Head of Native Americans’ biggest organization ousted over how he handled sexual harassment investigation



The chief executive officer of the National Congress of American Indians lost his job over his handling of a sexual harassment investigation, according to documents filed in court.

Dante Desiderio, who was on the job for just a year, wasn’t the target of investigation, according to a complaint he filed in the Washington, D.C. Instead, it was the non-Indian attorney he hired as NCAI’s general counsel who was accused of making a comment of a sexual nature to a younger woman employee.

Then-General Counsel Max Muller suggested becoming “friends with benefits” to an employee during her first visit to NCAI’s headquarters in Washington, D.C., according to Desiderio.

Muller is an experienced lawyer who, on the speaking circuit, has a keynote titled, “Office Romance – The Road From Attraction to Litigation.” He says his experience includes law relating to discrimination, harassment (including sexual harassment), FMLA, ADA, FLSA, COBRA, recruitment and onboarding, discipline and discharge, unemployment, workers’ compensation, behavior-based interviewing and more workplace specialties.

The incident marks the second time in four years in which NCAI’s highest-ranking legal official was investigated for sexual harassment-related complaints.

In 2018, non-Indian attorney John Dossett was ousted after Indianz.Com reported on allegations that eventually cost him a role he held at the organization for two decades. It marks the second time in three years in which the top executive at the largest inter-tribal organization in the United States has been embroiled in a sexual harassment scandal.

In 2019, Jackie Pata, a citizen of the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes based in Southeast Alaska,  departed NCAI following a four-month suspension connected to her handling of the Dossett investigation.

Read the story at this link.


  1. “During a first visit?”
    Ha. These fellows don’t wait around. If it’s easy pickins, first time beats waiting around. Byron Mallott didn’t wait around either. But his little excursion cost him a one-way trip to Purgatory.

    • We love her stories, Lucie. Suzanne reveals the bottom of the compost pile where all the Left-wing aholes and Democrats try to hide their manure. Suzanne is very good at exposing the crap, so much that it pisses you off.?

    • It would be easier to give this comment gravity if you listed some examples. Or are you just grousing to grouse?

      Which stories are being ignored? Which are being incorrectly forwarded? Which have been covered in a way which is factually incorrect?

      You do realize this is a conservative site? It’s not unreasonable to assume a conservative worldview. I don’t go to MSNBC expecting a conservative POV.

      • Lucie, has no game. No facts to back up her little girlie assertions. She’s a radical Democrat assigned to troll MRAK. Nothing more to see when she opines here.

  2. Again! Search out ” Every man’s battle”and “Every woman’s battle” overcoming sexual addiction before tomorrow you are the next headline. Once a single controls their sex addiction won’t be long until they are married to a good spouse. A sleazy man or woman can’t hide their sleazy thoughts good smart men or woman see the red flags. Then you end up makinga a move on a weak person who without discreation tattles , so you might as well registrar for next every man’s and woman’s battle workshop. Ciao!

  3. The Democrats have more or less abandoned BLM, like they did with #MeToo, got their mileage out of them. The focus now is Native Americans as we see with Deb Haaland and her mini me Peltola. Slippery ground here as there are many hidden secrets in the Native Villages, Mallot can vouch for this.

  4. LOL …. Muller wrote the book on the problems w/ “office romance” from his personal experience.
    Can’t make this stuff up.

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