Groups forming to back candidates, causes


A host of new campaign influence groups have formed in recent weeks to push the candidates and causes they care about. Those organized and funded efforts attempting to sway voters must register with the Alaska Public Offices Commission, and their communications are highly regulated by APOC, (a cause of concern to strict constitutionalists who believe in First Amendment protections of political speech.)

Two of the recent groups are focused on supporting law and order: Stop Alaska Crime and Repeal SB 91.

Group registrations since March 1 add to several others already formed since the first of the year. They’re listed with their name and the wording of how they describe their intent and activities:

ABC Alaska PAC – ABC believes that companies should reward employees based on performance and encourage them to reach their highest level of achievement, and that contracts be awarded based on safety, quality and cost effectiveness – regardless of labor affiliation.

Alaska Federation of Republican Women – Engaged in Anchorage Municipal races and state General Election.

Alaska Free Market Coalition – To promote candidates who are fiscally conservative, pro-business, and supportive of free market economic principles.

Alaska Ironworkers Political Action Committee – Increase employment of Union Ironworkers in the state of Alaska.

Alaska Libertarian Party – The ALP is a political party dedicated to legal and peaceful reduction in the size and power of government.

Alaskans for Kevin Meyer – Assist in providing the State of Alaska with a qualified Lt. Governor.

Alaskans for Scott Hawkins – To independently support the candidacy of Scott Hawkins in the 2018 Republican Primary for Governor of Alaska. (Started by a group based in Ketchikan.)

Alaska’s Southcentral Federated Republican Women – Educate, inform and support the electorate.

Anchorage Education Association Public Affairs Committee on Education – To promote public education.

Alaska Women for Political Action – Electing progressive women candidates to political office and educating women on issues important to them.

Fair Anchorage No on Prop 1 – To oppose any effort to repeal or weaken Anchorage’s nondiscrimination ordinance. We know Anchorage is a welcoming place to live, work, and play, and that discrimination isn’t an Anchorage value: that’s why we need to keep Anchorage fair.

House District 24 Democrats – Southwest Anchorage – Subdivision of AK Democratic Party for HD 24, promoting Democratic ideas and principles in southwest Anchorage.

Kodiak Democratic Party – Elect Democrats / Independents.

Mat Su Democrats – A unified group of Democrats of the Matanuska-Susitna Borough and those who reside in precincts of any district which has any portion of its boundaries within the Borough. A subdivision of the Alaska Democratic Party and listed as such in its Party Plan of Organization.

Midnight Sun Republican Women’s Club – To support the Republican Party’s ideas and to encourage women in politics.

Patriots Party of Alaska – Political group whose purpose is to field, and run/endorse candidates for public office in elections at all levels of government as allowed by law.

Public Employees Local 71 Supporting League – Union candidate and supporting fund.

Repeal SB 91 – To oppose political candidates who do not support the repeal of SB 91 crime bill. (Formed by Deb Brollini.)

Stand for Alaska – Protecting salmon, jobs, and communities. (Formed earlier, needed to change the type of group it is due to the ballot proposition that has since been approved that it will be opposing.)

Stop Alaska Crime – Bring people together to fight for stricter penalties for crime. Work together to improve safety in communities.(Formed by Vicki Wallner, who runs a popular Facebook Page, Stop Valley Thieves, and a new associated Facebook page Stop Alaska Crime.)

Tongass Democrats – Precinct level branch of Alaska Democratic Party. Fundraise locally for Democratic candidates and causes.

Yes for Salmon – To promote the passage of a ballot measure to update salmon habitat regulations. (Was earlier formed as “Stand for Salmon,” changed the group name and the type of group it is due to the ballot proposition that has been approved that it will be supporting.)


In February, a group of Alaskans formed a Dunleavy for Alaska committee, headed by Terre Gales, a former candidate for Anchorage Assembly. The APOC reports show it has more than $400,000 in contributions.

The group, independent and prohibited from coordinating with the Alaskans for Dunleavy campaign, has additional pledges and the cash in the door already includes a $5,000 check from a Wasilla individual to a $100,000 contribution from Mike Dunleavy’s brother.


An outside group is said to be forming to support the candidacy of Gov. Bill Walker, with a hefty serving of public employee labor union support. But although the rumors of its imminent creation surfaced weeks ago, it has still not shown up on the APOC reports, leading some political wags to wonder if there’s trouble in the kingdom.

Donors may be hesitant until they see more polling results, as the ones completed to date show Walker in deep trouble with the electorate over key issues involving spending, the Permanent Fund, and quality of life.

There are several Democrat-affiliated groups that will support his candidacy in one way or another if Democrat Mark Begich does not jump in to knock Walker out of the running.

A recent survey by the Alaska Chamber of 809 likely voters statewide showed that the public still favors spending cuts rather than instituting an income tax — 72 percent supporting cuts to 26 percent opposing cuts.

The poll result confirms earlier polls and no doubt this is the same headwinds the Walker camp is encountering — if it is polling. Walker has proposed nearly a dozen new taxes and has said he cannot reduce state government further because it’s now cut to the bone.

An example of the public opinion that may be holding off the creation of the political action committee for Gov. Walker:



  1. We need someone to form a PAC in support of the “pro-life.. PFD protectors.” the “Men in Red PAC” see us on the campaign trail in a neighborhood near you.

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