Hispanic school board candidate Rosales attacked by race-baiting troll, who calls him a Nazi sympathizer

Alexander Rosales

Candidate Alexander Rosales is learning the hard way how viscous politics can turn even for a seat on the Anchorage school board. Rosales is challenging school board incumbent and the teacher’s union backed Margo Bellamy for her seat.

Rosales has been labeled a white nationalist and Nazi sympathizer.

Liberal agitator Ivan Hodes, who has a long history of attacking conservatives as racists, has unleashed a barrage of accusations against Rosales.

Hodes is calling for Bellamy supporters to show up Thursday night at a Hillside Home and Landowners Association (HALO) candidate forum at the Alaska Zoo and confront Rosales for his “White Nationalists” ways.

Labeling conservatives “White Nationalists” is a common tactic among many on the left but seems to be losing its effectiveness. Especially from vicious partisans like Hodes who have a long history of making such attacks. Hodes’ social media posts are loaded with racially obsessed accusations.  

On a recent post on the liberal social media platform, BlueSky, Hodes accuses Republican Rep. Jamie Allard of Eagle River of naming her dog after a Nazi sympathizer. That so-called Nazi sympathizer is conservative commentator Charlie Kirk, who heads up Turning Point USA, a prominent conservative group. Hodes also accused DOGE head Elon Musk of being a Nazi.

Hodes clearly seems obsessed with Rosales with dozens of negative and nasty posts about the candidate. Most accuse Rosales of either being a Nazi or a racist.

As of this writing, Margo Bellamy has yet to condemn Hodes’ unfounded and vicious attacks on her challenger, Rosales.

Rosales is an Air Force veteran and has never run for office before. He says he’s taking the attacks in stride even though he has received death threats. He is of Hispanic heritage, with a father born in Mexico and a grandmother who was in Dachau concentration camp in Germany. His great grandparents were in the Auschwitz concentration camp. He said he is decidedly anti-Nazi.

“It’s frustrating because people in my campaign are also getting threats as well,” said Rosales. “I’m OK with people attacking me, but it’s unfair for my supporters.”

Rosales says Bellamy can’t run on her record so she has to rely on unfounded personal attacks from surrogates like Hodes.  

“We are last in the nation with test scores and near the top in education spending,” said Rosales. “They’re talking out of the side of their mouths. They have to attack me. That’s their only play.”

Rosales says he’ll keep working hard sharing his message. As a father, he says doing better with education is important to him. He says our kids deserve better than this low ball political mudslinging.

“I hope their attacks don’t work, but it’s going to take me getting in front of as many people as I can showing them I am not the person they say I am,” said Rosales.

If Hodes is successful in getting a strong showing of Bellamy supporters for Thursday night’s candidate forum, Rosales could be walking into a political buzz saw. Rosales says he’s ready and does not regret his school board candidacy and his first foray into politics.

“There’s always the haters coming out,” says Rosales.

Dan Fagan reports for Must Read Alaska and hosts a morning drive radio show between 7 and 9 a.m. on 1020 am 92.5 and 104.5 f.m. on KVNT. For news tips email him at [email protected].


  1. When the opposition attacks the messenger instead of the message, intelligent people realize the argument has been lost. Hodes doesn’t seem even to know what Alex’s message is. Give Hodes a long leash. Let him scream at the sky. And let Belamy never condemn it to show her message – justice for all…except folks who disagree with her.

  2. Something needs to be done about these deranged leftist lunatics. Can’t people be sued for slander anymore?


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