Gov. Dunleavy and 18 other GOP governors send letter to Biden in support of Israel

Israeli rocket launch from Kodiak's Pacific Spaceport in 2019. File photo.

Gov. Mike Dunleavy joined 18 other governors in sending a letter to President Joe Biden expressing support for the State of Israel.

“The Hamas attack on Israel was not a land dispute. It was a terrorist attack on the outpost of democracy in the Middle East. As Americans, we must stand with those who share our values,” Dunleavy said on X/Twitter, referring to the attack on Israel by Iran-backed terrorists who killed as many as 1,300 people, in a highly coordinated operation on Saturday.

“We pledge our steadfast support to our ally Israel following the appalling attacks perpetrated against Israel’s sovereignty and innocent civilians on October 7, 2023,” wrote the governors to Biden. “We write today to make clear that our states absolutely condemn these heinous acts of terrorism led by Iran-backed Hamas and proudly stand Israel and the Jewish people.”

The governors, all Republican, wrote that “when the lives of American citizens hang in the balance, the American President must speak boldly and act decisively.”

“This type of international chaos and violence is a direct result of your administration’s appeasement-first foreign policy,” the letter said. “We call on you to project American strength by…clearly and unequivocally condemning these attacks and supporting Israel’s unquestioned right to respond and defend itself.” 

Led by South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, the other governors who signed the letter included Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey, Alaska Gov. Mike Dunleavy, Arkansas Gov. Sarah Sanders, Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, Idaho Gov. Brad Little, Indiana Gov. Eric Holcomb, Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds, Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves, New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu, North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, Nevada Gov. Joe Lombardo, Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt, South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster, Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin, and Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon.

The letter can be found here


  1. Another disgusting action by Dunleavy. Not because it is pro-Israel, but because foreign policy is NOT the purview of governors! Or are the supposed conservatives now usurping assumed powers, like the radical leftists have been doing in recent years?

    No support for Israel.
    No support for the Palestinians.
    It’s their problem, not ours.

    • Dunleavy, as usual, is less effective than moose scat to start a fire.

      Regardless of the whys and wherefores, we are almost certainly gonna be pulled deep in this.

      If you want a good giggle, look at the parallels between this and Europe circa 1914. It’s not promising.

      • Dissembling again, Steve? Why yes you are.

        Since when does ANYTHING having to do with general US policy towards foreign nations come within the official purview of a US state governor?

        • You’re not a student of history are you Jeff?

          Showing support isn’t foreign policy. Full stop end of story.

          The hate in you is palpable. Each and every post is dripping with it. If you need a hug, please reach out…because you really need a hug, man.

        • Physician, heal thyself.

          The only hate being demonstrated in these comments is yours, for everyone who is not in rigid lockstep with your pro-establishment beliefs and narratives.

    • I’d rather not be involved in any of it, but it is our problem. Why? Because Americans were killed, wounded and/or taken hostage along with all the other victims. In my mind that could constitute an act of war.

  2. Mmmm yay, milllions and millions more in US dollars going away. Too bad we can’t protect our own border.

  3. “We pledge our steadfast support to our ally Israel..”
    Too bad they won’t do the same for us.

    My understanding is that we have spent billions on billions of dollars for Israel defenses, how exactly did hamas get past the “iron dome” we built for Israel. Couldn’t have been all the money and weapons we left on the ground in Afghanistan, could it? I see people on here talking about the 6 billion pay out to the ayatollah that’s couch cushion money compared to Bidens Afghanistan blunder.

    • So much to work with, but it would be a case a leading a horse to water. You can lead to logic, but can’t make people think.

      Just a couple things:

      -Israel shares more info than anyone else in the region. Just because they don’t call you personally doesn’t mean it’s not happening.

      -No defense system is infallible. This is real life, not a SciFi movie. Even the Death Star had a flaw.

      -Part of the issue is part of Israel’s swamp. Many in Mossad were butt hurt over Bibi getting back in power. They were more concerned about internal politics than external threats.

      I totally agree with you regarding the incompetence of Biden and co. Sadly almost all of this was predictable.

    • Trump is not your guy, as you have made it abundantly clear on these pages.
      Or, are you talking about pResident Briben’s State Department taking action? Surely you do realize the State Department policy is “pay your own way, first.” Unless they suddenly got other direction, it is right there in black and white on their website.
      And, before they evacuate anyone, promissory notes must be signed. Not a single person boards without assuring the US Government that they will reimburse for the costs. Again, it was there on the State Department website, but perhaps someone saw the light and decided to do the right thing.
      However, given this administration’s bungling of everything they touch, I would be surprised if they are evacuating US Citizens free of charge.

      • Open your mouth and quickly pull your foot out of it. My guy aka the governor of my state of Florida is DeSantis. You really stepped in it and slipped this time. A new normal for you.

        • Wow, what a fantastic ego you have.
          Do you really think everyone on the planet thinks about every detail of your life all the time? Your guy is …. I do not care. You live… I do not care.
          But, for some reason you think I should know that? Why?

    • Yep, so-called “virtue signaling” (I say “so-called”, because there is little or no actual virtue connected with the cynical masquerade) is not and never has been the sole domain of the radical left — it’s just that (supposed) conservatives express it differently. Remember “Support the Troops”?

  4. Only 18 Governors? I’m not surprised that they are all Republicans, the left doesn’t support Israel, but there are 26 Republican Governors. Not a single Democratic Governor supports Israel.

  5. Since many won’t click the link to read the letter here’s what it says:

    Dear Mr. President,

    We pledge our steadfast support to our ally Israel following the appalling attacks perpetrated against
    Israel’s sovereignty and innocent civilians on October 7, 2023. We write today to make clear that our
    states absolutely condemn these heinous acts of terrorism led by Iran-backed Hamas and proudly stand
    with Israel and the Jewish people. Your administration’s initial response—including a call for a
    ceasefire—created dangerous confusion that has only further emboldened state-sponsors of terror and
    their henchmen to continue attacking Israel. Unfortunately, this type of international chaos and violence is
    a direct result of your administration’s appeasement-first foreign policy. Now is the moment to radically
    change course. We call on you to project American strength by, among other things, clearly and
    unequivocally condemning these attacks and supporting Israel’s unquestioned right to respond and defend
    itself. When the lives of American citizens hang in the balance, the American President must speak boldly
    and act decisively.

    First, we call on you to prioritize the protection of Americans who remain in harm’s way. To date, we
    have learned that Hamas terrorists murdered 27 American citizens and have taken an unknown number of
    Americans hostage. We pray for the families of those killed and missing. And we understand there is a
    process underway to locate American citizens taken hostage or otherwise missing and to bring them home
    swiftly and safely. But the lack of transparency in this process leads us to question whether your
    administration is pursuing this objective with maximum energy and diligence. Your administration
    should not rest until these Americans safely return to American soil. We also ask that you promptly
    communicate any continuing losses of American life to the states so that we can provide support and
    assistance to impacted families.

    Second, we call on you to provide unequivocal support to Israel as it defends itself and works to eliminate
    the Iran-backed terror group Hamas. Not only does Israel have the right to self-defense, it has the duty to
    respond with overwhelming force against Hamas to ensure this never happens again. Israel can, and should, take all actions necessary to eliminate all threats—terrorist or otherwise —to its sovereignty and
    its people. We must stop holding Israel to an impossible national security standard to which we as
    Americans would never submit. America should leverage its influence in the international community to
    ensure that Israel has the latitude to do what it must.

    Third, we call on you to cease your appeasement and empowerment of Iran, the world’s leading state
    sponsor of terrorism, including an immediate freeze of the $6 billion ransom payment made to the terror
    state and an expansion of sanctions against the Iranian regime. After your administration relaxed billions
    of dollars in sanctions, it negotiated a ransom payment that has provided Iran with additional means and
    confidence to reallocate funds to support terrorism. You must also immediately cut off foreign aid to
    Hamas- or Hezbollah-controlled territories. If we’re serious about not negotiating with terrorists, we must
    also stop allowing U.S. tax dollars to fall into their hands.

    Finally, we reiterate our call to close the Southern Border and protect Americans from similar threats at
    home. As we’ve stated before, the surge in illegal crossings has instigated an international humanitarian
    crisis, spurred a spike in international criminal activity, and exposed our states to criminal actors during
    this period of heightened security threats who threaten the public health and safety of US citizens.
    We request your immediate attention to the steps outlined above. Though our position has weakened in
    recent years, the world is still watching and waiting for the United States to exhibit leadership.

    • Honesty, my issue isn’t the content. It’s the performative nature of it. Virtue signaling, if you will.

      Dunleavy is especially good/bad (personal perspective) at it.

      Just say (your state) is appalled at the barbarity and stands ready to help however we can.

    • Can you also post the letters in support of fixing our broken elections, fixing OUR border, and prosecuting the DOJ for going after MAGA? I think I missed those.

  6. I spent 3 weeks in 1991 in Israel and Palestine and Gaza. The real problem is the reservation system that Israel adopted from the US system that still keeps the indigenous largely in poverty in the lower 48. No real attempt was made to come to any real agreement after the founding of Israel. As a result, Gaza is an open air prison. All this has bred unreasonable hate, resulting in now this atrocity against Israeli civilians and the resulting wholesale bombing of Gaza. Look back on the Indian wars in this country to see a parallel. Kill and be killed. Will mankind never learn?

  7. Headline is incorrect.
    It should say “Dunleavy and 18 other governers waste their time sending letter in support if Israel.”
    This is the most anti-Sematic administration I have seen in my lifetime. I have no doubt in my mind that the folks in DC are smiling with glee at the death muslim terrorists have caused in Israel.

  8. This is all a result of our weak president. Do you think Hamas would be so bold and so well funded with Trump in office? No, the US practically hands the weapons to these terrorists. Remember the arms dealer the US traded for Brittany Griner? Or all the military gear left behind in Afghanistan? Or the 6 billion in funds that Biden unfroze for Iran? Now all of our government officials get to virtue signal again.

  9. Iran just unzipped their fly. Now let’s see if they are going to put on a condom. The UN will be forced to back Isreal as this regional war gains speed. Even Roosevelt went to war eventually.

  10. When you think about the “failures” of Israeli intelligence in the attacks, you should remember that this is the same government that forced the jab on their population in greater percentages than even the US. We need to realize that none of these governments are of or by the people they are destroying. ‘

    • You mean like our intelligence missed all the clues that Pearl Harbor was coming? Your point is meaningless. You antivaxers really hate to be wrong. How many folks illegally came into our country by tunnels under trumpy?

      • FDR knew an attack was coming, maybe not the vicious attack that occurred, but he knew.
        He suppressed intel to force America into the war & rally the American people against a common enemy.
        I was surprised to see that fact was actually written into the script of the last “Pearl Harbor” movie. Our intelligence didn’t miss it, at least not all our intelligence.

  11. If you want to read something very disturbing start researching admissions by Israeli leaders of their funding Hamas all these years to keep the PLO form becoming stronger and more legitimized. It’s almost impossible to wrap your head around. It seems that we can’t take anything at face value anymore. All trust is gone.

  12. This is just like 9/11: ORCHESTRATED…There must be money sitting in an account that ‘by law’ has to notify the owner of said account. Oh. We can’t have that. Let’s start a war instead. That’s the way!

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