Gattis awarded early cash by District 7 GOP


Former Rep. Lynn Gattis, now running for lieutenant governor, was awarded $8,000 by District 7 Republicans, as shown in the latest Alaska Republican Party finance report with APOC.

In the past, the state party has stayed out of primary battles and waits until the nominee is decided upon in August balloting before throwing money toward a statewide race.

Sen. Gary Stevens, Sen. Kevin Meyer, and Stephen Wright, and Edith Grunwald are other Republicans in the race for lieutenant governor. Gattis was the first to file.

Tuckerman Babcock, chair of the Alaska Republican Party, said that the Rules Committee reviewed the transfer request by District 7 and decided that nothing prohibited the district from awarding money from its subaccount to a statewide candidate.


  1. And thats one of the many reasons why I will never give a dime to the Alaska Republican Party. My hard earned money will be donated directly to the candidate OF MY CHOICE.

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