Hell freezes over: ADN endorses Don Young


In a witty ad to appear in the print edition the day before Election Day, Congressman Don Young’s campaign has taken a lighthearted touch in response to the Uber-liberal Anchorage Daily News editorial board’s endorsement of him.

“The reality is, Rep. Young isn’t running to be out state’s chief medical officer, anger management counselor or health teacher. He’s running to continue representing Alaska’s interests in Washington, D.C., where his experience, leadership and relationships convey substantial benefits,” the editorial writers wrote.

The newspaper also endorsed U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan this weekend, and said that Ballot Measure One is bad for Alaska.

One opponent of Ballot Measure One, which would jack around Alaska’s oil taxes again, said she thought she saw pigs flying by her window when she read the newspaper’s decision to oppose the measure.

The newspaper, however came out in support of jacking around the one-person, one-vote election system in Alaska.


  1. Anyone wonder if Don Young can get federal funding to help build the new Seward cruise ship terminal, as well as the new Seward terminal for the Alaska Railroad? Hmmm. Doesn’t John Binkley sit on the AK RR Board? And isn’t John Binkley involved in putting together the new cruise ship terminal in Seward? Hmmm. ADN. It couldn’t be the same Binkley family, could it?

    • John Binkley is on the Alaska Railroad Board of Director’s and is excused from any discussions and board actions concerning the Seward dock project because of the potential conflict of interest. Just wanted to clarify his role. Craig Campbell, Alaska Railroad Board of Director’s Chair

      • Thank you, Mr. Campbell. It was a concern for some of us in Anchorage who are in current litigation with ARRC over right of way issues. The fact that John Binkley has been on the RR Board for over 25 years and is involved in a private venture with Norwegian Cruise Lines (Ketchikan) and a pending private venture with Norwegian Cruise Lines (Seward), raises an appearance of conflict, especially if federal monies are involved in the construction of a new AK RR Depot in Seward. Mr. Binkley’s world famous tour operations are at the other end of the RR line in Fairbanks. Binkley also owns the Anchorage Daily News. Any endorsement by Alaska’s largest newspaper (Binkley) for a candidate (Young) who would be in a position to get federal funding for these projects, would also be suspect to be directly benefitted by public money. That would be a violation of law.

        • I hope Craig Campbell has a retort to this one, Chrissy. Otherwise, it might be construed that he is helping Mr. Binkley cover-up the facts.

        • Mr. Campbell should probably inform Mr. Binkley that he will accept Mr. Binkley’s resignation from ARRC. Why would someone want to sit on the AK RR Board for 25 years unless they had a reason to make sure that the newer members, such as Mr. Campbell, would not probe too deeply into past business dealings and gross expenditures that resulted in failure by the ARRC. Such a disclosure might be direct evidence of mismanagement and self-dealing. Mr. Campbell, where do you stand on this?

    • Is there a problem with the Binkley’s involvement with promoting or gains from supporting these projects?
      I’ll wait.

  2. I think there is little question that Don will win re-election again tomorrow and even the ADN can see their far left reporting on him has backfired. Subscribers have left the ADN in droves the past few months and when the dust settles Tuesday night Alaskan Voter will have done the right thing…..my wife and I have voted for Don 24 times now and Don has sure earned the our vote again this time….

  3. Describing ADN as Uber-liberal is a something one would do who is so far to the right that he/she can’t see past center. On the other hand, we ADN readers, some of us anyway, find it surprising that the ever so slightly left leaning paper would endorse Sullivan and Young. Looks to us like owner John Binkley pulled rank on his editorial board.
    Such is the political world of strange bedfellows.

  4. Is connecting rail thru Canada to L48 a possibility? Would this lower the cost of shipping perishable cargo?

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