Governor chooses DMVA Commissioner Torrence Saxe as next lieutenant governor successor


Gov. Mike Dunleavy has chosen Department of Military and Veterans Affairs Commissioner Torrence Saxe to be third in line in succession, in case something happens to either the governor or lieutenant governor that would take them from their positions.

Dunleavy made the appointment after Jason Brune stepped down from being commissioner of the Department of Environmental Conservation, where he was also serving as third in line from the governor.

Typically, a successor serves for the remainder of the term of the governor or lieutenant governor whom he succeeds and until a new governor is elected and sworn in.

Maj. Gen. Saxe is the adjutant general of the Alaska National Guard and the commissioner of DMVA.

As the adjutant general, he is the senior military advisor to the governor and commander of the Alaska National Guard, responsible for overseeing the training and readiness of 3,900 airmen and soldiers.

He also oversees the Alaska State Defense Force, Alaska Naval Militia, Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Veterans Affairs Office, and Alaska Military Youth Academy. General Saxe is the official liaison between the state and federal Department of Veterans Affairs, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and all military forces in Alaska.

General Saxe entered the Air Force in 1995 as a distinguished graduate of the Officer Training School, Maxwell AFB, Alabama.

Saxe joined the Alaska Air National Guard in 2004, serving as commander of the 213th Space Warning Squadron and the 13th Space Warning Squadron. As the 13th Space Warning Squadron commander, he was the Federal Installation Commander.

He also served as the commander of the 168th Wing, Eielson AFB, Alaska. Prior to his current position, General Saxe was the commander of the Alaska Air National Guard, Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska.

Prior to his current position, General Saxe was the commander of the 168th Wing, Eielson AFB, Alaska.


  1. Wait. So our relationships with our active military components in the state have been completely tanked by Saxe & now we’re rewarding him?

    • Good question. Could this be a move to prepare for the storm since Trump placed the nation under a COG (continuity of government) operation run by the military to protect America from the criminal syndicate running DC? Biden is a foreign agent and is compromised, purposely destroying our country and allowing an illegal invasion across our southern border. Time will tell!

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