How many people could there be in Juneau named Heidi Drygas? The only one we know is the Commissioner of Labor … no pun intended.
Heidi Drygas gave birth to Olive Jane Sund on Dec. 23, 2017. The baby’s grandmother is DeeDee MacKinnon Sund, her great grandmother is Jane MacKinnon, who is the mother of John MacKinnon, who is married to Sen. Anna MacKinnon, and all this may mean the youngster is Juneau royalty and also has some tie to mining claims. Olive’s grandfather is former state representative John Sund, the family says. She is fourth-generation Juneau.
Fuller Cowell is retiring as the publisher of the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner next month, and Richard Harris, now the publisher of the Kodiak Daily Mirror, will take the reins on Feb. 5. Cowell will continue as a consultant for a few months and remain on the paper’s editorial board. He’s had a 50-year career in the newspaper business. As for the Kodiak Daily Mirror, Robert Monteith is the new publisher. He has been editor of the newspaper for about a year.
Christopher Clark has signed on to work for Senate Finance as an aide to Sen. Click Bishop. Clark worked for Rep. Cathy Munoz and other lawmakers and knows his way around the Capitol and where every body is buried.
Fainting spell: President Trump called Haiti a sh—hole, former Sen. Bill Stoltze called a representative a f—ing c—, and although we mourn the loss of civility, there’s far too much whining over things that are not sticks and stones. Last year it was “Black Lives Matter,” and this year it’s the “Me Too” and now everyone seems to need a panic room when someone is impolite or having a potty-mouth episode. Not everything is sexual harassment and not everything in politics is bullying. Just saying.
Downtown Partnership: An email sent from the Anchorage Downtown Partnership caught the eye of a Must Read Alaska reader. Evidently the Partnership is now openly promoting a highly partisan women’s march on Jan. 20 — and even reminding people to wear their pink hats.

Sounds like a golden opportunity for downtown thieves. Ethan’s ethereal air show – they’re protesting the wrong thing – the pink hats are proclaiming a different kind of victimhood than intended… they’re targets. (No disrespect intended for true victims of harassment, discrimination, or assault.)
Just want to point out that there is a major mistake and an omission in your reporting of Commission of Labor, Heidi Drygas having a baby girl in December. Jane MacKinnon is Olive’s GREAT grandmother – not her grandmother. Olive Jane’s very proud grandmother is DeeDee MacKinnon Sund. But probably the biggest error/omission is failing to note that Olive’s grandfather is former state representative John Sund.
This also makes Olive Jane a fourth generation Alaskan. Her great, great grandparents were born in Juneau in 1897.
Thank you for that information, which is now reflected. Congrats! – SD
Thanks! And thank you for the correction.
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