“WHEN I WIN, those people that CHEATED will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law, which will include long term prison sentences so that this Depravity of Justice does not happen again,” Trump wrote late Saturday at Truth Social and on X/Twitter.
The media pounced: Trump was “sowing doubt once more about the integrity of the election, even though cheating is incredibly rare,” said the AP.
The AP has decided that election fraud just is not a thing.
“Please beware,” Trump continued in his post, “that this legal exposure extends to Lawyers, Political Operatives, Donors, Illegal Voters, & Corrupt Election Officials. Those involved in unscrupulous behavior will be sought out, caught, and prosecuted at levels, unfortunately, never seen before in our Country.”
In other words, election fraud will be prosecuted by the Department of Justice.
The headline on the AP story, carried around the world is this: “Trump threatens to jail adversaries in escalating rhetoric ahead of pivotal debate.”
Even in the Anchorage Daily News on Sunday, the AP headline ran verbatim as news, not commentary:

“Trump’s message represents his latest threat to use the office of the presidency to exact retribution if he wins a second term. There is no evidence of the kind of fraud he continues to insist marred the 2020 election; in fact, dozens of courts, Republican state officials and his own administration have said he lost fairly,” the AP story continued.
The AP was once considered to be a neutral news source. In recent years, however, it has drifted toward a point-of-view style of journalism.
Over on PBS, the news team is already pre-spinning how Trump might deny a 2024 loss:
“Beware when PBS brings on a ‘nonpartisan’ expert on election integrity, and no one mentions Kamala Harris at all. On the September 3 PBS News Hour, deeply biased White House reporter Laura Barron-Lopez brought on David Becker for a segment titled “How Trump has made election lies a key feature of his campaign.” But this wasn’t just about Trump denying he lost the election in 2020. Most of it was about ‘pre-denial,’ or how Trump would spin a loss in the 2024 election,” explained writer Tim Graham at Media Research Centers’ Newsbuster website, which holds mainstream media accountable.
Becker co-authored an anti-Trump book with CBS reporter Major Garrett, titled “The Big Truth: Upholding Democracy in the Age of ‘The Big Lie,'” touted as an “overwhelming counterattack” on Trump’s election denial. The “Big Truth” authors imagined the outbreak of civil war in 2023, according to Graham.
At Amazon, the new book by conservative Jack Posobiec, titled “Bulletproof: How a Shot Meant for Donald Trump Took Out Joe Biden,” was given a thumbnail book cover that advertised a completely different book: “Kinfolk.” After over 24 hours of the wrong image being attributed to the conservative writer’s new book, Amazon had still not fixed the error. It was showing a photo of a publication that is a guide to Seoul, Korea.

Posobiec wrote, “They are sabotaging the FIRST book ever written about the Trump assassination.”
The mainstream media and companies like Amazon appear determined to take sides during the election cycle, repeating habits they perfected and locked in during the 2016 and 2020 general elections when Trump was also on the ballot.
Must Read Alaska will continue to hold them accountable, even from our outpost here in the Great Land, where we work to preserve free speech and free people.
Donald, shut up. You’re gonna tweet yourself out of office.
Alaska elections has enough issues of its own. I think that if 2 people have trouble finding witnesses for absentee ballots, then they need to find another way to vote. Mail-in is not secure enough. I think if dozens of people can’t find their polling place because the Division of Elections fails to adequately post its location on its site, then voter disenfranchisement has occurred. I think if there aren’t enough ballots for people to vote, then the election has been impacted. And most of all, I think that when judges decide to change laws, not follow laws, or ignore laws, then they are not acting as judges but as executors. I have seen all these things happen in Alaska.
There are a few republicans that like less people out there voting because it keeps them in their seats. Between the Republican parties and the DOE, humanity-loving Alaskans are totally disenfranchised! Where are the advertisements for Ballot #1 and Ballot #2 – if you have not seen any, look them up. Make sure that you vote “NO” on Ballot #1 and vote “YES” on Ballot #2. Where is the action to really, honestly get rid of the dark money that is pouring into our state?
We cannot count on the Republican parties up here and we cannot count on the Division of Elections to do their job. The Alaskan People need to get out there and teach people about these issues (as our humanity-loving journalists/reporters do here) and we need to take responsibility to learn to the Alaska state Codes and Statutes for elections. Get involved! Become a poll worker, a poll watcher, learn to hand count paper ballots. If we have all eyes and hands on deck, the cheaters are going to have a harder time cheating. Lastly, we need to keep President Trump from cheating by demanding that everyone have ID in order to vote! No ID – No Vote.
The flack gets heavier and heavier as you near the target. Trump is almost dead center over the release area. The detonation is going to be huge.
“……..The detonation is going to be huge………”
……..And well deserved.
MAGAfags are weird lol
Gays slurs? How very truly progressive of you.
Try acting a bit less fruity
At least the MAGA folks aren’t resorting to childish name calling.
Your nose is growing
Ahhhh. School is out for the weekend.
It’s just a word. Why do you weirdos think about children all the time? It’s quite telling, Elizabeth.
You are doing a great job with your trolling. Keep it up. Hahaha
This is a great example of the education system and the woke movement and their goal.
The only election fraud I’ve heard of is by Republicans. And it’s all pretty pathetic.
Face it. Trying to suppress the vote by faking a voter fraud issue is a short term strategy and it’s failing already.
If fraud is a republican thing, then secure the election already!
You really don’t read much, do you? There are mountains of evidence that show that massive fraud took place in 2020, and there is no reason to believe that it won’t be tried again this year. Every time anyone attempts to ensure election integrity, Democrats call it “suppressing the vote.”
You really need to get out more.
Here ya go:
Hmmm…like the democrats didn’t steal the primary years back from Bernie Sanders to install their looser establishment puppet Hillary? Election fraud is a real problem in America that touches all sides. Wake up Incitatus and stop being such an establishment boot licker.
“The only election fraud I’ve heard of is by Republicans. And it’s all pretty pathetic.”
So, just because you have not heard of it, it does not exist? Election fraud cannot happen unless you are informed of it?
Declaring your ignorance proves nothing, except you are ignorant.
One movie…one singular movie, disputes your whole argument and it makes you look extremely uninformed. Go and watch “2000 Mules” and you’ll see the level of fraud and cheating that took place in the 2020 election. ALL of it is true and NONE of it has been disputed by anyone except for the sadly mis- or uninformed. It’s truly eye opening and disheartening for me as an American citizen. Sadly it was all orchestrated right under everyone’s noses starting a year ahead of time and nobody caught on until it was too late. Some even speculate that Joe Biden spilled the tea when he said “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics” in a 2019 interview!! Nope it ain’t going to happen again(hopefully, but of course someone can always invent a new way to cheat) but not the same way as back then this time…people are watching BOTH sides and rightfully so. Sometimes integrity has to be observed first hand to begin trusting again…
The main stream media is owned by the swamp creatures. I wouldn’t expect anything but lies and cheating out of them. They lie when telling the truth would be better for them. It’s amazing.
Anyone who thinks that there are not real events of voter fraud should familiarize themselves with the kangaroo court case of own Gabrielle Ledoux.
A quick review of the Alaska court records reveal that this case, relating to very compelling evidence of illegal Democratic ballot harvesting and vote fraud has been dragged out from a 2018 incident and is still not resolved. It was finally scheduled for trial in July of this year, 6 years later but was postponed again to beyond November. The practical effect was to take a very dramatic case of election fraud off the table prior to the November election.
The judge handling this case, Kevin Saxby, should have managed to bring it to a timely resolution. He failed. Justice delayed is justice denied, again.
3AN-20-02172CR State of Alaska vs. LeDoux, Gabrielle Ruth
Pete the dems want this to go away real quietly, the judges and most of the attorneys are dems/ Marxists.
Suzanne stay on this story. There certainly was wide spread voter fraud. You have to have your head up your A—- not to recognize this.
They should be prosecuted just like the poor taxpayer who can’t compete on the same level as the crooked DOJ.
Looking forward to a review of US Constitutional authorities. When any group refuses to do its duty and is paid by public trust funds I hope direct accountability required and restitution immediately paid in treble damages as ordered and immediately payable at the magistrate level for usurpations and all illegal group activity outside express authorization as stated clearly in the plain everyday day English language of the US Constitution.
Actual news reporting is dead, the journalist killed it. They have no integrity and are motivated by leftist media’s owners money.
bring back Bill Barr, one more time. did great in the 1980’s with Iran-contra, wonderful with Donald during his presidency. should handle the problem easily. course with all those great jobs available we can fill them with the 2025 folks that have already put in there resumes.
let’s “get the band back together” on nov 5th. great folks running the economy again. heard a direct case of bird flu transmission in Missouri already. replay anyone??????
We now enter the 48 hour window of MAGA tweets crying that the debate will be rigged.
Hush child. Adults are talking.
And, if/when Trump hands Kamala her scrawny backside in flames, the leftists will all cry foul, and that everything Trump said is a lie, and that despite 90 minutes of meaningless word salads from the current VP, she actually dominated. Seriously, the dems tried to say Biden dominated Trump at the last debate. At least publicly. See, both sides can do it.
First Alexa, now the book. Obviously, an algorism issue. After all, could anyone believe that Amazon actually has a political preference? These random attacks specifically at Trump are just a coincidence. Right? I may randomly not order from Amazon again… not on purpose, of course.
Doug glenn, I wholeheartedly agree with you!!! I really couldn’t have said it better.
Who cares how the corporate shills in the Mainstream Media try to spin Trump’s Tweets? Only idiots and lazy Uniparty slobs listen to them anymore as their ratings clearly show. On any given day podcasters such as Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, and hell, even Jimmy Dore blow the ratings doors off the likes of CNN & MSNBC! The Legacy Media has become irrelevant and they know it.
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