Happy birthday; now here is your APOC complaint


Meda DeWitt, hired hand and high Poobah over at the Recall Dunleavy Committee, wants you to donate money in honor of her 40th birthday. It’s a generational thing, perhaps, one part activism mixed with one part narcissism in an Instagram frame.

“Turning 40 on Tuesday! For my fortieth birthday I am asking that you donate to the Recall Dunleavy movement! We have made history every step of the way and it has been hard navigating a world wide pandemic both as a Recall and as a state. We are so grateful that Dr. Zink has shared her grace and intelligence with us, but as the Governor opens the state fully we know his stance- profits over people,” DeWitt wrote on Facebook.

But DeWitt, who calls herself “APOC Chair” on her self-congratulatory birthday card, is not actually the chair of the Alaska Public Offices Commission, as the invitation leads readers to believe. That is the commission that monitors campaign activity to make sure it’s legal.

DeWitt is the paid person at the Recall Dunleavy campaign, and she is in charge specifically, of making sure the group is in compliance with APOC.

What’s more, her fundraising request did not come with the proper APOC disclaimer, saying who had paid for the message, sent by email to thousands of Alaskans.

That omission brought a complaint from Republican activist Randy Ruedrich, who pointed out to APOC that not only had the group misidentified her, but they failed in the compliance disclaimer.

APOC has yet to open a formal inquiry. The mistake will likely not cost the Recall Dunleavy group much, as DeWitt will say she is a newcomer to politics. She’ll get a slap on her hand and probably enough donations to pay the APOC fine and then some.

Those who want to celebrate Meda’s birthday but not give to the Recall Dunleavy campaign, can always direct their donations to Must Read Alaska, at the link below, to help this conservative news site stay afloat!


  1. Another reason this advertisement is misleading is that voters should only be deciding to recall the governor based upon the items laid out by the recall. Voting to recall the governor for any other reason outside of the reasons for recall isn’t a vote in good faith and shouldn’t be allowed. The recall is only based upon the reasons stated in the recall, even if leftists would like to cast a wide net to capture any and every reason. Sadly a few commentators who post here claiming to be conservative would do just that, rule of law be damned.

  2. Ed,

    A 40 pound weight loss over 90 days isn’t normal, especially for a 65 year old. You should seriously go get that checked out. Maybe you don’t have the nonexistent covid, but maybe it’s something else?

  3. Whoa! Those birthday candles look a lot like cartridges in a stripper clip, ready to be inserted into a rifle! Is this some sort of signal set to “trigger” the darling wing (BLM) of the Democrat party?

  4. Millennials ( by your description) will therefore not be happy in the following trades:
    * All military forces
    *Fire fighting
    *Commercial fishermen
    * workers on oil rigs
    *merchant marines
    *skilled manufacturing
    * skilled carpentry
    * scientific labs of any kind
    * undertakers
    * 911 dispatch
    * astronauts
    * mailmen
    * All industrial instructors
    * plumbers
    * checkout staff at stores
    * police
    * dentists
    *ER and OR nurses
    * surgeons
    * auto mechanics
    Of the millions of necessary jobs on earth, and this list could go ad infinitum, most jobs are exacting.

    Good luck millennials.

    Please feel free to add to this list.

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