Governor tells Sen. Reinbold she’s violated ethics act with misrepresentations and wild allegations about virus


Gov. Mike Dunleavy has run out of patience for Sen. Lora Reinbold. In a scorching letter to the senator from Eagle River, he told her that not he, nor anyone in his Administration, will engage with her any longer. The letter is dated Feb. 18, 2021:

“As public officials, we both swear an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Alaska.‘ That oath reads, in part, that public officials will ‘faithfitlly discharge [my] duties as….to the best of [my] ability. ”2 That premise, of faithfully discharging duties, is the basis of public service; that those empowered by the citizens of a land can be trusted to act in good faith on their behalf.

“It is clear you have abdicated the tenets of your oath as a public servant. Out of respect for Article II of the State of Alaska Constitution, I will not outline in detail your violations of the Legislature’s Uniform Rules,3 the Legislative Ethics Act, the manual of legislative procedure guiding conduct on the record, and the Alaska Legislature Professional Workplace Conduct Policy; your continued qualification as a member of the Legislature is a matter best determined by the Voters.

What does fall within my purview, as the Governor of the State of Alaska, is the daily administration of government. An essential part of how state government functions is the interaction between its Legislative and Executive Branches. The laws and budget passed by the Legislature are enacted by the Governor,” Dunleavy wrote.

Dunleavy admonished Reinbold to conduct herself in good faith and in the public interest.

“People can disagree, and do so vehemently; that marketplace of ideas is intrinsic to a republican democratic form of government. When those entrusted by the people, imbued with the dignity and authority of an office affording them the power to change the laws of the land, and to hold the power of the public purse, engage in direct affronts to those responsibilities, they dishonor their office and should be publicly condemned for their conduct,” he continued.

“You have used your position as a member of the Alaska State Senate to publicly misrepresent the State of Alaska’s response to a global health crisis. You impugned the motivations of unelected and non-political employees working for the State of Alaska with baseless allegations that, on multiple occasions, were demonstrated to you to be false. Time and again, when provided the information unequivocally illustrating the blatant inaccuracies in your public statements about the State of Alaska’s health responses, you persisted in continuing to betray the public trust with those statements. You deceived the people of Alaska about their government’s response to the largest public health crisis in a century. In doing so, you violated the obligation you have, as a member of the Legislature, to promoting and protecting public health,” Dunleavy wrote.

Clearly, the chair of Senate Judiciary has gotten on the governor’s last nerve. He continued to admonish:

“The misinformation must end. Since you have been, up until now, either incapable or unwilling to read the responses from employees in the various agencies under my constitutional authority, let me be clear with you:
I have never imposed martial law or forced Alaskans to take the COVID-19 vaccine. My administration instead coordinated with local governments, hospitals, businesses, and volunteer organizations so that as many Alaskans as possible have access to the vaccine if they so wish. Alaska has through this pandemic had one of the best sets of health outcomes in the United States, with some of the least restrictive measures of any state in the country.

“My administration suspended regulations, as authorized under AS 26.23.020, so that Alaskans would not have to subject themselves to increased risks of contracting the virus. This administration also suspended dozens of regulations affecting businesses, to assure that our economy could withstand the shocks it was subjected to in 2020. Our government suspended imposing fees on thousands of Alaskan businesses and prevented increasing fees on our neighbors who were struggling to keep their staff employed and their doors open.

“There are certainly many Alaskans, and colleagues within the Legislature, who had desires and demands for my administration to take more invasive and drastic measures, such as implementing a statewide mask mandate, or overriding the constitutional rights of First Class cities to manage the public health of residents. To those groups’ mutual frustration, I adhered to my stance that the State of Alaska Constitution defers to local control, because the best government is that closest to the people.” As a self-professed small government conservative, you should know this. You do know this, because my administration has responded to you, repeatedly, in answer to your accusations on this subject,” the governor wrote.

“The resources brought to bear in responding to your many superfluous inquiries have been costly, time consuming, and most importantly, distracting from the public duties of the many employees attempting to do the business of the people of Alaska. While it is undoubtedly the rightful place of the Legislature to hold the Executive Branch of government accountable, that process of inquiry must be consistent with the laws, procedures, and within the structured functioning of the Legislature. More importantly, the requests, or demands, must be based in fact, and not in idle speculation, and must be with a public purpose in mind.
It is clear, from the unrelenting correspondence between yourself and the members of my administration, that your demands are not based in fact, or in concert with the intent granted legislative oversight. Your baseless, deleterious, and self-serving demands on government resources amounts to an abuse of public services and will no longer be endured.”

And finally, Dunleavy gave the directive that his Administration is not going to respond to her any longer:

“This letter serves as notice that all officials and staff, employed and serving the State of Alaska’s Executive Branch of government, will not be responding, or participating, in any matter that pertains to yourself, your office, or, currently, in your capacity as the chair of a committee. The resources of the State of Alaska are not yours to abuse for your own, as yet undiscemible, personal benefit. It is lamentable that the good citizens of Eagle River and Chugiak are deprived of meaningful representation by the actions of the person holding the office of Senator.

“I will not continue to subject the public resources of the State of Alaska to the mockery of a charade, disguised as public purpose.”

His letter is signed

Mike Dunleavy Governor”


  1. The Governor writes, ” I will not outline in detail your violations of the Legislature’s Uniform Rules,3 the Legislative Ethics Act, the manual of legislative procedure guiding conduct on the record, and the Alaska Legislature Professional Workplace Conduct Policy;…”

    What has she been doing? All this letter did for me is make me curious about this topic.

    • I agree Jim, this article is devoid of exactly what the Senator said or is implying the Governor did. Usually, when people react so strongly against another, it’s either BS or someone is getting to close to the truth. I would sure like to know what is being addressed.

  2. I am proud to have someone like Lora represent me in my district. I can not say the same about our Governor who takes his lead from useless idiots. Too bad that he couldn’t stand for himself like this woman has.

      • You’re right. Cancel culture is not the way to go Governor. I haven’t kept up with what Lora has done but she shouldn’t be cancelled altogether. That basically cancelling all the folks in Chugiak and Eagle River district. They don’t deserve that!

    • Lora is AWESOME! Glad to see somebody that echoes what the populist people’s are actually talking about daily that Juneau seems aloof to (and by aloof I mean utterly refuses to take responsibility for their crimes against the People’s). The deafening chatter of the angry-band wagon mimickers is obnoxious and unhelpful at best…a year into it and nobody still knows anything about ‘Rona but are angry at one another…keep piling the masks on, that’s “helpful,” like I said, useless mimickers! Nice to see a lovely person acknowledging the very serious concerns of the “silent” majority! Wish she represented our area up here!

  3. Seems that Sen. Reinbold struck a nerve with Gov. Standstall. Too bad he didn’t push back on the budget, unions, democrats and UA systems like that. Does he only stand tall against fellow Republicans? Could it be he’s trying to curry favor with the overworked DOA union folks? Or, show strength in the face of a recall campaign that has started back up?

    • I could understand, the Governor, not wanting to deal with Senator Reinbold on Covid-19 matters, but all Matters!!! Governor Dunleavy seems to be using the Democrat Play Book – DESTROY YOUR OPPONENT and Republicans are taken the bait, hook, line and sinker. Some one needs to take a Civics lesson regarding the Three Branches of Government in America. Now, I am going to take my ball and go home to pout. How many Lawyers and how much time to write the Letter?

    • Yup, short on specifics. Just what horrible thing was it that she did to bring down the Hammer of Dunleavy upon her.
      Well, OK, the rubber hammer of dunleavy.

  4. I never considered signing the recall dunleavy petition… but…. might/probably would now. I voted for both of them, only she has a spine and the balls to stick to what she believes in and campaigned on.

      • Lorna, you sure are up everyone’s comment-hole’s with unhelpful hate. It must be the way people around treat you. Try being more informative in the future for everyone’s benefit and not your own self satisfaction of “kicking-dog.” Good Day to You and I genuinely hope you have a nice day!

  5. Now that he found his pair, please send these letters to the rest of our air head politicians and the ever hungry UA system, maybe actually stick to your promise to cut spending and help restore a feasible budget……or just keep kicking Reinbold for not going along with the evaporation of our rights.

  6. Waiting for the District 14 virtue signaling censure of Gov Dunleavy for this just like they did Murky and Merrick……wonder how long i’ll have to wait.

    • Never gonna happen Mike , sorry to disappoint you. Were talking apples and oranges here and any conservative Republican see that!!

  7. The Governor suspended the 1st Amendment when he threatened churches that have in person services with arrest. If that’s not “Martial Law”, what is? And if he denies this, I have the emails from his administration and the State Troopers threatening arrest. So the Governor and his Covidian Hoax Cult are wrong and Sen Reinbold is right! The Governor has come out of his Covid Bunker after leaving the State in the hands of Dr. Zink, and is now trying to rewrite history.

  8. I am done with Dunleavy. He has clearly been compromised, threatened with being exposed, promised money, or otherwise has sold himself out, possibly for a promise of future employment. He can’t analyze basic numbers regarding this pandemic. 90% or more of the deaths from COVID had about 3 severe comorbidities. That means that 10% or less of the approximate 500,000 nationwide deaths were COVID-ONLY related deaths. 10% of 500,000 is 50,000. Which is about the average death rate from the common flu. This COVID farce is a giant lie of mislabeling death certificates. The hospitals, the media, and our so-called leaders like Mike Dunleavy should be ashamed of themselves. Not a leader.

    • He did change quickly that fateful summer when Kathy Giessel and Company took over. “Compromised” is my suspicion.

  9. Seems like you don’t give up your constitutional rights to free speech when you are elected to State office.

    I personally emailed Senator Reinbold and asked her to find out how Quinhagak managed 200 cases in ten days, nobody knew anyone that was sick and Native Health, YKHC, never reported a single false positive out of all that testing. Betting they got paid big bucks though.

    Senator if digging for me and others like me got you in trouble, you’re not too blame for standing up for Alaskans and asking the questions the Governors staff apparently doesn’t pass on to the Governor from Alaskans that didn’t swallow hook line and sinker this entire Covid fiasco or the BS vaccine that doesn’t prevent you from getting it or spreading it.

    P. S. It’s 8-1 for opening up our school, or in otherwords 85-8. Screw the liberal left hospital that just spent $280 MILLION dollars on a remodel and doesn’t have a single intensive care bed. Governor write a letter to YKHC and tell them to get the hell out of LKSD business.

  10. A lot of Yadda yadda coming from Governor Dunleavy whose supposed to be smarter than I. I refused to read past the first sentence. By the looks of his writing skimming thru it if I was Sen. Reinbold I’d thrown it in the Trash.
    Who cares whether or not whatever you think what is Covid. I think covid made everyone more Nuttier than a fruitcake than how they already were before 2019. The Nut brains still want to wear their mouth covering evenwhile covid testing sites are QUIETLY closed or closing down.

  11. Holy smokes, just when I thought things were coming into focus on certain issues, the Guv, formerly known as “Big Mike” comes down hard on this woman Senator from Eagle River? Clearly there has been so much smoke blown by the Guv in his attempts to corral this “crisis” that one can lose their way. This Senator seems to have drilled into a root canal on the Guv’s molar. I am not a big fan of the Senator, but… what has caused this? Hey Guv, listen, save the vitriol for this dude named Biden, AKA China Joe. Last I checked he is shutting down your State. File a lawsuit over his silly mask order for boats in State Waters just for starters. Good grief, I voted for this guy?

    • Bryce Edgmon will never allow a PFD. He’s the rules chair of the Democrat-RINO-controlled House and he can stop anything he wants

  12. Dunleavy is so full of waste his eyes are brown. Worst health crisis in a century? A virus with a 99% recovery rate. He sounds as vicious and vindictive as any liberal.

    • 493,000 US residents have died of COVID. Has there been a worse health crisis than that in the last century?

      • Ummm, yes. Heart Disease alone averages 665,000 US deaths every. single. year. So, yes, totally a worse health crisis. Cancer killed approximately 606,000 in 2020. But if you want to be terrified, you do you. You can’t fix stupid.

        • Way to lay it out for the chicken little lemming readership Jacque! And you didn’t even have to mention how the China Virus death statistics have been so horribly distorted by hospitals and public health officials which have been incentivized to do so with truckloads of COVID cash from power hungry politicians. The statistical clarity about comorbidities and actual causes of death would have only confused people like Eduardo, so I congratulate your wisdom in keeping it concise!

  13. The Governor should have held on to that letter for a day or two. I wish he had not sent it. Perhaps a meeting with her would have been productive. The letter is not IMO. And frankly it does not sound like the Governor. It sounds like the thing his Chief of Staff, Ben Stevens, would write.
    If the Governor keeps stubbing his toe, not only will he start alienating some of his base but he will add to the list of those who want him recalled. I do not know who is advising him. But it might be time for a change before it is too late.

  14. The letter suggests the Gov’s patience was blown not because of a single misdeed or a precise tipping point, but more from a continuing onslaught of unprofessional quackery. Probably most other legislators on both sides of the aisle agree.

  15. When Governor Dunleavy is labeled a vindictive liberal, you know the party needs a serious reset. I concur with his assessment 100%.

  16. The Governor just sent a very clear message about his expectations of our elected officials and that any violation of their oath carries consequence. The letter specifically outlined when/where Senator Reinbold made false allegations of the Governor’s response to the pandemic and why her actions continue to be grossly unprofessional. As an Alaskan you should WANT your Governor to respond like this and hold our elected officials to a high standard. Instead…you fall on your sword for someone as unlikable and loony as Reinbold.

    • Your numerous unhinged snivelings aimed at Lora suggest you harbor far more hatred toward her than might be normal and healthy, Lorna.

      Was she one of the popular and pretty girls who got the attention that you craved in your youth while you sat home alone chowing comfort food, crying your eyes out, and wondering why others couldn’t see what a special rock star you really are?

      What exactly did she do to you and when was the last time you took a walk?

    • *Sigh*!
      Lorna every heard of co-equal branches of government??
      Lora Reinbold doesn’t work for the governor. She represents the people in Chugiak/Eagle River. The governor is running the state and its’ agencies according to the rules passed by the legislature and the money appropriated by the same. The legislature has the responsibility to check up, that what they passed is implemented, how fund have been spent and to adjust the law to make it work better. This is doubly important as the emergency declaration gives the governor considerably more leeway with incoming federal funds and the allowed circumvention of rules and laws.
      So Lora has every right to ask questions. She is clearly not getting to the bottom of things.
      This pandemic has taken a toll on of most of us and some get a bit in the weeds. This includes you and your vitriolic personal attacks. Take a breath Lorna until you have something constructive to add. Thank you!

  17. I believe the young folks might say something like “Go get him, Lora! Tear him a new one!”

    Regrettably enough though, the next gubernatorial election is likely to be incredibly ugly with much Republican infighting and we shouldn’t be terribly surprised to see a creep like Begich end up taking the win.

    • Actually, the young folks are saying bravo, Mr. Governor for holding our public officials to a high standard of ethics and honesty. Reinbold is a detriment to our state.

      • Oh my gosh, Lorna, my apology is in order.

        I was actually referring to the brighter, conservative young folks who expect consistent integrity from public servants, not the ignorant and programmed young fools who you refer to.

  18. The Senator from Eagle River is, in my opinion, a nut. The evidence supporting this conclusion is considerable, and all freely available on Gavel to Gavel. I’m a Trump supporting, pro-development Christian conservative, and it’s abundantly clear to me that Ms. Reinbold is operating on a wavelength a few notches away from reality.

    • Just send one letter to all 59 legislators. Promote Sen. Shower to Commish of Public Safety. Abolish this Session. Alaskans don’t need this idiocy called the Alaska State Legislature. All ugly people assembled in Juneau thinking they are Alaska’s beautiful people. Gag me!

  19. Wish he would’ve stood up for the Muni against the Assembly like this. Yet, a year later, here we are and he hasn’t said a word. This is what he gets upset about? Get real

  20. Governor Dunleavy should have just sent the message out via the Emergency Alert System! Lol!
    What a bunch of nonsense by everyone involved. Child like temper tantrums from Lora on Alaska Airlines over masks, and massive political overreach by Dunleavy during this covid mess.
    Dunleavy is living in a glass house right now. He shouldn’t be throwing stones when others like Amanda Price might be tossing a few back soon.

  21. Reinbold deserves all that the Letter said plus lots more. She is a reckless out of control power hungry off the deep end nut job. Only RINO Dan Saddler could lose to Reinbold.
    The China Flu brought to us by design with the intent of destroying Trump by the group who had the most to gain China is not an excuse to abuse the Public trust.
    Reinbold is known by her fellow Politicians as someone who cannot be trusted. Who else has the years of service as an elected official that has not been a committee chair or at least a co chair. Who has always been shunned by her fellow republicans? Reinbold is equally tough on her staff, with a high turnover rate. In the process of all of this Lora where is the Bacon that all of us in Eagle River deserve? Nothing Lora, because you cannot work with anyone on anything.

    The letter that the Governor sent is just on more episode of a continuation of the battle that Reinbold has been fueling since Dunleavy took office.
    Question for the District 14 Red banner, as Merrick was recently rebuked, will Reinbold also get a slap on the wrist?
    Eagle River has a couple of Real Jewels between Crazy Reinbold and Democratic Boot Licker Merrick.

  22. So, the only state politician who stands up for our rights is subjected to Big Mike finally growing a pair and unleashing a tsunami of vitriol upon her?
    But he is silent and goes along with the rest of them robbing us blind and doing nothing while slurping vast amounts of per diem money?
    Hey Mike, how DARE she ask the right questions? How dare she!!
    I’m done. Our state politicians are fully compromised, and now Mike is obviously in on it too…..

  23. Sounds to me that the governor got the toughest with the smallest. I haven’t seen him laying down the law to the unions, our education system, and etc. I haven’t seen him stand his ground on the PFD, resource extraction, nor much else.
    He has made a lot of moves, even bared his teeth a few times, but so far only one little girl from Eagle River has gotten bit. To everyone else it’s “Pretty Please? With kisses!”
    Dunleavy has exiled Reinbold to the outer darkness … because she annoyed him?
    “I adhered to my stance that the State of Alaska Constitution defers to local control…” Ok, fine, isn’t Eagle River local control over Reinbold? Coming down on her personally, like the wrath of God isn’t very local.
    IMO: Even if you’re right, you’re wrong in so many ways.

  24. Dunleavy could have publicly supported the businesses in Anchorage by stating, in his addresses, that the suspension of the Constitutional rights of the business owners in Anchorage was a violation of their rights. He could also have directed the AG to make that case in court on behalf of those citizens. He sat on his hands and let the oligarchy in Anchorage step all over the Alaskans in Anchorage. He protests too much. Reinbold is right, Zink and Crum did a bad job by hyping the Covid thing and did NOT serve Alaska well. Taking away the rights of everybody in the false hope of saving a few is never an approach to a problem that should be used by government. It smacks of tyranny.

  25. Lora has been wrong in her approach, actions and attacks not based in fact. Her attacks were not just not based in fact but straight up lies, i.e. mandates, martial law, etc.
    I agree that I would like the Gov to go after the 1st Class cities harder, but even then, all he can do is put pressure, they still have the right under the Constitution to be stupid and the people have the right to re-elect stupid or toss them.
    Sorry Lora, your attacks on people that don’t agree with you, not just the Governor will be your downfall.

  26. Lora Reinbold Is right in her information and it is not a conspiracy. If you do your homework all the information is out there it is out in the open. Bill Gates is a eugenicist and he’s made himself the worlds doctor! I am supporting my senator from Eagle River and I do not support governor Dunleavy and will fight hard for anybody who is running against him that is a conservative to win! . Time to wake up folks. You may not agree but Covid has been Weaponized against us! Look at our God blessed city folks in this last year and you tell me it hasn’t been Weaponized. Makes me sick all the sheeple out there! I stand with my senator Reinbold! Good luck to all of you who have taken the MRNA Gene therapy Poison. You may feel fine now but give it some time and you will notice what happens to your body and for everyone it will be different. Don’t listen to me start doing your research instead of blindly following doctors because quite honestly they are repeaters of what they’ve been told and I guarantee you not all of them agree with the ones pushing this so called MRNA gene therapy. And Dunlevy can go back to his basement!!!!!

    • Grassy knoll was where the second shooter was located. And the twin towers on 9/11 were demolished by controlled explosions, not the planes. Roosevelt knew about Pearl Harbor on December 5th, too. It’s all there if you do the research.

      • ….and in his own mind, Joe Geldhof should be governor, or senator, or Editor-in-Chief, or something…… …except a troll who corrects all disbelievers and miscreants here at MRAK.

        • Tell us what you really think Paul-perhaps you also think Bill Gates is a eugenicist or that Covid has been weaponized against us. Heheh!

    • Wake up and smell the democracy burning. If you think you’ve got that kind of stroke after the last election and Prop 2 I can’t guess at how you think you’re going to get someone to the right of Dunleavy elected.

  27. Thank you Governor. Those who believe in Founding and State Constitutions are behind you and thank you for not bowing to the CCP model.
    Keep up the great work and restating Alaska’s sovereign standing.

  28. It is time for those who are falsely maligned to immediately come down hard and unequivocal on calling out those who are gaslighting the public with intentional misrepresentations. Lora Reinbold has turned Cersi Lannister as her ego has outgrown her obligation to represent the people of Alaska. From elitist tantrums aboard planes to spreading falsehoods about our governor, it appears Reinbold has lost her way and is stumbling over her own elitism.

    Good for Governor Dunleavy! I for one am glad to see someone stand up against elitist nonsense, especially when it comes from within the party that should be working harder to serve the people with dignity and honesty. Our own conservative side should be held to a high standard, and Reinbold has sunk low enough that maybe she should change parties.

    Meanwhile, Governor Dunleavy definitely represents those of us who voted for him. We are fed up and are in the mood to take no prisoners, especially when it comes to gaslighting elitist politicians who backstab their own people.

    This is just another of myriad examples why there is a need to move the legislature to the road system where they will have to face the public and run a clean government under the direct eyes of their constituents. If the legislature had to operate “in the sunshine” under the watchful eyes of the people of Alaska, maybe we would have less of this shameful drama. We are tired of the legislature hiding in the moldy shadows out of reach and out of sight in the cesspool darkness of Juneau.

  29. She is my Senator and I am offended my the harshness and unprofessional statements and accusations in your letter. Sen Reinbold has always represented her voters as she believes she should.
    I also support the way you the Governor has handled the pandemic and he has shown good judgment in spite of the constant criticism and unwarranted threat of impeachment by his haters.
    That said on behalf of both, I believe that the you Governor need to rescind the letter and admit you over reacted. If you didn’t write the letter you need to immediately and publicly take responsibility and correct this monumental error.

    Sen Reinbold I believe is trying to get information that people want to know but government both State and Federal won’t provide it or are constantly changing it.
    The vaccine is a perfect example as it is not a vaccine at all but experimental DNA modification never done before.
    There is a reason so many won’t take it and the government is lying about it being a vaccine or providing any immunity much less “herd immunity”.

    When government tells the truth people suspect they lie because more often than not they are hiding the facts. Dr Facci is perfect example. First he declared masks were no protection but insisted first responders wear them. Then he says everybody wears a mask for protection but not medical grade because first responders need all of them. ??? Why can’t everyone use the same mask if it provides protection? Now it is two masks ?! WTH which is it!! Fairbanks and Matsu have no mask ? requirements, closed schools selectively when infection occurred and no closing of businesses. Yet they have no great incidence of infection than Anchorage which has imposed it all and destroyed businesses and harmed all school children. What is right and the answer is not self rule!!! Our leadership is constantly violating their own rules in public but demand we follow them or be punished (Biden transportation rules TSA and CG)! Travel restrictions and masks are optional for leadership?

    DO Kids need to be home or NO kids can go to school or ONLY if schools follow constantly changing demands they can’t afford! DO teachers need shots or Not.

    U can safely travel or you can’t? By leaving it to States and cities to decide you have no constant following of guidelines so more confusion! If this a National or International pandemic it needs one set of rules for everyone or you get confusion and lies and more anger.

    Your letter only reinforces the opinion of many that you are lying, hiding and have no basis for your actions or the governments. Truth and light will convince more people than hiding and anger.

    Correct your mistake or loose more supporters Governor. Appointment an independent committee of experts from government and the community to investigate facts and evidence, review government policies and actions. Gather evidence and hear any witness in public. Allow them to present their recommendations to you and the legislature. Implementing only what is recommended by both you and the legislature without change.

    Then maybe you will have accountability to the voters and people may believe you. If not they can go to court or recall or vote those they disagree with.

  30. When “Big Mike” was running he made lots of promises, including reducing size of government and restoring the PFDs that had been stolen. My contention is if he would take the passion and energy he used to attack a State Senator and turn it on the true enemies of his campaign promises, Alaska might see some positive changes in our state. Leaders lead by actions based on convictions. “Big Mike” went from standing tall for Alaska to cowering in the corner the minute the recall petition was filed. If you won’t do what you promised, perhaps it is time for our gutless Governor to resign.

    • Preach.

      If he’d have used half of this energy opposing Giessel, we might have had a legitimate PFD

  31. She is my Senator and I am offended my the harshness and unprofessional statements and accusations in your letter. Sen Reinbold has always represented her voters as she believes she should.
    I also support the way you the Governor has handled the pandemic and he has shown good judgment in spite of the constant criticism and unwarranted threat of impeachment by his haters.
    That said on behalf of both, I believe that the you Governor need to rescind the letter and admit you over reacted. If you didn’t write the letter you need to immediately and publicly take responsibility and correct this monumental error.

    Sen Reinbold I believe is trying to get information that people want to know but government both State and Federal won’t provide it or are constantly changing it.
    The vaccine is a perfect example as it is not a vaccine at all but experimental DNA modification never done before.
    There is a reason so many won’t take it and the government is lying about it being a vaccine or providing any immunity much less “herd immunity”.

    When government tells the truth people suspect they lie because more often than not they are hiding the facts. Dr Facci is perfect example. First he declared masks were no protection but insisted first responders wear them. Then he says everybody wears a mask for protection but not medical grade because first responders need all of them. ??? Why can’t everyone use the same mask if it provides protection? Now it is two masks! WTH which is it!! Fairbanks and Matsu have no mask requirements, closed schools selectively when infection occurred and no closing of businesses. Yet they have no great incidence of infection than Anchorage which has imposed it all and destroyed businesses and harmed all school children. What is right and the answer is not self rule!!! Our leadership is constantly violating their own rules in public but demand we follow them or be punished (Biden transportation rules TSA and CG)! Travel restrictions and masks are optional for leadership?

    DO Kids need to be home or NO kids can go to school or ONLY if schools follow constantly changing demands they can’t afford! DO teachers need shots or Not.

    U can safely travel or you can’t? By leaving it to States and cities to decide you have no constant following of guidelines so more confusion! If this a National or International pandemic it needs one set of rules for everyone or you get confusion and lies and more anger.

    Your letter only reinforces the opinion of many that you are lying, hiding and have no basis for your actions or the governments. Truth and light will convince more people than hiding and anger.

    Correct your mistake or loose more supporters Governor. Appointment an independent committee of experts from government and the community to investigate facts and evidence, review government policies and actions. Gather evidence and hear any witness in public. Allow them to present their recommendations to you and the legislature. Implementing only what is recommended by both you and the legislature without change.

    Then maybe you will have accountability to the voters and people may believe you. If not they can go to court or recall or vote those they disagree with.

    • Wow, the most sensible comment so far. It is more than obvious that our Governor has been taking the advice of his staff a little too seriously for some time. He is not after all, a professional politician. We all have gone a little crazy during this pandemic, and Lora at least has her convictions, some out there,but heartfelt at least. I got a form letter from the Governor four months after I wrote to tell him that the Cares funds were not going to small businesses as intended, such as mine. So “his ” letter criticizing an outspoken Senator seems more than a little bit out of character. Reminds me of a star-trek episode where they had the leader druged-up while his staff created havoc in his name. Where was his letter to the ANC Assembly when they decided to blow the laws and take over? Too busy taking advice from people that cannot do anything themselves and are not electable, or choose to make their money giving poor advice. Yes, I remember the Special Olympics drama, Ben. I am that old. I loved Ted, but I think he was too busy in DC to teach you scruples. I plead to our Governor to take the bull by the horns and be his own man. Now is the only time. You are not going to be re-elected so what the heck? Do you want to be remembered like this? We know that you have scruples, listen to them.And quit listening to your mislead advisers. Common sense is the Alaskan way. I choose to keep my restaurant closed inside because it didn’t make sense to open a few tables and have a crowded waiting area like what’s going on now. Common sense. But I also don’t throw rocks at people who do otherwise. There is more important things to do than fight each other.

  32. My guess is that Ben Stevens wrote the letter. Sounds exactly like him. Likely Dunleavy just signed it. It should have read:
    ” engage in direct affronts to those who are attempting to control both the narrative and the money, they bring honor to their office, and should be publicly commended for their efforts”

    Reinbold represents actual conservatives in Alaska. Dunleavy, Geissel, and the rest of them represent government and polititans.

  33. Reinbold represents actual Alaskan conservatives.
    Dunleavy, Giesel, and the rest represent government and politicians.

  34. It’s wonderful that South Dakota hasn’t experienced an emergency. No volcanos blew up, no major flood no earthquake for which an emergency declaration would be justified. The world began to feel an emergency as the media detailed one/them. South Dakota has flourished without the lockdowns and business destruction. They are operating in the black. Isn’t that wonderful?

  35. You mean there is a Senator that sticks up for her district? Awesome!!! I listened to her put the statements out and they just needed an answer. But, Dunleavy is sensitive. He is dumping more debt on the state with a break up of a department with his friend, Crumm-bob. Yeeks! more social worker doctors for Anchorage and a job or two for Berkowitz of the addicts house of ill repute on property that got them into a lawsuit. Yikes! Dunleavy is losing business so if we all drive at $2.60 a gallon and want to go to Prudhoe Bay, we have to have a better highway to drive on or if we want to drive around his ranch in Wasilla, new roads are the thing. It will drive up the value of his property and eat up the funds from the feds that should have gone to save businesses and residents of the state or maybe more money packed into the hospitals that won’t let you in. Crumm-bob is helpful with that issue all in the name of CDC did it mentality. So, why the anger? So many of Dunleavy’s picks are going down the tubes and fast. The first time choice of a person ends up a bad decision. I watched as the finance committee met with the main players., gorging their budgets with state and covid money. Reinhold is right. Ask the unpleasant and critical question and you hit a nerve. So, Dunleavy better answer the questions. This state has had enough of his bad picks, Crumm-bob and more bad decisions with money.

  36. Lora Reinbold has stood up for the city of Anchorage. She has strong convictions about our Constitution and the freedoms that seem to be slipping away.
    Thank you Lora!

  37. No dishonor … just disagreement on course of action Governor.
    You “best worry about the real “dishonor & abdication of duty by
    Dems / Nonparts/ phony independents trying to mask their continuing subversion of Constitution/ laws/ citizen trust

  38. Dunleavy is a liar and by his own letter verifies he is an idiot. Sen. Reinbold has more integrity in her little finger for the state of Alaska than Dunleavy has in his fake suit and tie.

    The very accusations by Dunleavy are the ones he himself is guilty of. It gets real interesting digging into his brother Francis and Penny who combined have put almost 1 million into Dunleavy’s election. And a certain individual who gets a NO BID government contract. (nothing to see here) L.O.L………….. And then it gets more interesting when not one representative for Alaskans Commercial fisherman sits on the board of Fisheries !!! Sen. Reinbold is fighting for Alaskans and they are totally unaware of it.

    Independent auditors need to be assigned to look at where all the PPE money is being doled out!!! Alaskans you have a right to know and the medical facts that are being suppressed because of the money is “egregious in the least.

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