population in Anchorage?

  2. “…100-dwelling project, a mix of homes, condos, and townhouses near the Alyeska Resort.” Wait, isn’t the Anchorage Assembly trying to pretty much kill short-term rentals? Maybe the Soros family is looking to expand their ski resort investments?

    • The mix of homes, condos and townhouses are way over the budget of anything Girdwood would care to accept. They want workers for their summer tourist season, but they can’t understand the normal tourism workers cannot even come to NEAR to affording of their rents.

  3. Girdwood hippies on one hand claim real estate in the 99587 is too expensive.

    Then, on the other hand, complain about ANY development in the community.

    FACT: You will NOT get cheap housing in a ski town with no more land to sell. Regardless of what the HLB decides to convey. It is a finite resource, and free enterprise reigns.

  4. A lot of us moved out of Girdwood just after 2000. Increasing assessments and ever-growing property taxes with flat wages just did not pencil out.

    Girdwood 2020 Group had a plan back in 1997. Comprehesive, with plans for housing. Local greenies opposed it at every turn.

    Then the investors came knowing the lack of real estate would ensure ever increasing prices.

    Sorry Girdwood. Looks like the town will become another rich ski town with no local life, culture, or fun.

    Glad I bailed. We all are glad we bailed.

  5. For better or worse, Anchorage Assembly gave the project a green light. One amendment to the ordinance that passed Tuesday night would require only 50% of the multi-family units to be non-owner occupied. VRBO/short term rentals or absent landlords are going to be happy.

    Let supply and demand rule and it should be no surprise to anyone in a “ski resort town” that housing supply will always be more expensive than in a non-ski resort town. *Girdwood residents: Update your Girdwood Area Plan (circa Feb. 1995 ~29 years old is way overdue for a total rewrite) which also contains your community’s Land Use Plan. Interesting observation that no RV Parks were ever developed in Girdwood per the 1995 document recommendations for the commercial recreational area south of the commercial area between Glacier and California Creeks. Guess that would be to big of a threat to the short-term rental homeowners and existing Hotel.

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