Governor signs off on Eklutna River restoration


Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy has signed the Final Eklutna Fish and Wildlife Program to restore year-round water flows to 11 of the 12 miles of the Eklutna River.

The governor was required by a 1991 agreement to establish a final Fish and Wildlife Program for the protection, mitigation of damages to, and enhancement of fish and wildlife affected by the Eklutna Hydroelectric Project.

The agreement mandates that the governor give equal consideration to eight factors and seek to reconcile differences between the various parties subject to the Agreement.

Eklutna provides power to a large section of Anchorage and the MatSu Valley as well as most of Anchorage’s drinking water.

“In the end, the decision was the only one that made sense. The five-year process was thorough; the science, sound; the solution, complete. The governor considered every angle, including meeting with dissenting voices and giving them their fair shot to change his mind. Ultimately, though, the renewal under the owners’ plans is definitely the best solution for energy and water that comes from the Eklutna Hydro system currently,” said Rick Whitbeck, Alaska state director for Power The Future.

The Final Program signed by the governor includes, among other things:

  • Construction of a new valve and release structure located adjacent to the Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility portal valve to restore year-round flow to the Eklutna River one mile downstream from the Eklutna Dam
  • Automation of the existing outlet gate at the base of the spillway at Eklutna Dam for remote operation
  • Development of a channel maintenance flow regime to support fish habitat over the long term
  • Construction of eight new bridges for AWWU to access water pipeline infrastructure currently accessible by fording the River
  • One-time payment of $234,000 for lakeside trail repairs
  • Creation of a Monitoring and Adaptive Management Plan that includes the establishment of an Monitoring and Adaptive Management Committee
  • Three limited reopeners for the study and potential construction of a fixed wheel gate to replace the existing overflow spillway, provisions to review fish passage alternatives, and the study of Pumped Storage Hydro that may restore fish passage
  • Immediate implementation of the Final Program
  • Reserving any remaining funds from the study of the fixed wheel gate for other protection, mitigation, and enhancement measures for fish and wildlife
  • Addition of one more member, appointed by the Governor, to the Monitoring and Adaptive Management Committee 

The Final Approved Program accepted a request by the Municipality of Anchorage and Native Village of Eklutna to include the study of the “pumped storage hydro alternative.” 

The Final Program also accepted a request by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service to specify that any remaining funds from the $10 million designated for a fixed wheel gate at the Eklutna Dam be made available for additional studies or measures that protect, mitigate damage to, or enhance fish and wildlife habitat if the fixed wheel gate is determined to not be structurally or economically feasible, the Governor’s Office said.

“The Final Fish and Wildlife Program established today under the Agreement balances the eight factors I am required to consider, and the Program is designed to be an iterative one that will be able to adapt to changing conditions and technologies well before the process is required to repeat itself,” said Governor Mike Dunleavy. “I want to thank the Parties, the Native Village of Eklutna, and the members of the public who helped shape this Final Program with their time, resources, input, and participation over the past five years. This is not the end of the process, and I am committed to seeing this Final Program successfully enacted.”

Click here for the Eklutna decision document.


  1. Increases to my utilities as a result will be sent to the Municipality of Anchorage for removal from my property Tax. I will not pay for the stupidity of the Anchorage Assembly and their inability to understand the ramifications of this onside monstrosity. The Village of Eklutna can GTH for all I care.

  2. Did you expect anything less out of the Cowardly Lion?

    He is the epitome of what is wrong with Alaska GOP.

    Hope he’s planning a life outside of Alaska. He’s burned every possible bridge here and the left will never accept him.

  3. Considering this “man” championed Nancy until he had no choice in the matter.

    What’s the difference between him and Kelly Merrick? She has more integrity.

  4. There is no ‘Eklunta Village’. They’re all almost full White and look like clowns when they have their fake pow wows. Grifters and laughable phoneys the lot of them.


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