Glen Biegel: I’m voting for Robbins



Sitting in my chair this afternoon, I am oddly energized by the endless attacks on classical liberalism (our founding ideals) and western culture that is underway by the handlers of Forrest Dunbar, Bill Falsey, and George Martinez.

I am angered that the trade unions might follow their leadership into an election that hurts their country, their jobs, their children’s education and their city’s future.

But I am also hopeful that they will NOT follow their leadership. I am hopeful that trade union membership will see that common-sense Republicans are their present and future home. Briefly, this election is about opposing:

  • The 1619 project.
  • Anti-capitalism and (reverse) racism at the school district.
  • Cancel Culture
  • Standing up for the First amendment (speech, religion, assembly, association)
  • Opposing municipal overreach
  • Stopping another economically devastating Covid-10 response from the next strain of the virus.

As you know, I believe there are things to fight for beyond party, beyond rhetoric, beyond the momentary fog of this mayoral campaign. Most important for me is the fight for faith, and the ability to raise our children according to our beliefs and work out our salvation.

Stopping the trash-talking and ruining of this country is a close second.

Here is my take on this election and our political future:

  • Forrest Dunbar and Bill Falsey are slated to take on Congressman Don Young and Sen. Dan Sullivan, as our education system, and toxic cancel-culture, works to turn Alaska more purple.
  • I have seen a report that the National Democrats are targeting Alaska for a legislature takeover in the next cycle. They can smell weakness and confusion in our coalition of conservatives that stands against the left wing.
  • It is cheaper, more productive, and more satisfying to beat the left’s candidate in a Municipal election.

Bill Evans: I have only spoken with Bill Evans a few times. I haven’t thought very highly of his mailbox literature (though I blame his consultants more than him) and I don’t see him polling very well (Anchorage Press’ Change Research Democrat push-poll, or Robbins’ recently released polls).

He seems a good lawyer, and I hope he will support whoever wins the ‘primary’ ending April 6. (Note; If no one receives 45% of the total vote on April 6th, then we will have a runoff of the top two candidates in early May. The likelihood of anyone receiving 45% with 3 strong conservative fund raisers and 3 strong left wing candidates is hard to imagine).

If Bill will not personally support Bronson or Robbins, then I expect former Mayor Dan Sullivan will support the conservative, as I have worked with him many times and know his dedication to our city.

Dave Bronson: Dave Bronson is a good man, is working hard, and has energized a critical part of the base needed to win (Christian and business conservatives). He raised funds well, and the union/democrat backed Change Research poll showed him doing about even with Dunbar early on (though with only ~32% name recognition).

Based on the false information in the Democrat-backed Change Research poll, I believe Bronson is who Dunbar has shaped and prepped his campaign to run against.

Dunbar and Falsey have laid groundwork for several widely polled arguments against Bronson. It is my opinion, if Bronson were to win the primary (ending on April 6), that his support will top off at about 40% for a runoff in May, just below Amy Demboski’s efforts six years ago (she got 41% in a previous cycle against Ethan Berkowitz who won with 59%).

Finally, I believe Bronson or Mike Robbins will work closely with each other in the runoff, whoever wins. I will also be working hard for Dave Bronson should he carry the conservative banner after April 6th.

Mike Robbins: Mike and I have worked together for over 10 years. Mostly relating to radio, but recently within the Alaska Republican Party District 26. Mike has been chairman of the district for the last few years, and participated closely in the Elections of Sen. Josh Revak, Sen. Roger Holland and Rep. Laddie Shaw. Now, they are all supporters of Mike for very good reasons.

As a former Republican district chair, vice chair, state convention leader and candidate, I know a powerhouse when I see one. Mike thinks strategically, he speaks positively, he listens well, and faithfully represents conservative values. I understand the Anchorage Press has published an updated take (March 29th) on the election that differs significantly from their earlier article.

Their new data on this election more closely mirrors mine and recent polling. Mike is the only conservative candidate who can gather enough votes to first get into the runoff, and, depending on how well we work together, to win again in May. Don’t take Facebook, the comment sections of the Anchorage Daily News, or the fire-tossing trolls on various conservative sites as an indicator.

Conservatives, libertarians and classical liberals can work together to stop 1619, Cancel Culture and the planned National Democrat takeover of Alaska.

But we can’t do it by tearing folks down, we can’t do it without each other and we can’t do it without an inspiring leader and a good organizer.

I am supporting Mike in April with my vote, my money and my time. I am supporting whichever conservative might carry the banner in May as well. Please do the same. Also, invest yourself in this election.

This is not the time for good women and men to do nothing. The candidates can use your help. In fact, they will not be successful again in May without it.

I appreciate you giving me a few minutes of your time this Monday afternoon, at the end of a snowy March here in Anchorage. Please pray for our candidates. See you at the drop boxes, the polls, and all together again after victory.

School Board endorsements:

  • Judy Norton-Eledge (Seat B)
  • Sami Graham (Seat E)
  • Kim Paulson (Seat F)
  • Elisa Vikalis (Seat G)

Glen Biegel is a conservative activist and talk show host.


  1. Dear sir,
    As a republican leader you seem to have set aside two very fundamental issues from your list. ELECTION REFORM & GUN RIGHTS.
    If you had the same enthusiasm for these things in the past we would not be at this precipice.
    Thank you for your opinions but I will look elsewhere to find quality info for endorsing any candidates. You need to step aside and take a look around.

  2. No… your boy tied his future to the Knik Bridge.
    That bottomless make-work money pit was euthanized for good reason.
    Now Mike wants to be a Doctor Frankenstein and resurrect this monster?
    Oh hell no… not on a good day.

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