Guess who got to meet President Trump?



It wasn’t just Gov. Michael Dunleavy who dropped by JBER to say hello to President Donald Trump on Wednesday, as Trump traveled through Anchorage on his way to Japan and the G20 Summit.

That’s Gov. Dunleavy’s wife First Lady Rose Dunleavy and the couple’s daughter Maggie on the tarmac in the photo above, watching Air Force One position itself.

The governor of Alaska and his family boarded the plane and spoke with the president for several minutes. It’s safe to say that this is the first time an Inupiaq Alaskan from Noorvik has boarded Air Force One. Rose Dunleavy was raised in the Arctic village, which is a snowmachine ride away from Kotzebue.

And since you asked, yes, both Alaska’s First Lady Rose and daughter Maggie wore traditional kuspuks to meet the president, who had invited the two to come along with the governor. This is Dunleavy’s fourth meeting with Trump since the governor was sworn into office in December.

Official White House Photo by Sheila Craighead.


  1. Oh my! The continued snark and bashing of all things liberal by Suzanne Down… oh, wait. My bad.

    Thanks for pointing out the good in politics and Guv. Tall Guy, his family and POTUS. I wouldn’t worry about the comments from other tall thin men or shortish mayoral type men. Self reflection is not a trait practiced by their ilk. And we cannot expect the local “media” to call out the inconsistencies of the liberal message while our formally All American city drowns in a sea of rubbish, stolen bikes, hypodermic needles, petty theft and the faint aroma of pot.

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